datatype class %Library.Date extends %Library.DataType
The %Date data type class represents a date. The logical value of the %Date data type is in InterSystems IRIS$H
Method Inventory
- DisplayToLogical()
- IsValid()
- JSONToLogical()
- LogicalToDisplay()
- LogicalToJSON()
- LogicalToOdbc()
- LogicalToXSD()
- Normalize()
- OdbcToLogical()
- XSDToLogical()
parameter DISPLAYLIST;
Used for enumerated (multiple-choice) attributes.
Used in conjunction with the VALUELIST parameter for enumerated
(multiple-choice) attributes. DISPLAYLIST, if not null,
represents the display values for the attribute corresponding with
the logical values listed in VALUELIST.
The display values are returned by the LogicalToDisplay method.
parameter FORMAT;
The format specification for the data type's display value.
The value of the FORMAT parameter corresponds to the
available parameters of the
which are used to perform the formatting.
parameter JSONTYPE = string;
parameter MAXVAL;
The maximum allowed logical value for the data type.
parameter MINVAL;
The minimum allowed logical value for the data type.
parameter VALUELIST;
Used for enumerated (multiple-choice) attributes.
VALUELIST is either a null string ("") or a delimiter
separated list (where the delimiter is the first character) of logical values.
If a non-null value is present, then the attribute is restricted to values
in the list, and the validation code simply checks to see if the value is in the list.
parameter XSDTYPE = date;
Declares the XSD type used when projecting XML Schemas.
Converts the input value %val, which represents a date, into
Returns the logical ($H
) value of the input string %val.
classmethod IsValid(%val As %RawString) as %Status
Tests if the logical value %val, which represents a date in
is valid. The validation is based on the class parameter settings used
for the class attribute this data type is associated with.
In this case, MAXVAL and MINVAL.Converts the JSON input date value into a %Date value.
Converts the value of %val, which is in logical
format, into a display string.
The formatting is based on the value of the FORMAT parameter.
Returns the formatted value of %val.
Converts the %Date value to the canonical JSON value.
Converts %val, which represents a date in logical
format, into ODBC date format.
Returns the ODBC date string for the logical ($H
) value %val.
Assume if the value is already in ODBC DATE format or ODBC TIMESTAMP format, just return tge ODBC DATE format portion of the value.
This value may have come from a gateway query or is used by TO_DATE(val,"J") for Julian dates
Converts the %Date value to the canonical SOAP encoded value.
classmethod Normalize(%val As %RawString) as %Date
Converts %val to a normalized value.
Converts %val, which represents a date in ODBC format, into
Returns the $H
value of the ODBC date string %val.
Converts the SOAP encoded input date value into a %Date value.