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Creating Test Cases: The %UnitTest.TestCase Class

This is the general workflow to set up unit tests using the %UnitTest framework:

  1. Extend the %UnitTest.TestCaseOpens in a new tab class, adding one test method for each method to be tested. Test method names must begin with the word Test. See Extending the %UnitTest.TestCase Class.

  2. A single test method can contain multiple tests. Typically a test method will contain one test for each aspect of the method to be tested. Within each test method, devise one or more tests using the $$$AssertX macros. Typically, the macro will call the method to be tested, comparing its output to some expected value. If the expected value matches the macro output, the test will be considered successful. See Macros of the %UnitTest.TestCase Class.

  3. Add code to the preparation and cleanup methods to perform needed tasks. For example, if a test seeks to delete an element from a list, that list must first exist and it must contain the element to be deleted. See %UnitTest.TestCase Class Preparation and Cleanup Methods.


    Preparation methods and cleanup methods are also often called setup methods and teardown methods.

Extending the %UnitTest.TestCase Class

Create a class that extends %UnitTest.TestCaseOpens in a new tab to contain the test methods that execute your unit tests. This process is designed to be flexible, to accommodate your particular testing needs.

Most likely, you will add test methods, and you might add properties as well. Test methods will be executed by the RunTest() method from the %UnitTest.ManagerOpens in a new tab class, which looks for and executes methods whose names begin with ‘Test’. You can add other helper methods to your class, but a method will be run as a unit test when you call RunTest() only if its name begins with ‘Test’.


Test methods are executed in alphabetical order, so, for example, TestAssess() would be executed before TestCreate().

Within a test method, create one or more tests. Use an $$$AssertX macro for each test. See Macros of the %UnitTest.TestCase Class for details about $$$AssertX macros.

You may decide to create a test method for each class method you wish to test. For example, suppose your class MyPackage.MyClassToBeTested contains a method Add(), which calls for multiple tests — you might want to create test method MyTests.TestAdd() to contain the code that executes the needed tests.

You may also wish to test object instances. In this case, you would create a method like MyTests.TestMyObject(), which could contain tests to make sure the object’s properties and functionality are correct.

In addition to creating test methods, you may wish to create properties in your extended class. This enables your test methods to share information. Consider the following points when adding properties:

  • Declare your custom properties in the class itself.

  • Set the properties by adding code to the preparation methods OnBeforeOneTest() and OnBeforeAllTests(), using ..<property> syntax.

  • Access the properties by adding code to your test methods and/or to the cleanup methods OnAfterOneTest() and OnAfterAllTests(), using ..<property> syntax.


    For example, if your custom property is called PropertyValue, you would set it or access it using ..PropertyValue.

Example: Extended %UnitTest.TestCase Class

Class MyPackage.MyClassToBeTested
  Method Add (Addend1 as %Integer, Addend2 as %Integer) As %Integer
    Set Sum = Addend1 + Addend2
    Return Sum

Class MyPackage.MyTests Extends %UnitTest.TestCase
  Method TestAdd()
    do $$$AssertEquals(##class(MyPackage.MyClassToBeTested).Add(2,3),5, "Test 2+3=5")
    do $$$AssertNotEquals(##class(MyPackage.MyClassToBeTested).Add(3,4),5, "Test 3+4 '= 5")

Macros of the %UnitTest.TestCase Class

Within each of your test methods, use one of the following $$$AssertX macros to test each testable aspect of the class method. For example, if a test method is designed to test the Add() method, it might contain a test, using $$$AssertEquals, to ensure that it adds 2+3 equals 5, and a second test, using $$$AssertNotEquals, to ensure that it does not add 3+4 equals 5.

Select the macro that best matches the desired test outcome. Another way to think of this principle is to write your test from the perspective that the assertion succeeds. If you expect two values to be equal, use $$$AssertEquals; if you expect the values not to be equal, use $$$AssertNotEquals.

A test fails if the specified $$$AssertX macro returns false; otherwise the test passes.

The $$$AssertX macros can take the following arguments:

  • arg1 — Typically either the output from the method being tested or a value calculated from that output.

  • arg2 — When present, a value compared by the macro to arg1.

  • test_description — A string that appears in the displayed test outcome listing, and describes what the macro has tested. This has no effect on the outcome of the test. Don’t forget that this argument can include concatenations, variables, and methods. For example, its value could be:

    “Failed to create” _ maxObjects _ "objects: " _ $system.Status.GetErrorText(status)
$$$AssertEquals (arg1, arg2, test_description)

Returns true if arg1 and arg2 are equal.

do $$$AssertEquals (##class(MyPackage.MyClassToBeTested).Add(2,3), 5, “Test Add(2,3) = 5”)
$$$AssertNotEquals (arg1, arg2, test_description)

Returns true if arg1 and arg2 are not equal.

do $$$AssertNotEquals (##class(MyPackage.MyClassToBeTested).Add(3,4), 5, "Test Add(3,4) '= 5")
$$$AssertStatusOK (arg1, test_description)

Returns true if the returned status code is 1.

do $$$AsserStatusOK(##class(MyPackage.MyClassToBeTested).SaveContact(valid_contact_ID), 
          "Test that valid contact is saved")
$$$AssertStatusNotOK (arg1, test_description)

Returns true if the returned status code is not 1.

do $$$AssertStatusNotOK(##class(MyPackage.MyClassToBeTested).SaveContact(invalid_contact_ID), 
          "Test that invalid contact is not saved")
$$$AssertTrue (arg1, test_description)

Returns true if the expression is true.

do $$$AssertStatusTrue(##class(MyPackage.MyClassToBeTested).IsContactValid(valid_contact_ID), 
          "Test that valid contact is valid")
$$$AssertNotTrue (arg1, test_description)

Returns true if the expression is not true.

do $$$AssertStatusNotTrue(##class(MyPackage.MyClassToBeTested).IsContactValid(invalid_contact_ID), 
          "Test that invalid contact is not valid")
$$$AssertFilesSame (arg1, arg2, test_description)

Returns true if two files are identical.

do $$$AssertFilesSame(##class(MyPackage.MyClassToBeTested).FetchFile(URL), control_file, 
          "Test that fetched file is identical to control file")
$$$AssertFilesSQLUnorderedSame (arg1, arg2, test_description)

Returns true if two files containing SQL query results contain the same unordered results.

do $$$AssertFilesSQLUnorderedSame(output.log,reference.log,"Comparing output.log to reference.log")

Unconditionally log success. This assertion is intended to replace the convention of passing 1 to $$$AssertTrue


Unconditionally log failure. This assertion is intended to replace the convention of passing 0 to $$$AssertTrue.


Logs a message that the test has been skipped for the reason described in test_description. This might be used, for instance, if the preconditions for a test have not been met.


OnBeforeAllTests() does not support this macro. Calls to $$$AssertSkipped in OnBeforeAllTests() could result in false positives.

$$$LogMessage (message)

Writes the value of message as a log entry, independent of any particular test. This can, for instance, be very useful for providing context and organization in your log.

do $$$LogMessage("-- ALL TEST OBJECTS CREATED -- ")

For the latest list of macros, see %UnitTest.TestCaseOpens in a new tab in the Class Reference.

%UnitTest.TestCase Class Preparation and Cleanup Methods


Executes immediately before each test method in the test class.


Executes only once, before any test methods in the test class.


Executes immediately after each test method in the test class.


Executes only once, after all of the test methods in the test class have executed.

Example: Preparation Method

The code in this method will execute once, before execution of the test suite. It creates a single contact for use during testing. To execute preparation tasks multiple times, once before each test in the suite, add code to OnBeforeOneTest() instead.

Method OnBeforeAllTests()
  Do ##class(MyPackage.Contact).Populate(1)
  Return $$$OK

Example Cleanup Method

The code in this method will execute once, after execution of the entire test suite. It kills all contacts in the extent once testing is complete. To execute cleanup tasks multiple times, once after each test in the suite, add code to OnAfterOneTest() instead.

Method OnAfterAllTests()
  Do ##class(MyPackage.Contact).%KillExtent()
  Return $$$OK
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