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class Ens.BPL.Branch extends Ens.BPL.Activity

Represents a branch activity. When this activity is performed, control is transferred to the named label activity if and only if the supplied condition is true. Only labels within scope may be branched to. For example you cannot transfer control out of a 'Flow' or 'Scope' activity

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property Condition as %String [ Required ];
This holds the condition to be evaluated
Property methods: ConditionDisplayToLogical(), ConditionGet(), ConditionIsValid(), ConditionLogicalToDisplay(), ConditionLogicalToOdbc(), ConditionNormalize(), ConditionSet()
property Label as %String [ Required ];
This holds the label to transfer control to if the condition is true
Property methods: LabelDisplayToLogical(), LabelGet(), LabelIsValid(), LabelLogicalToDisplay(), LabelLogicalToOdbc(), LabelNormalize(), LabelSet()


method GenerateCode(pCompiler As Ens.BPL.Compiler) as %Status
method GenerateXML(pStream As %BinaryStream) as %Status
Inherited description: This generates the common XML attributes for this Activity
method Validate(ByRef pStatus As %Status, pContext As Ens.BPL.ValidationContext) as %Status
Perform a sanity check on the nodes in the parse tree

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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