[Actions] CreateUser:Name=UserName,PasswordHash="PasswordHashDetails",Roles="RolesList"[,Additional Properties]
CreateUser defines a user account. InterSystems IRIS® creates that user account when processing the [Actions] section during a configuration merge.
The CreateUser action accepts any of the user account properties which are listed as parameters in the class reference for the Security.Users.Create()Opens in a new tab method, except Password. Instead, CreateUser accepts a comma-delimited PasswordHash string which contains the hashed password, a salt, and (optionally) the hash function’s work factor and algorithm.
Because generating hash values manually is time-consuming and error-prone, InterSystems recommends using the passwordhash nanocontainer to generate the PasswordHash string. InterSystems provides this nanocontainer through the InterSystems Container RegistryOpens in a new tab.
The configuration merge documentation’s section about creating, modifying and deleting security objectsOpens in a new tab provides an example of how to use the CreateUser action.
Changing This Operation
This operation is designed to be used during a configuration merge. You can change CreateUser by editing the merge file in a text editor (as described in Editing the Active CPF).
For information about creating user accounts from the Management Portal, see Create a New User Account.