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Legacy Forms of Subroutines

A routine can contain multiple subroutines, using the term subroutine in a generic sense. InterSystems recommends that in any new routines you may create, you define procedures. In existing code, you may see subroutines of other forms. This page describes these other forms and explains how to invoke them, if needed.

Recognizing Legacy Forms

Legacy forms of subroutines use labels but are not enclosed within curly braces. The following list shows the possible syntaxes with their formal names, for reference purposes. In all cases, label is the identifier for the unit of code, args is the argument list, and the optional scopekeyword is either Public or Private.


Formally, a true subroutine (as opposed to a subroutine in a generic sense) is a unit of code of the following form:

label(args) scopekeyword

See Subroutines.

extrinsic function

Formally, a true extrinsic function (as opposed to a system-defined ObjectScript intrinsic function) is a unit of code of the following form:

label(args) scopekeyword
  QUIT optionalreturnvalue

A function returns a value, unlike a subroutine. See Functions.

In these legacy forms, variables defined within them are available after the subroutine or function finishes execution. Consequently, these legacy forms use different techniques to manage variable scope—specifically the NEW and KILL commands.



Subroutine syntax:

label [ ( param [ = default  ][ , ...] ) ] 

Invoking syntax:

DO label [ ( param [ , ...]  ) ] 


GOTO label 
Argument Description
label The name of the subroutine. A standard label. It must start in column one. The parameter parentheses following the label are optional. If specified, the subroutine cannot be invoked using a GOTO call. Parameter parentheses prevent code execution from “falling through” into a subroutine from the execution of the code that immediately precedes it. When InterSystems IRIS encounters a label with parameter parentheses (even if they are empty) it performs an implicit QUIT, ending execution rather than continuing to the next line in the routine.
param The parameter value(s) passed from the calling program to the subroutine. A subroutine invoked using the GOTO command cannot have param values, and must not have parameter parentheses. A subroutine invoked using the DO command may or may not have param values. If there are no param values, empty parameter parentheses may be specified or omitted. Specify a param variable for each parameter expected by the subroutine. The expected parameters are known as the formal parameter list.. There may be none, one, or more than one param. Multiple param values are separated by commas. InterSystems IRIS automatically invokes NEW on the referenced param variables. Parameters may be passed by value or by reference.
default An optional default value for the param preceding it. You can either provide or omit a default value for each parameter. A default value is applied when no actual parameter is provided for that formal parameter, or when an actual parameter is passed by reference and the local variable in question does not have a value. This default value must be a literal: either a number, or a string enclosed in quotation marks. You can specify a null string ("") as a default value. This differs from specifying no default value, because a null string defines the variable, whereas the variable for a parameter with no specified or default value would remain undefined. If you specify a default value that is not a literal, InterSystems IRIS issues a <PARAMETER> error.
code A block of code. This block of code is normally accessed by invoking the label. However, it can also be entered (or reentered) by calling another label within the code block or issuing a label + offset GOTO command. A block of code can contain nested calls to other subroutines, functions, or procedures. It is recommended that such nested calls be performed using DO commands or function calls, rather than a linked series of GOTO commands. This block of code is normally exited by an explicit QUIT command; this QUIT command is not always required, but is a recommended coding practice. You can also exit a subroutine by using a GOTO to an external label.


A subroutine is a block of code identified by a label found in the first column position of the first line of the subroutine. Execution of a subroutine most commonly completes by encountering an explicit QUIT statement.

A subroutine is invoked by either the DO command or the GOTO command.

  • A DO command executes a subroutine and then resumes execution of the calling routine. Thus, when InterSystems IRIS encounters a QUIT command in the subroutine, it returns to the calling routine to execute the next line following the DO command.

  • A GOTO command executes a subroutine but does not return control to the calling program. When InterSystems IRIS encounters a QUIT command in the subroutine, execution ceases.

You can pass parameters to a subroutine invoked by the DO command; you cannot pass parameters to a subroutine invoked by the GOTO command. You can pass parameters by value or by reference. See Passing Arguments.

The same variables are available to a subroutine and its calling routine.

A subroutine does not return a value.


A function, by default and recommendation, is a procedure. You can, however, define a function that is not a procedure. This section describes such functions.


Non-procedure function syntax:

label ( [param [ = default  ]] [ , ...] ) 
   QUIT expression 

Invoking syntax:

command $$label([param[ ,...]]) 


DO label([param[ ,...]]) 
Argument Description
label The name of the function. A standard label. It must start in column one. The parameter parentheses following the label are mandatory.
param A variable for each parameter expected by the function. The expected parameters are known as the formal parameter list . There may be none, one, or more than one param. Multiple param values are separated by commas. InterSystems IRIS automatically invokes NEW for the referenced param variables. Parameters may be passed by value or by reference.
default An optional default value for the param preceding it. You can either provide or omit a default value for each parameter. A default value is applied when no actual parameter is provided for that formal parameter, or when an actual parameter is passed by reference and the local variable in question does not have a value. This default value must be a literal: either a number, or a string enclosed in quotation marks. You can specify a null string () as a default value. This differs from specifying no default value, because a null string defines the variable, whereas the variable for a parameter with no specified or default value would remain undefined. If you specify a default value that is not a literal, InterSystems IRIS issues a <PARAMETER> error.
code A block of code. This block of code can contain nested calls to other functions, subroutines, or procedures. Such nested calls must be performed using DO commands or function calls. You cannot exit a function’s code block by using a GOTO command. This block of code can only be exited by an explicit QUIT command with an expression.
expression The function’s return value, specified using any valid ObjectScript expression. The QUIT command with expression is a mandatory part of a user-defined function. The value that results from expression is returned to the point of invocation as the result of the function.


User-defined functions are described in this section. Calls to user-defined functions are identified by a $$ prefix. (A user-defined function is also known as an extrinsic function.)

User-defined functions allow you to add functions to those supplied by InterSystems IRIS. Typically, you use a function to implement a generalized operation that can be invoked from any number of programs.

A function is always called from within an ObjectScript command. It is evaluated as an expression and returns a single value to the invoking command. For example:

 SET x=$$myfunc()

Legacy Code and Labels

A procedure is defined by a label and curly braces, which encapsulate the implementation. In contrast, for the legacy forms of subroutines shown on this page, there is no automatic encapsulation of the code. That is, a label provides an entry point, but it does not define an encapsulated unit of code. This means that once the labelled code executes, execution continues into the next labelled unit of code unless execution is stopped or redirected elsewhere. There are three ways to stop execution of a unit of code:

  • Execution encounters a QUIT or RETURN.

  • Execution encounters the closing curly brace (“}”) of a TRY. When this occurs, execution continues with the next line of code following the associated CATCH block.

  • Execution encounters the next procedure block (a label with parameter parentheses). Execution stops when encountering a label line with parentheses, even if there are no parameters within the parentheses.

In the following example, code execution continues from the code under label0 to that under label1:

  SET x = $RANDOM(2)
  IF x=0 {DO label0
           WRITE "Finished Routine0",! }
  ELSE {DO label1
           WRITE "Finished Routine1",! }
  WRITE "In Routine0",!
  FOR i=1:1:5 {
      WRITE "x = ",x,!
      SET x = x+1 }
  WRITE "At the end of Routine0",!
  WRITE "In Routine1",!
  FOR i=1:1:5 {
      WRITE "x = ",x,!
      SET x = x+1 }
  WRITE "At the end of Routine1",!

In the following example, the labeled code sections end with either a QUIT or RETURN command. This causes execution to stop. Note that RETURN always stops execution, QUIT stops execution of the current context:

  SET x = $RANDOM(2)
  IF x=0 {DO label0
           WRITE "Finished Routine0",! }
  ELSE {DO label1
           WRITE "Finished Routine1",! }
  WRITE "In Routine0",!
  FOR i=1:1:5 {
      WRITE "x = ",x,!
      SET x = x+1
      QUIT }
  WRITE "Quit the FOR loop, not the routine",!
  WRITE "At the end of Routine0",!
  WRITE "This should never print"
  WRITE "In Routine1",!
  FOR i=1:1:5 {
      WRITE "x = ",x,!
      SET x = x+1 }
  WRITE "At the end of Routine1",!
  WRITE "This should never print"

In the following example, the second and third labels identify procedure blocks (a label specified with parameter parentheses). Execution stops when encountering a procedure block label:

  SET x = $RANDOM(2)
  IF x=0 {DO label0
           WRITE "Finished Routine0",! }
  ELSE {DO label1
           WRITE "Finished Routine1",! }
  WRITE "In Routine0",!
  FOR i=1:1:5 {
      WRITE "x = ",x,!
      SET x = x+1 }
  WRITE "At the end of Routine0",!
  WRITE "In Routine1",!
  FOR i=1:1:5 {
      WRITE "x = ",x,!
      SET x = x+1 }
  WRITE "At the end of Routine1",!
  WRITE "This should never print"
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