Managing Productions
- Introduction to Managing Productions
- Background for System Administrators
- Introduction to Managing Productions
- Introduction to the Management Portal
- Getting Started with the Management Portal
- Viewing Summaries for Active Productions
- See Also
- Starting and Stopping Productions
- Starting a Production
- Stopping a Production
- Managing Production Auto-Start
- Overriding the Production Auto-Start Options in All Namespaces
- Improving Restarts for Productions with Large Queues
- Using Production Shutdown Groups
- Redeploying a Live Production
- Displaying the Deployment History
- Purging Production Data
- Introduction
- First-time Purges
- Purging Data Manually
- Purging Data on a Schedule
- Settings Applicable to Data Purges
- Using the Archive Manager
- Managing Workflow Roles, Users, and Tasks
- Introduction to the Workflow Menu
- Managing Workflow Roles
- Managing Workflow Users
- Managing Workflow Tasks
- Viewing the Assigned Tasks
- Defining Publish and Subscribe Message Routing
- Controlling Data Storage for Productions
- Separate Databases for Routines and Globals
- Productions and Namespaces
- Where InterSystems IRIS Stores Password Credentials
- Where InterSystems IRIS Stores Temporary Production Data
- Controlling Access to Management Portal Functions
- Introduction
- Predefined Resources
- Predefined Roles Related to Productions
- Default Privileges of the Predefined Roles
- Default SQL Privileges of the Predefined Roles
- Customizing Security
- Finding Information on Menu Items