abstract class Ens.Production extends %Library.RegisteredObject, Ens.Settings
Property Inventory
- AlertActionWindow
- AlertNotificationManager
- AlertNotificationOperation
- AlertNotificationRecipients
- ShutdownTimeout
- UpdateTimeout
Method Inventory
- ApplySettings()
- GetSettingValue()
- GetSettingsArray()
- OnConfigChange()
- OnStart()
- OnStop()
- Register()
- Start()
- Stop()
- TestStart()
- Update()
parameter SETTINGS = ShutdownTimeout,UpdateTimeout,AlertNotificationManager:Alerting,AlertNotificationOperation:Alerting,AlertNotificationRecipients:Alerting,AlertActionWindow:Alerting;
Inherited description: List of properties can be set as settings in the configuration file
format is a comma separated list of property names
property AlertActionWindow as %Library.Integer [ InitialExpression = ##class(Ens.Alerting.Utils).#DEFAULTACTIONWINDOW ];
The default number of minutes within which a Managed Alert should be acted upon.
Property methods: AlertActionWindowDisplayToLogical(), AlertActionWindowGet(), AlertActionWindowIsValid(), AlertActionWindowLogicalToDisplay(), AlertActionWindowNormalize(), AlertActionWindowSet()
property AlertNotificationManager as Ens.DataType.ConfigName;
The default Alert Notification Manager for use by the Managed Alert framework.
Property methods: AlertNotificationManagerDisplayToLogical(), AlertNotificationManagerGet(), AlertNotificationManagerIsValid(), AlertNotificationManagerLogicalToDisplay(), AlertNotificationManagerLogicalToOdbc(), AlertNotificationManagerNormalize(), AlertNotificationManagerParseConfigNameSpec(), AlertNotificationManagerSet()
property AlertNotificationOperation as Ens.DataType.ConfigName;
The default Alert Notification Operation for use by the Managed Alert framework.
The Notification Manager can be configured to send notifications to other hosts within the production,
but this setting provides a fallback for situations which are not captured by the logic in the Notification Manager.
Property methods: AlertNotificationOperationDisplayToLogical(), AlertNotificationOperationGet(), AlertNotificationOperationIsValid(), AlertNotificationOperationLogicalToDisplay(), AlertNotificationOperationLogicalToOdbc(), AlertNotificationOperationNormalize(), AlertNotificationOperationParseConfigNameSpec(), AlertNotificationOperationSet()
property AlertNotificationRecipients as %Library.String (MAXLEN = 2048);
A comma-separated list of recipients that should be used for alert notifications
when no other recipients have been specified by the notification framework.
Property methods: AlertNotificationRecipientsDisplayToLogical(), AlertNotificationRecipientsGet(), AlertNotificationRecipientsIsValid(), AlertNotificationRecipientsLogicalToDisplay(), AlertNotificationRecipientsLogicalToOdbc(), AlertNotificationRecipientsNormalize(), AlertNotificationRecipientsSet()
property ShutdownTimeout as %Numeric (MAXVAL = 3600, MINVAL = 0) [ InitialExpression = 120 ];
Amount of time to wait for a click on Stop Production to succeed
Property methods: ShutdownTimeoutDisplayToLogical(), ShutdownTimeoutGet(), ShutdownTimeoutIsValid(), ShutdownTimeoutLogicalToDisplay(), ShutdownTimeoutNormalize(), ShutdownTimeoutSet()
property UpdateTimeout as %Numeric (MAXVAL = 3600, MINVAL = 0) [ InitialExpression = 10 ];
Amount of time to wait for Production updates to succeed
This means both clicking UpdateProduction and clicking Apply for changes to a configuration item in a running production.
This means both clicking UpdateProduction and clicking Apply for changes to a configuration item in a running production.
Property methods: UpdateTimeoutDisplayToLogical(), UpdateTimeoutGet(), UpdateTimeoutIsValid(), UpdateTimeoutLogicalToDisplay(), UpdateTimeoutNormalize(), UpdateTimeoutSet()
Apply multiple settings to a production
pProductionName is the name of the Production to which to apply the settings
pSettings is a local array of settings structured in the following way:
<itemName> is the configuration item name in the production
<target> Is one of:
Item: Means the setting is a property of the item itself, such as PoolSize
Host: Sets a host setting
Adapter: Sets an adapter setting
<settingName> is the setting name
<settingValue> is the desired value of the setting.
pSettings is a local array of settings structured in the following way:
<itemName> is the configuration item name in the production
<target> Is one of:
Item: Means the setting is a property of the item itself, such as PoolSize
Host: Sets a host setting
Adapter: Sets an adapter setting
<settingName> is the setting name
<settingValue> is the desired value of the setting.
classmethod GetSettingsArray(Output pSettings) as %Status
classmethod OnConfigChange(pProduction As Ens.Config.Production, pItem As Ens.Config.Item)
This method is called when config changes to the Production or any item are saved from the portal
Override this in your Production class to do setup before the Production starts
Override this in your Production class to do cleanup after the Production stops
classmethod Register() as %Status
classmethod Start() as %Status
classmethod TestStart() as %Status
Inherited Members
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %Extends()
- %GetParameter()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %ValidateObject()
- AssignOneSetting()
- EnumerateSettingsClose()
- EnumerateSettingsExecute()
- EnumerateSettingsFetch()
- GetSettings()