class %Library.SQLCatalog extends %Library.RegisteredObject
SQL Catalog QueriesMethod Inventory
Given a tablename, return a count of Cached Queries currently defined
against the table.
classmethod SQLClassname(qh As %Library.SQLProcContext, table As %String(MAXLEN=257)) as %Library.String [ SQLProc = SQLCatalog_SQLClassname ]
Projected as the stored procedure: SQLCatalog_SQLClassname
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQLClassname Procedure %SQLCatalog_SQLClassname('tablename') Takes 1 %String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of a BaseTable. If 'tablename' is not qualified, the default schema will be added to the name. Returns The name of the class which projected the table -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query SQLCODEList()
Returns a list of all SQLCODE values and descriptions -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQLCODEList Procedure %SQLCatalog_SQLCODEList() Returns list of all SQLCODE values and descriptions ROWSPEC = SQLCODE:%SmallInt - SQLCODE value DESCRIPTION:%String - SQLCODE Description Rows are returned in SQLCODE order -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query SQLCachedQueryInfo(stripOptions As %Boolean = 0)
Selects Routine As %String, Query As %String, CreateTime As %TimeStamp, Source As %Boolean, QueryType As %Integer, QueryTypeExt As %String, Cost As %Numeric
The SQLCachedQueryInfo query returns a list of cached queries. Note that only the first 80 characters of a query are returned. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQLCachedQueryInfo Procedure %SQLCatalog_SQLCachedQueryInfo(stripOptions=0) Takes one %Boolean type parameter which determines if the QUERY contains any /*#OPTIONS ... string added to xDBC statements. Default is 0. Returns Cached Queries the current user is privileged to see ROWSPEC = ROUTINE:%String - Name of the Cached Query's routine QUERY:%String - Cached Query's SQL Text CREATE_TIME:%TimeStamp - Date/Time of Cached Query creation SOURCE:%Boolean - Cached Query source there? QUERYTYPE:%Integer - 6 or 7 QUERYTYPE_EXT:%String - ODBC QUERY OR DYNAMIC QUERY COST:%Numeric - Generated Cost of the query Rows are returned in no particular order -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Selects Routine As %String(MAXLEN=128), Query As %String(MAXLEN=256), CreateTime As %TimeStamp, Source As %Boolean, QueryType As %Integer, QueryTypeExt As %String, Cost As %Numeric
The SQLCachedQueryTable query returns a list of cached queries for a given table. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQLCachedQueryTable Procedure %SQLCatalog_SQLCachedQueryTable('tablename',stripOptions=0) Takes two parameters: 1) %String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of a table. 2) %Boolean type parameter which determines if the QUERY contains any /*#OPTIONS ... string added to xDBC statements. Default is 0. Returns Cached Queries on this table the current user is privileged to see ROWSPEC = ROUTINE:%String - Name of the Cached Query's routine QUERY:%String - Cached Query's SQL Text (First 80 characters) CREATE_TIME:%TimeStamp - Date/Time of Cached Query creation SOURCE:%Boolean - Cached Query source there? QUERYTYPE:%Integer - 8 (Dynamic), 9 (xDBC), 10 (Dynamic), 11 (Embedded) QUERYTYPE_EXT:%String - ODBC QUERY OR DYNAMIC QUERY COST:%Numeric - Generated Cost of the query Rows are returned in no particular order -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query SQLChildTables(table As %String(MAXLEN=257))
Get a List of all child tables of a given table. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQLChildTables Procedure %Library.SQLCatalog_SQLChildTables('tablename') Takes 1 %String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of a BaseTable. Returns any child tables this table has ROWSPEC = TABLE_NAME:%String - Name of the Child Table COLLECTION_TYPE:%String - 'ARRAY' or 'LIST' if the table was projected as the result of a collection, else RELATIONSHIP ELEMENT_TYPE:%String - If COLLECTION_TYPE is ARRAY or LIST, this will contain the type of elements in the collection 'PERSISTENT', 'SERIAL', or 'DATATYPE'. If COLLECTION_TYPE is RELATIONSHIP, this field is NULL CLASS_NAME:%String - Name of the class which projected the table ORIGINATING_PROPERTY:%String - Name of the property which produced the projection of this Child Table. INVERSE_RELATIONSHIP:%String - If this child table is the result of a RELATIONSHIP, the relationship in the Parent table that is the inverse of the ORIGINATING_PROPERTY relationship. NOTE: If the child table is projected as a result of the deprecated IDENTIFIEDBY class parameter, this INVERSE_RELATIONSHIP will be NULL, even though the COLLECTION_TYPE is reported as RELATIONSHIP. Rows are returned in no particular order -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query SQLConstraints(table As %String(MAXLEN=257))
Get a List of all constraints from a table. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQLConstraints Procedure %SQLCatalog_SQLConstraints('tablename') Takes 1 %String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of a BaseTable. Returns all fields in the table: ROWSPEC = CONSTRAINT_NAME:%String - Name of the constraint TYPE:%String - Type of constraint CONSTRAINT_DATE:%String - Constraint info depends on type CONSTRAINT_OBJECT_NAME:%String - Object name of the constraint Rows are returned in no particular order -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query SQLFields(table As %String(MAXLEN=257))
Selects FIELD_NAME As %String, DATATYPE As %String, COLUMN_NUMBER As %Integer, REQUIRED As %String, UNIQUE As %String, COLLATION_FUNCTION As %String, HIDDEN As %String, MAXLEN As %String, BLOB As %String, REFERENCE As %String, CONTAINER_FIELD As %Library.String, ODBC_DATATYPE_CODE As %Library.SmallInt, JDBC_DATATYPE_CODE As %Library.SmallInt, COLLECTION_TYPE As %Library.String, REF_ID_DATATYPE As %Library.String, ELEMENT_TYPE As %Library.String, REFERENCE_CLASS As %Library.String, INSERTABLE As %Library.String(MAXLEN=3), UPDATEABLE As %Library.String(MAXLEN=3), DEFAULT As %String(MAXLEN=255), ROWIDWITHODBCVALUES As %String(MAXLEN=3), SERIAL_FIELD As %String(MAXLEN=3), ROWID_FIELD As %SmallInt, ORIGINATING_PROPERTY As %Library.String(MAXLEN=40), MAXVAL As %Library.String, MINVAL As %Library.String
Get a List of all Fields from a table. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQLFields Procedure %SQLCatalog_SQLFields('tablename') Takes 1 %String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of a BaseTable. Returns all fields in the table: ROWSPEC = FIELD_NAME:%String - Name of the field DATATYPE:%String - Field's datatype COLUMN_NUMBER:%Integer - Field's internal column number REQUIRED:%String - Is field required, 'Yes' or 'No' UNIQUE:%String - Is field unique, 'Yes', or 'No' COLLATION_FUNCTION:%String - ALPHAUP, UPPER, STRING, EXACT, PLUS or MINUS HIDDEN:%String - Is field hidden, 'Yes' or 'No' MAXLEN:%String - MAXLEN parameter of field (or NULL) BLOB:%String - Is field a BLOB, 'Yes' or 'No' REFERENCE:%String - Name of the referenced table or NULL if not a reference CONTAINER_FIELD:%Library.String - If this is a sub-field of a serial container, the name of the serial field ODBC_DATATYPE_CODE - ODBC Datatype code for this field JDBC_DATATYPE_CODE - ODBC Datatype code for this field COLLECTION_TYPE - Type of collection, 'LIST', 'ARRAY' or "" REF_ID_DATATYPE - If this is a reference field, the DATATYPE for the ID of the referenced table ELEMENT_TYPE - If COLLECTION_TYPE is non-NULL, this will contain the type of elements in the collection 'PERSISTENT', 'SERIAL', or 'DATATYPE'. If COLLECTION_TYPE is NULL, this field is NULL REFERENCE_CLASS:%String - Name of the referenced table's projecting class or NULL if not a reference INSERTABLE:%String - Can a value for the field be supplied in an SQL INSERT statement, 'Yes' or 'No'. UPDATEABLE:%String - Can a value for the field be supplied in an SQL UPDATE statement, 'Yes' or 'No'. DEFAULT:%String - Field's default value expression (if any) ROWIDWITHODBCVALUES:%String - If this is the ROWID field and the ROWID field is a datatype which has OdbcToLogical conversion, return Yes, otherwise No. If this is not the ROWID field, return NULL. SERIAL_FIELD:%String - Is this a serial field? 'Yes' or 'No'. ROWID_FIELD:%SmallInt - Is this a RowID field? 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 2 = A field the RowID is based on. ORIGINATING_PROPERTY:%String - Name of the class property which projected this field MAXVAL:%Library.String - MAXVAL parameter of field (or NULL) MINVAL:%Library.String - MINVAL parameter of field (or NULL) Rows are returned in table column order -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query SQLForeignKeys(table As %String(MAXLEN=257))
Get a List of all Foreign Key constraints from a table. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQLForeignKeys Procedure %SQLCatalog_SQLForeignKeys('tablename') Takes 1 %String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of a BaseTable. Returns all ForeignKeys defined in the table: ROWSPEC = FOREIGN_KEY_NAME:%String - Name of the FKey constraint FOREIGN_KEY_FIELDS:%String - List of field in the FKey constraint TARGET_TABLE:%String - Name of the table referenced in the FKey constraint TARGET_CLASS:%String - Name of the class which projects the table referenced in the FKey constraint TARGET_KEY:%String - SQLName of the key in the referenced table TARGET_KEY_FIELDS:%String - List of fields in the reference table this FKey references UPDATE_ACTION:%String - Cascade, SetNull, NoAction, SetDefault DELETE_ACTION:%String - Cascade, SetNull, NoAction, SetDefault FOREIGN_KEY_TYPE:%String - RELATIONSHIP if the FKey was projected from a one-many relationship or FOREIGNKEY if the FKey was projected from a foreign key definition. Rows are returned in no particular order -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query SQLIndices(table As %String(MAXLEN=257))
Get a List of all Indices from a table. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQLIndices Procedure %SQLCatalog_SQLIndices('tablename') Takes 1 %String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of a BaseTable. Returns all Indices in the table: ROWSPEC = INDEX_NAME:%String - Name of the index FIELDS:%String - Indexed Fields UNIQUE:%SmallInt - 1 = UNIQUE Index, 0 NON_UNIQUE PAGES:%Integer - # of map pages Rows are returned in no particular order -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query SQLParentTable(table As %String(MAXLEN=257))
SQLParentTable Procedure %Library.SQLCatalog_SQLParentTable('tablename') Takes 1 %String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of a BaseTable. Returns any parent table this table has ROWSPEC = PARENT_TABLE:%String - Name of the Parent Table PARENT_CLASS:%String - Name of the class that projected the parent table PARENT_PROPERTY:%String - Name of the property in the parent class (if from a collection) that projected this table Rows are returned in no particular order
query SQLProcedureInfo(name As %String(MAXLEN=257))
Gets detailed information about a single Stored Procedure -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQLProcedureInfo Procedure %SQLCatalog_SQLProcedureInfo('proc_name') Takes 1 %String/VARCHAR type parameter which is an exact Procedure name Returns information for the Procedure ROWSPEC = CLASS_NAME:%String - Name of the class procedure method or query reside in PROCEDURE_TYPE:%String - Type of Stored procedure METHOD_OR_QUERY_NAME:%String - Name of the method or query the procedure is generated from DESCRIPTION:%String - Procedure's description NUMBER_INPUT_PARAMS:%Integer - Number of input parameters NUMBER_OUTPUT_PARAMS:%Integer - Number of output parameters RETURN_VALUE:%Integer - Has a return value? NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS:%Integer - Number of columns Rows are returned in no particular order -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query SQLProcedures(name As %String(MAXLEN=257))
Gets a description of the stored procedures available in the catalog. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQLProcedures Procedure %SQLCatalog_SQLProcedures('proc_name') Takes 1 %String/VARCHAR type parameter which is an optional wildcard match for the name of a Stored Procedure Returns all SQL Procedures which match the name given ROWSPEC = PROCEDURE_NAME:%String - Name of the Stored procedure, LIKE Pattern allowed PROCEDURE_TYPE:%String - Type of Stored procedure PROCEDURE_CLASS:%String - Name of the class which projected the Procedure METHOD_OR_QUERY_NAME:%String - Name of the method or query the procedure is generated from Rows are returned in no particular order -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Get a List of all relationship constraints from a table. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQLRelationships Procedure %SQLCatalog_SQLRelationships('tablename','cardinality') Parameters: tablename - %String - required - fully qualified table name cardinality - %String - optional - default is '*' Comma delimited list of cardinality values MANY, ONE, PARENT, CHILDREN '%', or '*' means any/all cardinality values Returns Relationships defined in the class (including inherited relationships) which projected the table. ROWSPEC = RELATIONSHIP_NAME:%String - SQL Name of the Relationship Property RELATIONSHIP_CLASS:%String - Name of the class the relationship property references RELATIONSHIP_TABLE:%String - Name of the table the relationship property references INVERSE:%String - SQL Name of the inverse property CARDINALITY:%String - Relationship's cardinality RELATIONSHIP_JDBC_TYPE:%Integer - JDBC Datatype number of the relationship property RELATIONSHIP_JDBC_TYPENAME:%String - JDBC Datatype name of the relationship property INVERSE_JDBC_TYPE:%Integer - JDBC Datatype number of the inverse property INVERSE_JDBC_TYPENAME:%String - JDBC Datatype name of the inverse property Rows are returned in no particular order -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query SQLReservedWords()
Gets a list of SQL Reserved Words -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQLReservedWords Procedure %SQLCatalog_SQLReservedWords() Returns a list of SQL Reserved words ROWSPEC = SQL_RESERVED_WORD:%String - Name of the SQL Reserved Word Rows are returned in Reserved Word order using UPPER collation -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Selects SCHEMA As %String(MAXLEN=128), RELATION_NAME As %String(MAXLEN=128), PLAN_STATE As %String(MAXLEN=32), LOCATION As %String(MAXLEN=128), STATEMENT As %String(MAXLEN=16384), NATURAL_QUERY As %Boolean, COUNT As %Integer, AVERAGECOUNT As %Double, TOTAL As %Integer, AVERAGE As %Double, STDDEV As %Double, RUNTIMELOCATION As %String(MAXLEN=128), ROWCOUNT As %Integer, AVERAGEROWCOUNT As %Integer, USERNAME As %String(MAXLEN=30), CLIENTNAME As %String(MAXLEN=30), CLIENTIP As %String(MAXLEN=16), CLIENTAPP As %String(MAXLEN=24), CALLSTACK As %String(MAXLEN=256), COMMANDS As %Integer, AVERAGECOMMANDS As %Integer
Returns list of SQL statements against the given Table or View name -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQLTableStatements Procedure %Library.SQLTableStatements('schema_name','relation_name') Takes 2 %String/VARCHAR type parameters which is the name of a schema and a table or view name. Returns a list of SQL statements against the table or view ROWSPEC = SCHEMA:%String(MAXLEN=128) - Schema name RELATION_NAME:%String(MAXLEN=128) - Table/View name PLAN_STATE:%String(MAXLEN=32) - The state of the frozen plan for this statement: Frozen/Explicit, Unfrozen/Parallel or Unfrozen. LOCATION:%String(MAXLEN=128) - Routine name the SQL code is located in STATEMENT:%String(MAXLEN(16348) - SQL Statement NATURAL_QUERY:%String - True if this is a simple query where we will not record stats COUNT:%Integer - Number of times this query has been called AVERAGECOUNT:%Double - Average number of times this query has been called (based on days since we first saw this) TOTAL:%Integer - Total time spent executing this query AVERAGE:%Double - Average time spent running query STDDEV:%Double - Standard deviation of query time RUNTIMELOCATION:%String(MAXLEN=128) - For UCQ runtimeLocation is the UCQ classname which is different from the containers name ROWCOUNT:%Integer - Total %ROWCOUNT from running this query AVERAGEROWCOUNT:%Integer - Average row count per day (since we first saw this query) USERNAME:%String - $username that built query CLIENTNAME:%String - Client name that built query CLIENTIP:%String - Client IP that built query CLIENTAPP:%String - Client application name that built query CALLSTACK:%String - Call stack when query was built COMMANDS:%Integer - ObjectScript commands executed from running this query AVERAGECOMMANDS:%Integer - Average ObjectScript commands executed from running this query per day Note: Only DECLARE, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements are returned. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query SQLTables()
Get a list of all Tables and Views. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQLTables Procedure %SQLCatalog_SQLTables() Privileges are checked against pre-define $Username. Returns a list of tables and views defined in the current namespace. ROWSEPC = RELATION_NAME:%String - Name of the table or view TYPE:%String - 'TABLE' or 'VIEW' OWNER:%String - Owner of the table/view LAST_COMPILED:%TimeStamp - Time of last compilation Rows are returned in order by RELATION_NAME -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query SQLTriggers(table As %String(MAXLEN=257))
Get a List of all Triggers from a table. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQLTriggers Procedure %SQLCatalog_SQLTriggers('tablename') Takes 1 %String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of a BaseTable. Returns all triggers in the table: ROWSPEC = TRIGGER_NAME:%String - Name of the trigger TIME_EVENT:%String - Trigger's TIME and EVENT ORDER:%SmallInt - Trigger's order with the TIME_EVENT CODE:%String - Trigger code Rows are returned in no particular order -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query SQLViewDependsOn(pView As %String(MAXLEN=257))
Return list of tables the view depends on -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQLViewDependsOn Procedure %Library.SQLViewDependsOn('viewname') Takes 1 %String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of a View. Returns a list of tables this view depends on ROWSPEC = SCHEMA:%String - Schema name TABLE_NAME:%String - Table name -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query SQLViewFields(view As %String(MAXLEN=257))
Selects FIELD_NAME As %String, DATATYPE As %String, MAXLEN As %String, BLOB As %String, MAXVAL As %Library.String, MINVAL As %Library.String
Get a List of all Fields from a view. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQLViewFields Procedure %SQLCatalog_SQLViewFields('viewname') Takes 1 %String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of a View. Returns all fields in the table: ROWSPEC = FIELD_NAME:%String - Name of the field DATATYPE:%String - Field's datatype MAXLEN:%String - MAXLEN parameter of field (or NULL) BLOB:%String - Is field a BLOB, 'Yes' or 'No' MAXVAL:%Library.String - MAXVAL parameter of field (or NULL) MINVAL:%Library.String - MINVAL parameter of field (or NULL) Rows are returned view column order -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
query SQLViewInfo(view As %String(MAXLEN=257))
Selects VIEW_QUERY As %String
Get full View definition. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SQLViewInfo Procedure %SQLCatalog_SQLViewInfo('viewname') Takes 1 %String/VARCHAR type parameter which is the name of a View. Returns all fields in the table: ROWSPEC = VIEW_QUERY:%String - Query Text of the View -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Inherited Members
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %Extends()
- %GetParameter()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %ValidateObject()