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deprecated abstract class %iKnow.DeepSee.BaseKPI extends %DeepSee.KPI

This is the base class for iKnow-based KPIs, offering a number of utility methods to fetch the current filter and query result page settings.

For internal use only - use %iKnow.DeepSee.GenericKPI or %iKnow.DeepSee.SourceListFilterKPI instead.

Method Inventory


parameter IKCUBENAME;
Override this parameter and IKMEASURENAME to specify the iKnow domain linked to a particular iKnow measure for the KPI's query to access.
parameter IKDOMAINID = 1;
Override this parameter to specify the iKnow domain for the KPI's query to access.
Override this parameter to include hidden metadata fields when displaying metadata-based filters for this KPI.
Override this parameter and IKCUBENAME to specify the iKnow domain linked to a particular iKnow measure for the KPI's query to access.
parameter IKPAGESIZE = 10;
Override this parameter to specify the default page size for the KPI's query. This can be overridden per widget through a filter.


classmethod %OnDashboardAction(pAction As %String, pContext As %ZEN.proxyObject, pDataSourceName As %String = "") as %Status

Implementation of %OnDashboardAction() method, inherited from %DeepSee.KPI. Do not invoke directly.

Takes care of the nextPage and previousPage pAction values.

classmethod %OnGetActionList(ByRef pActions As %List, pDataSourceName As %String = "") as %Status

Implementation of %OnGetFilterList() method, inherited from %DeepSee.KPI. Do not invoke directly.

Adds nextPage and prevPage actions.

classmethod %OnGetFilterList(Output pFilters As %List, pDataSourceName As %String = "") as %Status

Implementation of %OnGetFilterList() method, inherited from %DeepSee.KPI. Do not invoke directly.

Unless this KPI is linked to a DeepSee-managed domain (through IKCUBENAME and IKMEASURENAME, adds all public metadata fields for this KPIs domain at the end of the pFilters list. Also adds a Value and Name column to be controlled through dashboard filters.

classmethod %OnGetFilterMembers(pFilter As %Library.String, Output pMembers As %Library.List, pSearchKey As %Library.String = "", pDataSourceName As %Library.String = "", ByRef pFilterValues As %Library.String) as %Status

Implementation of %OnGetFilterMembers() method, inherited from %DeepSee.KPI. Do not invoke directly.

When querying for an iKnow metadata-based filter (prefixed with "IK:MDFIELD:"), it will retrieve the available values for that metadata field in the current iKnow domain.

classmethod GetDisplayedValue(rowIndex As %Integer, columnIndex As %Integer) as %String
Retrieves the cell value currently displayed at a given row and column index.
classmethod GetSelectedColumnValue(pContext As %ZEN.proxyObject, columnIndex As %Integer) as %String
Retrieves the value of the column identified by columnIndex for the row currently selected in the KPI

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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