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deprecated class %iKnow.Source.Domain.Processor extends %iKnow.Source.Processor

This Processor implementation reads data from existing sources in a (typically different) domain, as listed by the ExpandList method of the %iKnow.Source.Domain.Lister. These Lister and Processor classes are at the core of the %iKnow.Utils.CopyUtils and %iKnow.Utils.UpgradeUtils classes.

Processor parameters:

  1. srcDomainId As %Integer - the domain where to copy data from. (only required when specifying metaFields)
  2. metaFields As %List (optional) - the metadata fields to copy from the source domain into the target one.
  3. overrideLanguage As %String (optional) - the two-letter language code of a language to use overriding what can be derived from the source domain. Leave blank to use source domain values and use "AUTO" to re-detect using normal configuration settings.
  4. preserveSentences As %Boolean (optional, defaults to 1) - whether or not to preserve the exact same sentence splittings as in the original indexation.

Extracted metadata keys: see metaFields Processor parameter.

Method Inventory


method GetKnownLanguage(loc As %Integer, ref As %List, keyid As %Integer = "") as %String
Inherited description:

This method is called from ProcessListElement() and ProcessVirtualListElement() right before calling on the Indexer to process the data read by this Processor instance. It returns the language (two-letter ISO code) for the source being processed, if there is any means to derive it from known facts about the source. If no language can be derived with enough certainty, this method returns "".

The default implementation looks if there is a $$$IKPLANGUAGEFIELDNAME parameter defined pointing to a metadata field containing the language code. Subclasses may override and/or extend this method if they have access to additional information.

classmethod GetMetadataKeys(params As %String) as %List

Subclasses should override this method to identify those metadata keys that are calculated or extracted by this Processor implementation and will be registered for every source processed by calling SetCurrentMetadataValues() during the FetchSource() execution.

method SetParams(params As %String) as %Status
Inherited description:

This method stores the Processor parameters in the Params property, from where they can be referenced in the FetchSource() implementation.

NOTE: If this method is overridden by a subclass, it should make sure to either call this method via ##super, or set Params itself.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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