Send an Alert message if this number of seconds elapses with no messages being processed by this item.
Note that this alert will be sent even if AlertOnError is False.
Zero means no alerts of this type will be sent.
classmethod GetShadowInstance(pConfigItemName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as Ens.Host
Get a "shadow" instance of the named ConfigItem, live if the Production is running; otherwise static but fully populated with all its Settings values.
The pConfigItemName argument may contain the following elements:
Only the ConfigName portion is required.
If ProductionName is not given, then the currently running or last run Production will be used.
CommentOrClassname is the name shown in the Config page's dropdown list for multiple items having the
same ConfigName. If it is not given, then if more than one item of the given ConfigName exists, all will match.
In order for this method to work properly, none of the names of the items in your production should
contain the '|' character.
User call back to override creation of Super Session value.
Return a non empty string from this method to use as the Super Session ID.
Any code needs to ensure the length of the string returned is not more than the MAXLEN of %SuperSession
If Empty string is returned the system will create one in GenerateSuperSession.
pMessageHeader may be populated when this is called.
The default of pDelimiter passed in is a ^
This method is called when Portal is drawing the production diagram
pArray contains the config names the scanner found.
Users can remove or add new names
This user callback method is called via initConfig() from %OnNew() or in the case of SOAP Services from OnPreSOAP()
method OnKeepalive(pAdapterStatus As %Status) as %Status
This method will be called within KeepaliveInterval of the last return from OnTask() or OnKeepalive().
It is called via the Adapter's OnKeepalive() method, which is called from the Host.OnTask() method;
if there is no Adapter there is no keepalive call.