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Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter JSINCLUDES = ensemble/Ensemble_Utils.js;
Comma-separated list of additional JS include files for the page.
parameter RegistryType;
Is this this Public or External Registry?


property RegistryType as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ Final , InitialExpression = ..#RegistryType ];
Is this this Public or External Registry?
Property methods: RegistryTypeDisplayToLogical(), RegistryTypeGet(), RegistryTypeIsValid(), RegistryTypeLogicalToDisplay(), RegistryTypeLogicalToOdbc(), RegistryTypeNormalize(), RegistryTypeSet()
property displayValues as %List;
Property methods: displayValuesGet(), displayValuesIsValid(), displayValuesLogicalToOdbc(), displayValuesLogicalToXSD(), displayValuesOdbcToLogical(), displayValuesSet(), displayValuesXSDToLogical()
property extraCriteria as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Property methods: extraCriteriaDisplayToLogical(), extraCriteriaGet(), extraCriteriaIsValid(), extraCriteriaLogicalToDisplay(), extraCriteriaLogicalToOdbc(), extraCriteriaNormalize(), extraCriteriaSet()
property searchCriteria as %ZEN.proxyObject;
Search criteria from the client.
This is a proxy object whose contents are filled in from the search form by the doSearch() method. It is expected that the search query will use this information to determine what results to display.
Property methods: searchCriteriaGet(), searchCriteriaGetSwizzled(), searchCriteriaIsValid(), searchCriteriaNewObject(), searchCriteriaSet()
property searchHidden as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Flag to indicate whether the searchPanel is currently hidden.
Property methods: searchHiddenDisplayToLogical(), searchHiddenGet(), searchHiddenIsValid(), searchHiddenLogicalToDisplay(), searchHiddenLogicalToOdbc(), searchHiddenLogicalToXSD(), searchHiddenNormalize(), searchHiddenSet(), searchHiddenXSDToLogical()
property tipAddCriterion as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Add Criterion") ];
Property methods: tipAddCriterionDisplayToLogical(), tipAddCriterionGet(), tipAddCriterionIsValid(), tipAddCriterionLogicalToDisplay(), tipAddCriterionLogicalToOdbc(), tipAddCriterionNormalize(), tipAddCriterionSet()
property tipAddCriterionTitle as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Add a new criterion") ];
Property methods: tipAddCriterionTitleDisplayToLogical(), tipAddCriterionTitleGet(), tipAddCriterionTitleIsValid(), tipAddCriterionTitleLogicalToDisplay(), tipAddCriterionTitleLogicalToOdbc(), tipAddCriterionTitleNormalize(), tipAddCriterionTitleSet()
property tipAddOR as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Add OR") ];
Property methods: tipAddORDisplayToLogical(), tipAddORGet(), tipAddORIsValid(), tipAddORLogicalToDisplay(), tipAddORLogicalToOdbc(), tipAddORNormalize(), tipAddORSet()
property tipAddORTitle as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Add an OR condition") ];
Property methods: tipAddORTitleDisplayToLogical(), tipAddORTitleGet(), tipAddORTitleIsValid(), tipAddORTitleLogicalToDisplay(), tipAddORTitleLogicalToOdbc(), tipAddORTitleNormalize(), tipAddORTitleSet()


method %OnAfterCreatePage() as %Status
Inherited description: Show/hide the toggle buttons
method %OnDrawObjectProperties()
For dealing with the extraCriteria property
method %OnGetTitle() as %String
Get the (localized) title string for the page.
method %OnZENDeserialize() as %Status
For dealing with the extraCriteria property
method OnGetRibbonInfo(Output pDisplay As %Boolean, Output pViewIcons As %List, Output pSortOptions As %List, Output pSearchBox As %Boolean, Output pRibbonTitle As %String, Output pCommands As %List) as %Status
Get information to display in the ribbon bar.
clientmethod addOR() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod changedList(currList, propName) [ Language = javascript ]
Check to see if items in a list property have changed since opening the current service
clientmethod checkForChanges(obj, propName, changed) [ Language = javascript ]
Check to see if any properties of the current service have been changed since opening the current service (note that service re-opens on saving)
clientmethod clearPageNumber() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod cloneItem(obj) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod deleteAction(key) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod deleteAttribute(key) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod deleteContact(key) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod deleteFile(key) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod doDelete() [ Language = javascript ]
Delete the selected service or client from the registry
clientmethod doSaveAs() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod doSearch() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: Invoke a search using values from the search form.
clientmethod drawDisplayValues() [ Language = javascript ]
Client-side method to render the display value expando.
clientmethod drawExtendedCriteria() [ Language = javascript ]
Client-side method to render the extended criteria expando.
clientmethod editAction(key) [ Language = javascript ]
Launch the actions dialog
clientmethod editAttribute(key) [ Language = javascript ]
Launch the attributes dialog
clientmethod editContact(key) [ Language = javascript ]
Launch the contact properties dialog.
clientmethod editCriterion(k) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod editDisplayValues() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod formReset() [ Language = javascript ]
Reset the search form fields to defaults and perform search
clientmethod getBaseItem(propName) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod getNextData(next) [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: User clicked the Next Page or Previous Page button
clientmethod getSearchForm() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the search form object.
clientmethod importFile(key) [ Language = javascript ]
Launch file viewer dialog.
clientmethod layoutTabGroup() [ Language = javascript ]
Handle the client-side rendering the of the right hand pane.
clientmethod newService() [ Language = javascript ]
Open New Service dialog to register a new service in the registry
clientmethod onPopupAction(popupName, action, value) [ Language = javascript ]
Subclass need to include the case "switchNamespace" if it is enabling "Switch" next to namespace.
clientmethod onSearchHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
User clicked the Search button
clientmethod onSelectItem() [ Language = javascript ]
populate detailTable for the selected row or no selected row
clientmethod onSerialize() [ Language = javascript ]
For dealing with the extraCriteria property
clientmethod onTabChange() [ Language = javascript ]
User clicked on a tab, or selected a new item, so we need to fetch the required content from the server.
clientmethod onUpdate(table) [ Language = javascript ]
override resultsTable TablePane methods
clientmethod onlayoutHandler(load) [ Language = javascript ]
Adjust sizes of components on the page. Do this differently for Registry than for other children of EnsPortal.Template.viewerPage (hence the override). In this case the details pane does NOT get large when the search pane is minimized.
clientmethod onloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
This client event, if present, is fired when the page is loaded.
clientmethod onlogoutHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
This client method, if defined and the AUTOLOGOUT parameter for this page is true, is invoked when the logout timer for this page fires.
If this method return true then the normal page logout behavior will fire. That is, the page will be reloaded causing a login page to appear if the current session has ended.
clientmethod onunloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: This client event, if present, is fired when the page is unloaded. If this method returns a string value, then that is used as the return value of the HTML page's onbeforeunload handler (if more than one component returns a string, the first one encountered is used).
clientmethod populateControls(obj, propName) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod removeCriterion(k) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod renderActionsTable() [ Language = javascript ]
Update the contents of the actions table
clientmethod renderAttributesTable() [ Language = javascript ]
Update the contents of the Attributes table.
clientmethod renderContactsTable() [ Language = javascript ]
Update the contents of the Contacts table.
clientmethod renderFilesTable() [ Language = javascript ]
Update the contents of the files table
clientmethod rowSelected(table) [ Language = javascript ]
User selected a row in the table
clientmethod rowUnSelected(table) [ Language = javascript ]
User unselected a row in the table
clientmethod saveChanges(obj, propName) [ Language = javascript ]
Save all properties to the current Client object
clientmethod selectRow(row, scroll, which) [ Language = javascript ]
Overrides TablePane method
clientmethod setPageModified() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod shiftCriterion(k, direction) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod toggleCriterion(k, enabled) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod updateActions() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod updateNavigationButtons() [ Language = javascript ]
Ensure that the "Next" and "Previous" buttons behave correctly based on the data returned from the current search.
clientmethod updatePageSize() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: Bring the maxRows property of the tablePane into line with the current page size.
clientmethod viewFile(key) [ Language = javascript ]
Launch file viewer dialog.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

FeedbackOpens in a new tab