persistent class %CSP.Util.CSPLogEvent extends %Library.Persistent
SQL Table Name: %CSP_Util.CSPLogEvent
Class allowing to load CSP.log into %CSP.Util.CSPLogEvent class and search it using SQL.Property Inventory
- CachePID
- CallType
- ConnectionNo
- CookieAppNo
- CookieConn
- CookieName
- CookiePath
- CookiePrivateSession
- CookieSP
- CookieServer
- CookieUP
- CookieValue
- EvtDate
- EvtTimestamp
- GatewayID
- GatewayPID
- GatewayTID
- ImportTS
- LogLevel
- Page
- Payload
- RTBuild
- RemoteAddr
- RequestID
- Server
- SessionID
Method Inventory
- CheckTS()
- DateCvt()
- DumpEvents()
- FileImport()
- FileImportNoPrompt()
- GetTS()
- GtwImport()
- Import()
- SqlToFile()
property CachePID as %String;
Property methods: CachePIDDisplayToLogical(), CachePIDGet(), CachePIDGetStored(), CachePIDIsValid(), CachePIDLogicalToDisplay(), CachePIDLogicalToOdbc(), CachePIDNormalize(), CachePIDSet()
property CallType as %String;
Property methods: CallTypeDisplayToLogical(), CallTypeGet(), CallTypeGetStored(), CallTypeIsValid(), CallTypeLogicalToDisplay(), CallTypeLogicalToOdbc(), CallTypeNormalize(), CallTypeSet()
property ConnectionNo as %Integer;
Property methods: ConnectionNoDisplayToLogical(), ConnectionNoGet(), ConnectionNoGetStored(), ConnectionNoIsValid(), ConnectionNoLogicalToDisplay(), ConnectionNoNormalize(), ConnectionNoSet()
property CookieAppNo as %Integer;
Property methods: CookieAppNoDisplayToLogical(), CookieAppNoGet(), CookieAppNoGetStored(), CookieAppNoIsValid(), CookieAppNoLogicalToDisplay(), CookieAppNoNormalize(), CookieAppNoSet()
property CookieConn as %Integer;
Property methods: CookieConnDisplayToLogical(), CookieConnGet(), CookieConnGetStored(), CookieConnIsValid(), CookieConnLogicalToDisplay(), CookieConnNormalize(), CookieConnSet()
property CookieName as %String (MAXLEN = 255);
Property methods: CookieNameDisplayToLogical(), CookieNameGet(), CookieNameGetStored(), CookieNameIsValid(), CookieNameLogicalToDisplay(), CookieNameLogicalToOdbc(), CookieNameNormalize(), CookieNameSet()
property CookiePath as %String (MAXLEN = 1000);
Property methods: CookiePathDisplayToLogical(), CookiePathGet(), CookiePathGetStored(), CookiePathIsValid(), CookiePathLogicalToDisplay(), CookiePathLogicalToOdbc(), CookiePathNormalize(), CookiePathSet()
property CookiePrivateSession as %Boolean;
Property methods: CookiePrivateSessionDisplayToLogical(), CookiePrivateSessionGet(), CookiePrivateSessionGetStored(), CookiePrivateSessionIsValid(), CookiePrivateSessionLogicalToDisplay(), CookiePrivateSessionNormalize(), CookiePrivateSessionSet()
property CookieSP as %Integer (MAXVAL = 65536, MINVAL = 1);
Property methods: CookieSPDisplayToLogical(), CookieSPGet(), CookieSPGetStored(), CookieSPIsValid(), CookieSPLogicalToDisplay(), CookieSPNormalize(), CookieSPSet()
property CookieServer as %Integer;
Property methods: CookieServerDisplayToLogical(), CookieServerGet(), CookieServerGetStored(), CookieServerIsValid(), CookieServerLogicalToDisplay(), CookieServerNormalize(), CookieServerSet()
property CookieUP as %String (MAXLEN = 255);
Property methods: CookieUPDisplayToLogical(), CookieUPGet(), CookieUPGetStored(), CookieUPIsValid(), CookieUPLogicalToDisplay(), CookieUPLogicalToOdbc(), CookieUPNormalize(), CookieUPSet()
property CookieValue as %String (MAXLEN = 100);
Property methods: CookieValueDisplayToLogical(), CookieValueGet(), CookieValueGetStored(), CookieValueIsValid(), CookieValueLogicalToDisplay(), CookieValueLogicalToOdbc(), CookieValueNormalize(), CookieValueSet()
property EvtDate as %Date [ Calculated ];
Property methods: EvtDateCompute(), EvtDateDisplayToLogical(), EvtDateGet(), EvtDateIsValid(), EvtDateLogicalToDisplay(), EvtDateLogicalToOdbc(), EvtDateNormalize(), EvtDateOdbcToLogical(), EvtDateSQLCompute()
property EvtTimestamp as %TimeStamp [ Required ];
Property methods: EvtTimestampDisplayToLogical(), EvtTimestampGet(), EvtTimestampGetStored(), EvtTimestampIsValid(), EvtTimestampLogicalToDisplay(), EvtTimestampNormalize(), EvtTimestampOdbcToLogical(), EvtTimestampSet()
property GatewayID as %String;
Property methods: GatewayIDDisplayToLogical(), GatewayIDGet(), GatewayIDGetStored(), GatewayIDIsValid(), GatewayIDLogicalToDisplay(), GatewayIDLogicalToOdbc(), GatewayIDNormalize(), GatewayIDSet()
property GatewayPID as %Integer;
Property methods: GatewayPIDDisplayToLogical(), GatewayPIDGet(), GatewayPIDGetStored(), GatewayPIDIsValid(), GatewayPIDLogicalToDisplay(), GatewayPIDNormalize(), GatewayPIDSet()
property GatewayTID as %Integer;
Property methods: GatewayTIDDisplayToLogical(), GatewayTIDGet(), GatewayTIDGetStored(), GatewayTIDIsValid(), GatewayTIDLogicalToDisplay(), GatewayTIDNormalize(), GatewayTIDSet()
property ImportTS as %TimeStamp;
used to be able to filter/delete a bad dataload
Property methods: ImportTSDisplayToLogical(), ImportTSGet(), ImportTSGetStored(), ImportTSIsValid(), ImportTSLogicalToDisplay(), ImportTSNormalize(), ImportTSOdbcToLogical(), ImportTSSet()
property LogLevel as %Integer;
Property methods: LogLevelDisplayToLogical(), LogLevelGet(), LogLevelGetStored(), LogLevelIsValid(), LogLevelLogicalToDisplay(), LogLevelNormalize(), LogLevelSet()
property Page as %String (MAXLEN = 300);
Property methods: PageDisplayToLogical(), PageGet(), PageGetStored(), PageIsValid(), PageLogicalToDisplay(), PageLogicalToOdbc(), PageNormalize(), PageSet()
property Payload as %String (MAXLEN = 32000);
Property methods: PayloadDisplayToLogical(), PayloadGet(), PayloadGetStored(), PayloadIsValid(), PayloadLogicalToDisplay(), PayloadLogicalToOdbc(), PayloadNormalize(), PayloadSet()
property RTBuild as %String;
Property methods: RTBuildDisplayToLogical(), RTBuildGet(), RTBuildGetStored(), RTBuildIsValid(), RTBuildLogicalToDisplay(), RTBuildLogicalToOdbc(), RTBuildNormalize(), RTBuildSet()
property RemoteAddr as %String;
Property methods: RemoteAddrDisplayToLogical(), RemoteAddrGet(), RemoteAddrGetStored(), RemoteAddrIsValid(), RemoteAddrLogicalToDisplay(), RemoteAddrLogicalToOdbc(), RemoteAddrNormalize(), RemoteAddrSet()
property RequestID as %String;
Property methods: RequestIDDisplayToLogical(), RequestIDGet(), RequestIDGetStored(), RequestIDIsValid(), RequestIDLogicalToDisplay(), RequestIDLogicalToOdbc(), RequestIDNormalize(), RequestIDSet()
property Server as %String;
Property methods: ServerDisplayToLogical(), ServerGet(), ServerGetStored(), ServerIsValid(), ServerLogicalToDisplay(), ServerLogicalToOdbc(), ServerNormalize(), ServerSet()
property SessionID as %String;
Property methods: SessionIDDisplayToLogical(), SessionIDGet(), SessionIDGetStored(), SessionIDIsValid(), SessionIDLogicalToDisplay(), SessionIDLogicalToOdbc(), SessionIDNormalize(), SessionIDSet()
classmethod CheckTS(TS1, TS2) as %String
Returns 1 If TS1
FeedbackOpens in a new tab
classmethod DateCvt(pDate="") as %String
classmethod DumpEvents(pFile, pLogLevel, pServer, pStartTime, pEndTime, pConnectionNo, pThreadId, pServerPID) as %String
classmethod FileImport(pFile) as %String
Imports CSP.log from from CSP.log file
Displays all registered CSP Gateways and allow to select what log to load
dateFromTS - timestamp in ODBC format or leave empty to load all data from the beginning of the log
dateToTS - timestamp in ODBC format or leave empty to load all data to the end of the log
Displays all registered CSP Gateways and allow to select what log to load
dateFromTS - timestamp in ODBC format or leave empty to load all data from the beginning of the log
dateToTS - timestamp in ODBC format or leave empty to load all data to the end of the log
Set res=##class(%CSP.Util.CSPLogEvent).FileImport()
classmethod FileImportNoPrompt(pFile As %String, dateFromTS As %TimeStamp = "", dateToTS As %TimeStamp = "", pGatewayID=1, pRunTuneTable=0, pFilterGZIPErrors=0, pDeleteExtent=0, display=0) as %String
Imports CSP.log from CSP.log file
dateFromTS - timestamp in ODBC format or leave empty to load all data from the beginning of the log
dateToTS - timestamp in ODBC format or leave empty to load all data to the end of the log
dateFromTS - timestamp in ODBC format or leave empty to load all data from the beginning of the log
dateToTS - timestamp in ODBC format or leave empty to load all data to the end of the log
Set res=##class(%CSP.Util.CSPLogEvent).FileImport(pFile,from,to,1,1,0,1,1)
classmethod GetTS(pStream As %Stream.GlobalCharacter) as %TimeStamp
classmethod GtwImport() as %String
Imports CSP.log from CSP Gateway registry
Displays all registered CSP Gateways and allow to select what log to load
dateFromTS - timestamp in ODBC format or leave empty to load all data from the beginning of the log
dateToTS - timestamp in ODBC format or leave empty to load all data to the end of the log
Displays all registered CSP Gateways and allow to select what log to load
dateFromTS - timestamp in ODBC format or leave empty to load all data from the beginning of the log
dateToTS - timestamp in ODBC format or leave empty to load all data to the end of the log
Set res=##class(%CSP.Util.CSPLogEvent).GtwImport()
classmethod Import(pStream As %Stream.GlobalCharacter, dateFromTS As %TimeStamp = "", dateToTS As %TimeStamp = "", pGatewayID=1, pRunTuneTable=0, pFilterGZIPErrors=0, pDeleteExtent=0, display=0) as %String
Imports CSP.log from stream
dateFromTS - timestamp in ODBC format or leave empty to load all data from the beginning of the log
dateToTS - timestamp in ODBC format or leave empty to load all data to the end of the log
dateFromTS - timestamp in ODBC format or leave empty to load all data from the beginning of the log
dateToTS - timestamp in ODBC format or leave empty to load all data to the end of the log
classmethod OPTION(prompt, default, max) as %String
Returns selected Option
classmethod SqlToFile(pFile, pSQL, display=1) as %String
index ($CSPLogEvent on ) [Extent, Type = bitmap];
index (ApplicationNumber on CookieAppNo) [Type = bitmap];
index (CallType on CallType) [Type = bitmap];
Index methods: CallTypeDisplayToLogical(), CallTypeGet(), CallTypeGetStored(), CallTypeIsValid(), CallTypeLogicalToDisplay(), CallTypeLogicalToOdbc(), CallTypeNormalize(), CallTypeSet()
index (Connection on ConnectionNo) [Type = bitmap];
Index methods: ConnectionNoDisplayToLogical(), ConnectionNoGet(), ConnectionNoGetStored(), ConnectionNoIsValid(), ConnectionNoLogicalToDisplay(), ConnectionNoNormalize(), ConnectionNoSet()
index (EvtTimestamp on EvtTimestamp);
Index methods: EvtTimestampDisplayToLogical(), EvtTimestampExists(), EvtTimestampGet(), EvtTimestampGetStored(), EvtTimestampIsValid(), EvtTimestampLogicalToDisplay(), EvtTimestampNormalize(), EvtTimestampOdbcToLogical(), EvtTimestampSet()
index (GatewayID on GatewayID) [Type = bitmap];
Index methods: GatewayIDDisplayToLogical(), GatewayIDGet(), GatewayIDGetStored(), GatewayIDIsValid(), GatewayIDLogicalToDisplay(), GatewayIDLogicalToOdbc(), GatewayIDNormalize(), GatewayIDSet()
index (IDKEY on ) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()
index (LogLevel on LogLevel) [Type = bitmap];
Index methods: LogLevelDisplayToLogical(), LogLevelGet(), LogLevelGetStored(), LogLevelIsValid(), LogLevelLogicalToDisplay(), LogLevelNormalize(), LogLevelSet()
index (Page on Page) [Type = bitmap];
Index methods: PageDisplayToLogical(), PageGet(), PageGetStored(), PageIsValid(), PageLogicalToDisplay(), PageLogicalToOdbc(), PageNormalize(), PageSet()
index (RemoteAddr on RemoteAddr) [Type = bitmap];
Index methods: RemoteAddrDisplayToLogical(), RemoteAddrGet(), RemoteAddrGetStored(), RemoteAddrIsValid(), RemoteAddrLogicalToDisplay(), RemoteAddrLogicalToOdbc(), RemoteAddrNormalize(), RemoteAddrSet()
index (Server on Server) [Type = bitmap];
Index methods: ServerDisplayToLogical(), ServerGet(), ServerGetStored(), ServerIsValid(), ServerLogicalToDisplay(), ServerLogicalToOdbc(), ServerNormalize(), ServerSet()
index (ServerNumberC on CookieServer) [Type = bitmap];
index (Session on SessionID) [Type = bitmap];
Index methods: SessionIDDisplayToLogical(), SessionIDGet(), SessionIDGetStored(), SessionIDIsValid(), SessionIDLogicalToDisplay(), SessionIDLogicalToOdbc(), SessionIDNormalize(), SessionIDSet(), SessionServerExists()
index (SessionServer on SessionID,Server);
Index methods: SessionServerExists()
Inherited Members
Inherited Methods
- %%CLASSNAMELogicalToStorage()
- %%CLASSNAMEStorageToLogical()
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %AddToSyncSet()
- %BMEBuilt()
- %BuildIndicesAsync()
- %BuildIndicesAsyncResponse()
- %CheckConstraints()
- %CheckConstraintsForExtent()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ComposeOid()
- %ConstructClone()
- %Delete()
- %DeleteExtent()
- %DeleteId()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %Exists()
- %ExistsId()
- %Extends()
- %GUID()
- %GUIDSet()
- %GetLock()
- %GetParameter()
- %GetSwizzleObject()
- %Id()
- %InitExtentData()
- %InsertBatch()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %IsNull()
- %KillExtent()
- %KillExtentData()
- %LoadFromMemory()
- %LockExtent()
- %LockId()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectIsNull()
- %ObjectModified()
- %Oid()
- %OnBeforeAddToSync()
- %OnDeleteFinally()
- %OnDetermineClass()
- %OnOpenFinally()
- %OnSaveFinally()
- %Open()
- %OpenId()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %PhysicalAddress()
- %PurgeIndices()
- %Reload()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %ResolveConcurrencyConflict()
- %RollBack()
- %Save()
- %SaveDirect()
- %SaveIndices()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %SortBegin()
- %SortEnd()
- %SyncObjectIn()
- %SyncTransport()
- %UnlockExtent()
- %UnlockId()
- %ValidateIndices()
- %ValidateObject()
- %ValidateTable()
Storage Model: Storage (%CSP.Util.CSPLogEvent)
^IRIS.Temp.CSPLogEventD(ID) |