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deprecated persistent class %iKnow.Configuration extends %Library.Persistent [ Final ]

SQL Table Name: %iKnow.Configuration

The InterSystems IRIS NLP iKnow technology is now deprecated. Please see the product documentationOpens in a new tab for more detail.

This class groups the configuration parameters to drive the iKnow Smart Indexing algorithm as executed by the iKnow engine (external libraries). Configurations are referred to by name and can be used across domains within the same namespace.

When creating a configuration, you can pass initial values for the following properties to its %New() method:

  1. Name (required)
  2. DetectLanguage
  3. Languages
  4. UserDictionary
  5. Summarize
Check the respective property descriptions for more details.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property DetectLanguage as %Boolean;
Whether or not to use Automatic Language Identification
Property methods: DetectLanguageDisplayToLogical(), DetectLanguageGet(), DetectLanguageIsValid(), DetectLanguageLogicalToDisplay(), DetectLanguageNormalize(), DetectLanguageSet()
property Languages as %List;
The list of languages the engine should take into account when processing the text.
Property methods: LanguagesGet(), LanguagesLogicalToOdbc(), LanguagesOdbcToLogical(), LanguagesSet()
property Name as %String [ ReadOnly ];
The name of this configuration, which should be unique within the namespace (case-insensitive)
Property methods: NameDisplayToLogical(), NameGet(), NameIsValid(), NameLogicalToDisplay(), NameLogicalToOdbc(), NameNormalize()
deprecated property Summarize as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
This setting is deprecated. Summaries are now generated at query time.
Property methods: SummarizeDisplayToLogical(), SummarizeGet(), SummarizeIsValid(), SummarizeLogicalToDisplay(), SummarizeNormalize(), SummarizeSet()
property UserDictionary as %String (MAXLEN = 1000);
The name to the User Dictionary to use for rewriting and standardizing input as it is read by the engine. See also %iKnow.UserDictionary. Alternatively, the path to a file-based User Dictionary can be supplied.
Property methods: UserDictionaryDisplayToLogical(), UserDictionaryGet(), UserDictionaryIsValid(), UserDictionaryLogicalToDisplay(), UserDictionaryLogicalToOdbc(), UserDictionaryNormalize(), UserDictionarySet()


method %ConstructClone(deep As %Boolean = 0, ByRef cloned As %String, location As %String) as %RegisteredObject
Inherited description: Clone the current object to a new object. If deep is 1 then this does a deep copy which will also copy any subobjects and if deep is 0 then it will create another reference to any subobjects and increment the reference count appropriately. It returns the new cloned object.

Note that even if deep=0 when you clone a parent object in a parent child relationship or a one object of a one to many relationship then it will construct clones of all the child/many objects. This is because a child/many object can only point at a single parent and so if we did not create a clone of these then you would have a relationship with zero items in it. If you really just want to clone the object without these child/many objects then pass deep=-1 to this method.

After the clone is constructed it will call %OnConstructClone(object,deep,.cloned) on the clone if it is defined so that you can perform any additional steps e.g. taking out a lock. This works just the same way as %OnNew() does.

The object is the oref of the original object that was cloned. The cloned array is just used internally when doing a deep clone to prevent recursive loops, do not pass anything in at all for this parameter on the initial call. If you write a %OnConstructClone and from here you wish to call %ConstructClone on another object pass in the cloned array, e.g. 'Do oref.%ConstructClone(1,.cloned)' so that it can prevent recursive loops.

The location is used internally to pass the new location for stream objects.

classmethod %DeleteExtent(concurrency As %Library.Integer = -1, ByRef deletecount As %Library.String, ByRef instancecount As %Library.String, pInitializeExtent As %Library.Integer = 1, Output errorLog As %Library.Status) as %Status
Inherited description: Delete all instances of this class from its extent. On exit instancecount contains the original number of instances while deletecount contains the number of instances actually deleted.

Internally, %DeleteExtent() iterates over the set of instances in the collection and invokes the %Delete() method.
Refer to Object Concurrency Options for more details on the optional concurrency argument.
The option pInitializeExtent argument allows the user to override the default behavior of calling %KillExtent() when all instances are successfully deleted. %KillExtent() is called by default when the extent is empty so that empty globals can be killed. If %KillExtent() is not called then some empty globals can remain as well as the ID counter if it exists. The default value for pInitializeExtent is 1. Unless the caller specifies a false value for pInitializeExtent the globals used by the extent will be killed. If the process' GlobalKillDisabled flag is enabled and not the default of false the process' GlobalKillDisabled flag will be changed temporarily to false to allow the operation to complete without a possible error. In some cases, the globals used by the extent are not used exclusively by the extent. In those cases it is possible that some globals will still be defined even when pInitializeExtent is true. By default this call to %KillExtent() will not delete default stream storage global, but if you pass '2' in pInitializeExtent and if the entire extent was deleted we will call %KillExtent passing the 'killstreams' flag to ask it to remove kill the default storage global.

Returns a %Status value indicating success or failure.

deprecated classmethod Create(name As %String, DetectLanguage As %Integer = 0, languages As %List = $lb("en"), userDictionary As %String = "", summarize As %Integer = 1, maxConceptLength As %Integer = 0, Output sc As %Status = $$$OK) as %iKnow.Configuration
Create a new Configuration object using the specified parameters

Deprecated: Please use %New() and %Save()

deprecated classmethod Delete(configName As %String) as %Status
Deletes a named configuration

Deprecated: Please use NameIndexOpen() and %DeleteId()

deprecated classmethod DeleteId(configId As %String) as %Status
Deletes a configuration specified by ID

Deprecated: Please use %DeleteId()

deprecated classmethod Exists(name As %String) as %Boolean
Checks whether a Configuration object exists with the given name

Deprecated: Please use NameIndexExists()

method Normalize(pString As %String, pLanguage As %String = "", Output pSC As %Status = $$$OK, pCleanPunctuation As %Boolean = 1) as %String

Takes an input string pString and returns its normalized form as returned by the iKnow engine. Using this method will ensure a string has the same form as any results (entities) returned by the engine as a result of iKnow indexing with this Configuration object.

More specifically, this normalization takes into account the following properties:

  • User Dictionary literal input substitutions.
  • Language model preprocess filters.
  • Character normalization (lower casing and some punctuation separation)
  • Whitespace compression.
  • Entity filters.

Input substitution adheres to the User Dictionary as specified in the UserDictionary property of this Configuration. If not specified through pLanguage (as a two-letter language code), the language will be randomly selected by the engine from the list specified in this Configuration's Languages property, so it's recommended to supply a value for pLanguage if Languages contains more than one entry. If specified, pLanguage should appear in Languages

See also NormalizeWithParams() to normalize without a Configuration object.

classmethod NormalizeWithParams(pString As %String, pLanguage As %String = "en", pUserDictionary As %String = "", Output pSC As %Status = $$$OK, pCleanPunctuation As %Boolean = 1) as %String

Takes an input string pString and returns its normalized form as returned by the iKnow engine. Using this method will ensure a string has the same form as any results (entities) returned by the engine as a result of indexing operations.

More specifically, this normalization takes into account the following properties:

  • User Dictionary literal input substitutions.
  • Language model preprocess filters.
  • Character normalization (lower casing and some punctuation separation)
  • Whitespace compression.
  • Entity filters.

Input substitution adheres to the User Dictionary as specified through pUserDictionary and the preprocess filters for language pLanguage are used.

See also Normalize() to normalize using an existing Configuration object.

classmethod Open(name As %String, Output pSC As %Status = $$$OK) as %iKnow.Configuration
Opens the Configuration object with the supplied name. When requesting the default configuration ($$$DEFAULTCONFIG), it will be created if it didn't exist yet for this namespace.
deprecated classmethod OpenId(id As %Integer) as %iKnow.Configuration
Opens the Configuration object with the supplied ID

Deprecated: Please use %OpenId()


deprecated query GetAllConfigurations()
Selects configId As %Integer, configName As %String, detectLanguage As %Integer, languages As %String, userDictionary As %String, summarize As %Integer, maxConceptLength As %Integer
Simple class query to retrieve all the configurations for this Namespace.

Deprecated: Please use normal SQL queries to approach this class.


index (NameIndex on Name) [Unique];
Index methods: NameIndexCheck(), NameIndexCheckUnique(), NameIndexDelete(), NameIndexExists(), NameIndexOpen(), NameIndexSQLCheckUnique(), NameIndexSQLExists(), NameIndexSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), NameIndexSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()
index (PKINDEX on Id) [IdKey, PrimaryKey, Type = key, Unique];
Index methods: PKINDEXCheck(), PKINDEXDelete(), PKINDEXExists(), PKINDEXOpen(), PKINDEXSQLCheckUnique(), PKINDEXSQLExists(), PKINDEXSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), PKINDEXSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: SQLStorage

Maps: 2

  • Map number 1 is named MainMap

    thismap.Global: ^IRIS.IK.Sys.ConfigD

  • Map number 2 is named NameIndex

    thismap.Global: ^IRIS.IK.Sys.ConfigI

  • ^IRIS.IK.Sys.ConfigD({Id})
    Node Delimiter Piece Name
    1 Name
    2 DetectLanguage
    3 Languages
    4 UserDictionary
    5 Summarize
    6 MaxConceptLength
    Node Delimiter Piece Name
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