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serial class %Net.MailMessage extends %Net.MailMessagePart

For information on using this class, see Sending and Receiving Email.

Send an SMTP mail message or receive a MIME message using POP3.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property Bcc as list of %String (MAXLEN = 8000);
Bcc for message, list of names to which message will be sent (SMTP) or was sent (POP3)
Property methods: BccBuildValueArray(), BccCollectionToDisplay(), BccCollectionToOdbc(), BccDisplayToCollection(), BccDisplayToLogical(), BccGet(), BccGetObject(), BccGetObjectId(), BccGetSwizzled(), BccIsValid(), BccLogicalToDisplay(), BccLogicalToOdbc(), BccNormalize(), BccOdbcToCollection(), BccSet(), BccSetObject(), BccSetObjectId()
property Cc as list of %String (MAXLEN = 8000);
Cc for message, list of names to which message will be sent (SMTP) or was sent (POP3)
Property methods: CcBuildValueArray(), CcCollectionToDisplay(), CcCollectionToOdbc(), CcDisplayToCollection(), CcDisplayToLogical(), CcGet(), CcGetObject(), CcGetObjectId(), CcGetSwizzled(), CcIsValid(), CcLogicalToDisplay(), CcLogicalToOdbc(), CcNormalize(), CcOdbcToCollection(), CcSet(), CcSetObject(), CcSetObjectId()
property Date as %String;
The date/time that the message was retrieved as reported by POP3, or date/time to be included in the message sent via %Net.SMTP. If Date is not specified, then %Net.SMTP will set it to the current date and time.
Property methods: DateDisplayToLogical(), DateGet(), DateIsValid(), DateLogicalToDisplay(), DateLogicalToOdbc(), DateNormalize(), DateSet()
property From as %String (MAXLEN = 1000);
Who the message is from
Property methods: FromDisplayToLogical(), FromGet(), FromIsValid(), FromLogicalToDisplay(), FromLogicalToOdbc(), FromNormalize(), FromSet()
property MessageSize as %Integer;
The total length of the message. The MessageSize property is not set for attached emails.
Property methods: MessageSizeDisplayToLogical(), MessageSizeGet(), MessageSizeIsValid(), MessageSizeLogicalToDisplay(), MessageSizeNormalize(), MessageSizeSet()
property ReplyTo as %String (MAXLEN = 1000);
The Reply-To header field of the message
Property methods: ReplyToDisplayToLogical(), ReplyToGet(), ReplyToIsValid(), ReplyToLogicalToDisplay(), ReplyToLogicalToOdbc(), ReplyToNormalize(), ReplyToSet()
property Sender as %String (MAXLEN = 1000);
Who actually sent the message
Property methods: SenderDisplayToLogical(), SenderGet(), SenderIsValid(), SenderLogicalToDisplay(), SenderLogicalToOdbc(), SenderNormalize(), SenderSet()
property Subject as %String (MAXLEN = 1000);
Subject of message
Property methods: SubjectDisplayToLogical(), SubjectGet(), SubjectIsValid(), SubjectLogicalToDisplay(), SubjectLogicalToOdbc(), SubjectNormalize(), SubjectSet()
property To as list of %String (MAXLEN = 8000);
To for message, list of names to which message will be sent (SMTP) or was sent (POP3)
Property methods: ToBuildValueArray(), ToCollectionToDisplay(), ToCollectionToOdbc(), ToDisplayToCollection(), ToDisplayToLogical(), ToGet(), ToGetObject(), ToGetObjectId(), ToGetSwizzled(), ToIsValid(), ToLogicalToDisplay(), ToLogicalToOdbc(), ToNormalize(), ToOdbcToCollection(), ToSet(), ToSetObject(), ToSetObjectId()


method GetLocalDateTime() as %String
Return the date/time that the message was retrieved converted to local time in $H format. An empty string is returned if the date format is invalid.
method GetUTCDateTime() as %String
Return the date/time that the message was retrieved converted to UTC in $H format. An empty string is returned if the date format is invalid.
method GetUTCSeconds() as %Integer
Return the date/time that the message was retrieved converted to UTC in seconds since 12/31/1840. An empty string is returned if the date format is invalid.
classmethod HToSeconds(h As %String) as %Integer
Convert $h format to the number of seconds since 12/31/1840.
classmethod SecondsToH(seconds As %Integer) as %String
Convert the specified number of seconds since 12/31/1840 to $h format.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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