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class %CSP.Document extends %CSP.Rule

The %CSP.Document class is the server-side representation of a CSP page.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


deprecated property NeedBroker as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Deprecated property for #server that is kept for compatibility. Now has the same effect as NeedJS property. If true, JavaScript for #server applet HyperEvent should included in the CSP page.
Property methods: NeedBrokerDisplayToLogical(), NeedBrokerGet(), NeedBrokerIsValid(), NeedBrokerLogicalToDisplay(), NeedBrokerNormalize(), NeedBrokerSet()
property NeedJS as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, JavaScript for HyperEvent should included in the CSP page.
Property methods: NeedJSDisplayToLogical(), NeedJSGet(), NeedJSIsValid(), NeedJSLogicalToDisplay(), NeedJSNormalize(), NeedJSSet()
deprecated property NeedJSBroker as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Deprecated property for #call that is kept for compatibility. Now has the same effect as NeedJS property. If true, JavaScript for #call iframe HyperEventshould included in the CSP page.
Property methods: NeedJSBrokerDisplayToLogical(), NeedJSBrokerGet(), NeedJSBrokerIsValid(), NeedJSBrokerLogicalToDisplay(), NeedJSBrokerNormalize(), NeedJSBrokerSet()


method %OnClose() as %Status
Make sure that we are cleaned up.
method AddEventBroker() as %Status
Insert event broker code into the head section to load hyperevent .js files.
method RenderEndTag() as %Status
The document tag for CSP acts to compile this document. Finish building the class and cleanup.
method RenderStartTag() as %Status
The document tag for CSP acts to compile this document to a class that will render it on demand.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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