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Upgrading InterSystems IRIS for Health

The process for upgrading InterSystems IRIS for Health is similar to upgrading the InterSystems IRIS product:

  1. Read the special considerations for upgrading IRIS for Health listed below.

  2. Complete the Upgrading InterSystems IRIS procedure in the InterSystems IRIS Installation Guide.

  3. Return here and complete the post-upgrade steps below necessary for your situation.

SSL/TLS Configuration in the Configure Secure Communication Dialog

If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2022.2 and your system is configured for secure communication, meaning that you had an Active configuration in the Configure SSL Access option in the Installer Wizard prior to your upgrade, note that the Configure SSL Access dialog in the Installer Wizard has been renamed to Configure Secure Communication. In the new dialog you must now specify an SSL/TLS Configuration in order to make the secure communication settings Active. A default value of HS.Secure.Demo was entered for the SSL/TLS Configuration setting when you upgraded.

If you previously had an Active configuration in the Configure SSL Access option, you must modify the default value to reflect the SSL/TLS configuration in use on your instance as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Installer Wizard.

  2. Select the new Configure Secure Communication option.

  3. Confirm that your Secure Port is identified and the These Settings are Active checkbox is selected.

  4. In the SSL/TLS Configuration field, select the name of the SSL/TLS configuration in use on your instance.

  5. Click Save.

Post-Upgrade Steps for Pre-2020.4 FHIR Endpoints

If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2020.4, the following steps that may be required depending upon on how you have customized your FHIR server. Perform these tasks in the following order:

  1. If your FHIR server uses custom subclasses, you must modify your architecture subclasses.

  2. If your FHIR endpoint uses custom search parameters, migrate them to a FHIR package and apply them to the endpoint.

Once you have completed these steps you can run re-index the search tables.

Step 1: Modifying Architecture Subclasses

As part of the FHIR architecture that was introduced in InterSystems IRIS for Health 2020.1, you can use a custom InteractionsStrategy to implement a custom FHIR server. If your FHIR server’s endpoint uses a custom InteractionsStrategy, including if it uses a subclass of the Resource Repository, complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the upgrade of your InterSystems IRIS for Health instance.

  2. Using your IDE, do one of the following in your endpoint’s namespace:

    • If the InteractionsStrategy of your endpoint extended the Resource Repository (HS.FHIRServer.Storage.Json.InteractionsStrategy), create a subclass of HS.FHIRServer.Storage.Json.RepoManager.

    • If the InteractionsStrategy of your endpoint subclassed HS.FHIRServer.API.InteractionsStrategy directly, create a subclass of the HS.FHIRServer.API.RepoManager superclass.

  3. Add the following parameters to your subclass of the Repo Manager:

    • StrategyClass — Specifies the subclass of your InteractionsStrategy.

    • StrategyKey — Specifies the unique identifier of the InteractionsStrategy. This must match the value of the StrategyKey parameter in the InteractionsStrategy subclass.

  4. If your InteractionsStrategy subclass included custom code for the methods that manage the Service, you must move that logic to the new methods in the Repo Manager subclass that you created. Specifically, you must move custom code from the Create, Delete, Decommission, and Update methods to the corresponding methods in your Repo Manager subclass (CreateService, DeleteService, DecommissionService, and UpdateService ).

Re-Indexing FHIR Search Tables

Re-index any FHIR search tables that require it:

  1. In the Management Portal, navigate to Health > myFHIRnamespace > FHIR Configuration.

  2. Select the Server Configuration card.

  3. For each existing endpoint, select Reindex Now.

  4. When prompted, click Select All, and then select Reindex.


    This step may take some time to complete.

Validate Production Interfaces

You can validate that your upgraded system behaves the way you expect it to by using the Production Validator. The Production Validator extracts HL7 headers, messages, and operation messages to a temporary database, which is then copied to an upgraded InterSystems IRIS for Health instance and replayed. By comparing the original messages to the messages processed on the upgraded system, you can evaluate and address differences.

Import SDA3 Schema

If you are using SDA3 or SDA3 transformations, you must import the SDA3 schema. For instructions, see the installation steps.

Upgrading from 2018.1.2 to 2019.1

Running a post-installation method in the InterSystems Terminal is the final step in upgrading from InterSystems IRIS for Health 2018.1.2. You need to run this method multiple times if you have more than one user-created namespace. To complete the upgrade process:

  1. Open the InterSystems Terminal.

  2. To change the namespace to HSLIB, enter:

    set $namespace="HSLIB"

  3. Enter:

    do ##class(HS.HC.Util.Installer.Upgrade.XFMapping).UpgradeHSXF("<namespace>")

    Where <namespace> is the name of a user-created namespace. You must repeat this command for each user-created namespace.

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