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InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator 2024.1
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$DATA (ObjectScript)

Checks if a variable contains data.




Argument Description
variable The variable whose status is to be checked. A local or global variable, subscripted or unsubscripted. The variable may be undefined. You cannot specify a simple object property reference as variable; you can specify a multidimensional property reference as variable with the syntax
target Optional — A variable into which $DATA returns the current value of variable.


You can use $DATA to test whether a variable contains data before attempting an operation on it. $DATA returns status information about the specified variable. The variable argument can be the name of any variable (local variable, process-private global, or global), and can include a subscripted array element. It can be a multidimensional object property; it cannot be a non-multidimensional object property.

The possible status values that may be returned are as follows:

Status Value Meaning
0 The variable is undefined. Any reference would cause an <UNDEFINED> error.
1 The variable exists and contains data, but has no descendants. Note that the null string ("") qualifies as data.
10 The variable identifies an array element that has descendants (contains a downward pointer to another array element) but does not contain data. Any direct reference to such a variable will result in an <UNDEFINED> error. For example, if y(1) is defined, but y is not, $DATA(y) returns 10, set x=y will produce an <UNDEFINED> error.
11 The variable identifies an array element that has descendants (contains a downward pointer to another array element) and contains data. Variables of this type can be referenced in expressions.

You can use modulo 2 (#2) arithmetic to return a boolean value from $DATA: $DATA(var)#2 returns 0 for the undefined status codes (0 and 10), and returns 1 for the defined status codes (1 and 11).

Status values 1 and 11 indicate only the presence of data, not the type of data.

You can use the Undefined()Opens in a new tab method of the %SYSTEM.ProcessOpens in a new tab class to set behavior when encountering an undefined variable. For more information on <UNDEFINED> errors, refer to the $ZERROR special variable.

$DATA Tests Locks, Routines, Jobs, and Globals

  • $DATA(^$LOCK(lockname)) tests for the existence of a lock. Note that the return values are different: 0 = lock does not exist; 10 = lock exists. Lock descendants cannot be determined. Values 1 and 11 are never returned. Refer to ^$LOCK for further details.

  • $DATA(^$ROUTINE(routinename)) tests for the existence of the OBJ code version of a routine. Note that the return values are different: 0 = routine OBJ code does not exist; 1 = routine OBJ code exists. Values 10 and 11 are never returned. Refer to ^$ROUTINE for further details.

  • $DATA(^$JOB(jobnum)) tests for the existence of a job. Note that the return values are different: 0 = job does not exist; 1 = job exists. Values 10 and 11 are never returned. Refer to ^$JOB for further details.

  • $DATA(^$GLOBAL(globalname)) tests for the existence of a global. The return codes are the same as for variables: 0, 1, 10, and 11. Refer to ^$GLOBAL for further details.



The variable that is being tested for the presence of data:

  • variable can be a local variable, a global variable, or a process-private global (PPG) variable. It can be subscripted or unsubscripted.

    If a global variable, it can contain an extended global reference. If a subscripted global variable, it can be specified using a naked global reference. Even when referencing an undefined subscripted global variable, variable resets the naked indicator, affecting future naked global references, as described below.

  • variable can be a multidimensional object property. It cannot be a non-multidimensional object property. Attempting to use $DATA on a non-multidimensional object property results in an <OBJECT DISPATCH> error.

    For example, the %SQL.StatementMetadataOpens in a new tab class has a multidimensional property columnIndex, and a non-multidimensional property columnCount. In the following example, the first $DATA returns a value; the second $DATA results in an <OBJECT DISPATCH> error:

      SET x=##class(%SQL.StatementMetadata).%New()
      WRITE "columnIndex defined: ",$DATA(x.columnIndex),!
      WRITE "columnCount defined: ",$DATA(x.columnCount)
  • If variable is the ^$ROUTINE structured system variable, the possible returned status values are 1 or 0.


An optional argument. Specify the name of a local variable, a process-private global, or a global. This target variable does not need to be defined. If target is specified, $DATA writes the current data value of variable into target. If variable is undefined, the target value remains unchanged.

The ZBREAK command cannot specify the target argument as a watchpoint.


This example writes a selected range of records from the ^client array, a sparse array consisting of three levels. The first level contains the client’s name, the second the client’s address, and the third the client’s accounts, account numbers, and balances. A client can have up to four separate accounts. Because ^client is a sparse array there may be undefined elements at any of the three levels. The contents for a typical record might appear as follows:

^client(5) John Jones
^client(5,1) 23 Bay Rd./Boston/MA 02049
^client(5,1,1) Checking/45673/1248.00
^client(5,1,2) Savings/27564/3270.00
^client(5,1,3) Reserve Credit/32456/125.00
^client(5,1,4) Loan/81263/460.00

The code below provides a separate subroutine to handle the output for each of the three array levels. It uses the $DATA function at the start of each subroutine to test the current array element.

The $DATA=0 test in Level1, Level2, and Level3 tests whether the current array element is undefined. If TRUE, it causes the code to QUIT and revert to the previous level.

The $DATA=10 test in Level1 and Level2 tests whether the current array element contains a pointer to a subordinate element, but no data. If TRUE, it causes the code to write out a “No Data” message. The code then skips to the FOR loop processing for the next lower level. There is no $DATA=10 test in Level3 because there are no elements subordinate to this level.

The WRITE commands in Level2 and Level3 use the $PIECE function to extract the appropriate information from the current array element.

Start  Read !,"Output how many records: ",n
  Read !,"Start with record number: ",s
  For i=s:1:s+(n-1) {
    If $Data(^client(i)) {
      If $Data(^client(i))=10 {
        Write !," Name: No Data"
      Else {
        Write !," Name: " ,^client(i)
      If $Data(^client(i,1)) {
        If $Data(^client(i,1))=10 {
                            Write !,"Address: No Data"
        Else {
            Write !,"Address: ",$Piece(^client(i,1),"/",1)
            Write " , ",$Piece(^client(i,1),"/",2)
          Write " , ",$Piece(^client(i,1),"/",3)
      For j=1:1:4 {
        If $Data(^client(i,1,j)) {
             Write !,"Account: ",$Piece(^client(i,1,j),"/",1)
          Write " #: ",$Piece(^client(i,1,j),"/",2)
          Write " Balance: ",$Piece(^client(i,1,j),"/",3)
  Write !,"Finished."

When executed, this code might produce output similar to the following:

Output how many records: 3
Start with record number: 10
Name: Jane Smith
Address: 74 Hilltop Dr., Beverly, MA 01965
Account: Checking #: 34218 Balance: 876.72
Account: Reserve Credit #: 47821 Balance: 1200.00
Name: Thomas Brown
Address: 46 Huron Ave., Medford, MA 02019
Account: Checking #: 59363 Balance: 205.45
Account: Savings #: 41792 Balance: 1560.80
Account: Reserve Credit #: 64218 Balance: 125.52
Name: Sarah Copley
Address: No Data
Account: Checking #: 30021 Balance: 762.28

Naked Global References

$DATA sets the naked indicator when used with a global variable. The naked indicator is set even if the specified global variable is not defined (Status Value = 0).

Subsequent references to the same global variable can use a naked global reference, as shown in the following example:

   IF $DATA(^A(1,2,3))#2 {
     SET x=^(3)  }

For further details on using $DATA with global variables and naked global references, see Using Multidimensional Storage (Globals).

Global References in a Networked Environment

Using $DATA to repeatedly reference a global variable that is not defined (for example, $DATA(^x(1)) where ^x is not defined) always requires a network operation to test if the global is defined on the ECP data server.

Using $DATA to repeatedly reference undefined nodes within a defined global variable (for example, $DATA(^x(1)) where any other node in ^x is defined) does not require a network operation once the relevant portion of the global (^x) is in the client cache.

For further details, refer to Developing Distributed Cache Applications.

See Also

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