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InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator 2024.1
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Send an alert message to a user device during execution of a business process.


<alert value="The system needs service right away."/>

Attributes and Elements

value attribute

Required. The text for the alert message. Specify an expression or a literal string.

LanguageOverride attribute

Optional. Specifies the scripting language in which any expressions (within in this element) are written.

Can be "python", "objectscript", or "basic" (not documented). Default is the language specified in the containing <process> element.

name, disabled, xpos, ypos, xend, yend attributes


The <alert> element sends an alert message to a user device.

The text of the message is always written to the Event Log as an entry of type Alert. However, the real purpose of the <alert> element is to contact the user through some notification device such as a pager or email. The <alert> element does this by sending the text of the message to a configuration item called Ens.Alert, which has been set up with all the information necessary to contact user devices outside InterSystems IRIS.


If no Ens.Alert item has been configured as a member of the production, the <alert> simply goes to the Event Log.

For details, see Defining Alert Processors.

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