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abstract class Ens.Util.MessageBodyMethods

Method Inventory


classmethod %CompareContents(pMsg1 As Ens.MessageBody, pMsg2 As Ens.MessageBody)
classmethod %DrawHTMLForm(pObj As %RegisteredObject, ByRef pID As %String, pActionURL As %String = "", ByRef pButtons As %CSP.Util.FormButton, pTarget As %String = "") as %Status
This method is called by the Management Portal to display a message-specific content editor.
classmethod %DrawHTMLTable(pObj As %RegisteredObject, ByRef pID As %String) as %Status
This method is called by the Management Portal to display a message-specific content viewer.
method %GetContentType() as %String
This method is called by the Management Portal to determine the content type that will be returned by the %ShowContents() method. The return value is a string containing an HTTP content type.
method %OnTimeout() as %Status
This method is called when this message has timed out The time out moment happens when the timer response arrives, and the request is being removed from pending request list. The timeout moment is not when the response arrives and is being marked as "discarded"
classmethod %ProcessSubmit(pRequest As %CSP.Request, ByRef pID As %String = "", Output pErrorMsg As %String) as %RegisteredObject
This method is called by the Management Portal to display a message-specific content editor.
method %ShowContents(pZenOutput As %Boolean = 0)
This method is called by the Management Portal to display a message-specific content viewer.
This method displays its content by writing out to the current device. The content should match the type returned by the %GetContentType() method.
method %ShowContentsHead(pZenOutput As %Boolean = 0)
This method is called by the Management Portal to display a portion of the HEAD section of a message-specific content viewer.
method GetStatsDimension() as %String
This method is used to provide the Statistics Site Dimension if not already set Override and implement as needed.


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