Routing HL7 Version 2 Messages in Productions
- Introduction to HL7 Version 2
- HL7 Schemas and Available Tools
- Overview of HL7 Schemas and Messages
- Using the HL7 Schema Structures Page
- Using the Custom Schema Editor
- Using the HL7 Message Viewer Page
- Viewing Batch Messages
- HL7 Classes
- Configuring the Production for HL7
- Creating a New HL7 Routing Production
- Adding HL7 Business Services
- Adding HL7 Routing Processes
- Adding HL7 Sequence Managers
- Adding HL7 Business Operations
- Pager and Email Alerts
- Defining Routing Rule Sets for HL7
- Defining DTL Data Transformations for HL7
- Defining HL7 Search Tables
- Important HL7 Scenarios
- Reference for HL7 Settings