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Introduction to the Production Configuration Page

To create and configure interoperability productions, you use the Production Configuration page, introduced here.

Displaying the Production Configuration Page

To display the Production Configuration page:

  1. Log in to the Management Portal.

  2. Switch to the namespace you want to work in.

  3. Click Interoperability > Configure > Production.

This page then displays the currently selected production (if any) in that namespace.

For example, the following figure shows a sample production.

Screen shot of Production Configuration page with a production that routes files

The main area of the page displays the production, and the Settings tab on the left displays settings relevant to the currently selected item, as well as additional tabs that provide easy access to management options.

If you click Production Settings above the diagram, the options apply to the entire production. Similarly, if you click a business host, the options apply to that business host.

The Update Button

While you are developing new code and configuring the production, it sometimes happens that when you start the Management Portal, InterSystems IRIS detects a discrepancy between the production as defined in the code, and the status of the running production. Examples would be if:

  • A specific business host experienced an error and has died (the most likely cause).

  • You changed a configuration parameter for a business host in a running production, such that the host now needs to be restarted.

  • You enabled or disabled an item in a production, and this action requires the production to be stopped and restarted.

  • A production typically opens a Terminal window, but this window was closed by a user action while the production was still running.

When such discrepancies occur, the Update button appears on the Production Configuration page. If you click the button, InterSystems IRIS updates the production to resolve the discrepancy. If you prefer for the system to attempt to resolve the discrepancy automatically, you can add a business service based on the Ens.ProductionMonitorServiceOpens in a new tab class to the production. For more information, see Using the Production Monitor Service.

Controlling the Display

This section describes how to filter the display, sort the display, how to display alternative views of the production, how to control the refresh of the display, and how to hide the production or business host settings.

Filtering the Display by Category

To filter the business hosts in the production diagram, use the Category list.

Category drop-down list on the Production Configuration page

Select a value from this list. When you do so, the diagram display only those business hosts that have been assigned to the given category. Or click All to view all the business hosts in the production.

Note that a business host can be assigned to multiple categories.

For details, see Category in the reference Settings in All Productions.

Sorting Business Hosts

To sort the business hosts in the production diagram, use the Sort options:

Sort field on the Production Configuration page

  • Name—Sorts items alphabetically within each column.

  • Status—Sorts items within each column by status as follows: disabled, enabled, error, inactive.

  • Number—Sorts items as listed in the production class (which, by default, represents the order in which they were added to the production). To modify this order, you can edit the production class in an IDE.

Choosing a View Type

To view the business hosts in a different way, use the View options:

View field on the Production Configuration page

These view types are as follows:

  • The listing view displays the business hosts in lists, within the Services, Processes, and Operations columns. If the name of a business host is truncated due to the width of the columns, you can hover over the business host to view its full name.

    The listing view is used in most of the documentation.

    Screen shot of the Production Configuration page in listing view

  • The monitor view represents each business host in a larger circle where you can easily see items that may need attention. Here, click a circle to see a box with details for the business host.

    Screen shot of the Production Configuration page in monitor view

  • The service bus view is relevant only if you configure business partners and enter values in the Business Partner setting.

    This view displays the business hosts grouped by their associated business partners.

    Screen shot of the Production Configuration page in sevice bus view

Controlling the Refresh

Click the circular arrow to refresh the diagram once or click on to reload a fresh copy of the production diagram every 60 seconds; the refresh timer is off by default.

Note that InterSystems IRIS checks the status of individual business hosts (on a shorter interval) and refreshes the display for individual hosts as needed, regardless of the setting of auto-refresh.

Hiding the Settings Pane

Click the Hide Settings Tabs icon to hide the production or business host settings.

Understanding the Color Coding

When in list or monitor view, the Production Configuration page displays a circular status indicator next to each business host. The color of this circle indicates the state of the business host, as follows:

  • Pale green means that the business host is enabled but is not running.

  • Dark green means that the business host is enabled and is not running.

  • Gray means that the business host is disabled.

  • Red means that the business host is in an error state.

  • Purple means that the business host is retrying its activity.

  • Yellow means that the business host is inactive.

The page includes the Legend link, which you can use to display this information.


You can increase the visibility of the error states by specifying that the Error, Retry and Inactive states are to be indicated by a colored ellipse, not a circle. To do this append &VISUALAID=1 to the URL for the Production Configuration page.

Accessing Management Options

The Production Configuration page includes tabs that provide easy access to management options.

These management tabs are as follows:

  • Queue—Click to view a list of the queues related to this production or business host.

  • Log—Click to view an abbreviated list of Event Log entries for this production or business host.

  • Messages—Click to view an abbreviated list of messages processed by this production or business host.

  • Jobs—Click to view jobs related to this production or business host.

Each of these tabs provides a link to a management page (which opens in a new window) with more information; see Managing Productions.

On the Jobs tab, you can also manage active jobs; see Aborting Messages, Suspending Messages, and Stopping Jobs.

See Also

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