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Method Inventory


parameter PAGENAME = Public-Service Registry;
Displayed name of this page.
parameter RegistryType = Public;
Inherited description: Is this this Public or External Registry?


method %OnGetPageName() as %String
Get the (localized) name of the page.
method DeleteItem(pID As %String) as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ ZenMethod ]
method DoDeleteAction(pID) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
method DoDeleteAttribute(pID) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
method DoDeleteContact(pID) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
method DoDeleteFile(pID) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
method DrawTrueFalse(table As %ZEN.Component.tablePane, name As %ZEN.Datatype.string, seed As %ZEN.Datatype.string) as %Status
method GetAction(pID As %String) as %ZEN.proxyObject [ ZenMethod ]
method GetAttribute(pID As %String) as %ZEN.proxyObject [ ZenMethod ]
method GetContact(pID As %String) as %ZEN.proxyObject [ ZenMethod ]
method GetDisplayTime(pID, pUTC) as %TimeStamp [ ZenMethod ]
method GetFile(pSvc As %String, pID As %String) as %ZEN.proxyObject [ ZenMethod ]
method GetRegItem(ByRef pParms, Output pObject As %RegisteredObject) as %Status
method GetResultSet(Output pSC As %Status, pInfo As %ZEN.Auxiliary.QueryInfo) as %ResultSet
Callback that is executed to create the resultset for the main table.
classmethod GetSecurityHelper() as %Boolean [ ZenMethod ]
method GetTotalCount() as %Integer [ ZenMethod ]
classmethod SubmitRegItem(pCommand As %String, pProvider As %ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider, pSubmitObject As %ZEN.proxyObject, Output pResponseObject As %RegisteredObject) as %Status
Object submit handler JSON provider. This is called when the client submits the Current Item definition.
clientmethod applyChanges() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod logout() [ Language = javascript ]
To display a custom message, override logout() and do the unload check ourselves.
clientmethod onloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
This client event, if present, is fired when the page is loaded.
clientmethod updateSecurityHelper() [ Language = javascript ]

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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