I/O Device Guide
- Introduction to I/O
- Introduction
- Overview of I/O Commands
- OPEN Command
- USE Command
- READ Command
- WRITE Command
- CLOSE Command
- Principal Device, Current Device, and Null Device
- One Process Owns a Device
- Each Process has a Principal Device
- InterSystems IRIS Directs I/O Commands to the Current Device
- When Your Principal Device Becomes Your Current Device
- Explicitly Using the Principal Device
- Options for Working with the Principal Device
- The Null Device
- Specifying Devices in I/O Commands
- Specifying Terminals and Printers by Device Name
- Specifying Devices by InterSystems IRIS ID
- Specifying Files on Disk
- Local Interprocess Communication (Pipes)
- Introduction
- Opening Pipes to InterSystems IRIS Utilities
- Pipes and Command Pipes
- OPEN Command for Interprocess Communication
- READ Command for Interprocess Communication
- CPIPE Exit Codes
- CLOSE Command for Interprocess Communication
- Using Named Pipes to Communicate with Visual Basic
- See Also
- Communication Between InterSystems IRIS Processes
- Introduction
- Specifying Memory Buffers for Interjob Communication Devices
- Interjob Communication Device Numbers
- I/O Commands for IJC Devices
- See Also
- TCP Client/Server Communication
- Introduction
- OPEN Command for TCP Devices
- Current TCP Device
- USE Command for TCP Devices
- READ Command for TCP Devices
- WRITE Command for TCP Devices
- Closing the Connection
- See Also
- TCP Advanced Topics
- UDP Client/Server Communication
- Terminal I/O
- Overview
- Special Variables Show I/O Conditions
- OPEN and USE Commands
- READ Command
- WRITE Command
- CLOSE Command
- Predefined Mnemonic Spaces for Terminals
- PRINT and ZPRINT Commands
- Programming Your Terminal
- File I/O
- Spool Device
- Introduction
- Opening and Using the Spool Device
- Spooling and Special Variables
- Closing the Spool Device
- Viewing the ^SPOOL Global
- Opening the Spooler Using the %IS Utility
- Managing Spooled Documents Using %SPOOL
- Printers
- Controlling Devices with Mnemonic Spaces
- Predefined Mnemonic Spaces
- Setting Up Default Mnemonic Spaces
- Creating a Mnemonic Space
- Select a Mnemonic Space
- Managing Devices and Mnemonic Spaces
- Device Management Utilities
- Default Devices
- Identifying Devices
- Defining Devices
- Accessing Devices
- Defining Default Mnemonic Spaces
- Using ^%IS
- Device Special Variables