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class %CSP.XMLSQL extends %CSP.Page

The %CSP.XMLSQL accepts an SQL statement in the incoming URL and executes it as a Dynamic SQL query. The results are returned in an XML format that corresponds to the MS XML-SQL Server format. See: in a new tab

There are 3 formats that can be specified using the FOR XML command:

The DTD can also be requested using the FOR XML format, DTD. For example:
<!DOCTYPE root [
<!ELEMENT root (row)*>

Method Inventory


parameter ENCODED = 2;
Override ENCODED from %CSP.Page
parameter PRIVATE = 1;
Override PRIVATE from %CSP.Page


classmethod OnPage() as %Status
The OnPage() is called by the CSP dispatcher to generate the page content. For XMLSQL, we loop across the ResultSet and output the contents as XML.
classmethod OnPostHTTP()
The OnPostHTTP() is called by the CSP dispatcher after the page content has been sent. We use it here to clean up the ResultSet
classmethod OnPreHTTP() as %Boolean
The OnPreHTTP() is called by the CSP dispatcher before the HTTP headers have been sent. Here, we prepare the Dynamic SQL query and set the content type to text/xml.
classmethod PreProcessSQL(sql As %String, ByRef args As %String, mode As %Integer, ByRef xmlmode As %String) as %String
Process the XML SQL extras from the SQL statement. The mode is as follows:

  • 0 - Default XML-SQL mode
  • 1 - Oracle XML-SQL mode

classmethod ResolveElementName(expr As %String, element, AssumeName) as %String

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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