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class %Net.MQSend extends %Net.abstractMQ

For information on using this class, see Using MQ.

The MQSend class is used to put messages on a queue.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property GeneratedMessageId as %String;
Generated message id
Property methods: GeneratedMessageIdDisplayToLogical(), GeneratedMessageIdGet(), GeneratedMessageIdIsValid(), GeneratedMessageIdLogicalToDisplay(), GeneratedMessageIdLogicalToOdbc(), GeneratedMessageIdNormalize(), GeneratedMessageIdSet()


method %Put(Msg As %Library.String) as %Boolean
Use the %Put method to write a message to the queue specified in the %Init method.  The %Put method takes one argument, the message.  The message can be up to 32K bytes long.

%Put returns 0 if the call failed, else 1.

method %PutStream(stream As %Stream) as %Boolean
Identical to %Put except the queue message is input from a file character stream object which has been created by the caller.

Data is read from the start to the end of the file, and the entire stream put on the queue as a single message.

method %SetApplIdentityData(Value As %Library.String) as %Boolean
Sets the Application Identity for the next message to be sent. 
method %SetCorId(Value As %Library.String) as %Boolean
Sets the Correlation Id for the next message to be sent. 
method %SetMsgId(Value As %Library.String) as %Boolean
The %SetMsgId method sets the Message Id for the next message to be sent. 
method %SetPutApplType(Value As %Library.String) as %Boolean
Sets the Put Application Type for the next message to be sent. 
method %SetReplyQMgrName(Value As %Library.String) as %Boolean
Sets the Reply Queue Manager Name for the next message to be sent. 
method %SetReplyQName(Value As %Library.String) as %Boolean
Sets the Reply Queue Name for the next message to be sent. 

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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