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deprecated abstract class %iKnow.Queries.MetadataI extends %Library.RegisteredObject

This is the interface to interact with metadata as expected by other parts of the iKnow libraries. A simple but flexible implementation is provided through %iKnow.Queries.MetadataAPI, but customers can choose to develop their own or wire to an existing metadata infrastructure by implementing the interface specified in this class.

Method Inventory


parameter GetFieldsRT = mdFieldId:%String,fieldName:%String,supportedOperators:%List,dataType:%String,storage:%Integer,caseSensitive:%Boolean,lovId:%Integer,validateLov:%Boolean,hidden:%Boolean;


classmethod AddField(domainId As %Integer, fieldName As %String, supportedOperators As %List, dataType As %String = $$$MDDTSTRING, storage As %Integer = $$$MDSTNORMAL, caseSensitive As %Boolean = 0, lovId As %Integer = -1, validateLov As %Boolean = 1, hidden As %Boolean = 0) as %Integer

Adds a field definition with the given name and properties.

  • The supportedOperators parameter specifies which operations (such as $$$MDOPEQUAL) will be available for filtering criteria
  • For dataType, choose either $$$MDDTSTRING, $$$MDDTNUMBER or $$$MDDTDATE ($horolog format)
  • Use storage to control the way how values are stored: $$$MDSTNORMAL for cases where you would use a normal index, $$$MDSTBITMAP where you would use a bitmap index (few different metadata values compared to total # of records)
  • If dataType is $$$MDDTSTRING, caseSensitive controls whether or not string values should be treated as case-sensitive.
  • The lovId and validateLov parameters define wheter a List Of Values is available for this metadata field and whether input values should be verified against this list. See also AddListOfValues().
  • If hidden is set to true, the field will by default not appear in metadata field and value lists.
abstract classmethod CreateFilter(pDomainId As %Integer, pFieldName As %String, pOperator As %String, pValue As %String, Output pSC As %Status = $$$OK) as %iKnow.Filters.Filter
Create a %iKnow.Filters.Filter instance that filters sources according to the given criteria, using the filter class compatible with this %iKnow.Queries.MetadataI implementation.
classmethod EndBatch(domainId As %Integer) as %Status

Ends a metadata batch. See StartBatch() for more details.

classmethod GetFieldId(domainId As %Integer, fieldName As %String) as %Integer
Returns the metadata field ID corresponding to the supplied name, or "" if none exists in this domain.
abstract classmethod GetFieldInfo(pDomainId As %Integer, pFieldName As %String, Output pInfo) as %Status
abstract classmethod GetFieldInfoById(pDomainId As %Integer, pFieldId As %String, Output pInfo) as %Status
abstract classmethod GetFields(ByRef result As %Integer, domainId As %Integer, includeHidden As %Boolean = 0) as %Status

Returns all field definitions (including their properties) for the given domain.

classmethod GetValue(domainId As %Integer, fieldName As %String, externalId As %String, Output sc As %Status) as %String
Returns the actual value for a given metadata field (by name) and source (by External ID).
classmethod GetValueById(domainId As %Integer, fieldId As %Integer, srcId As %Integer, Output sc As %Status) as %String
Returns the actual value for a given metadata field (by ID) and source (by Source ID).
classmethod SetValue(domainId As %Integer, fieldName As %String, externalId As %String, value As %String) as %Status

Sets (or replaces if it exists) the value for a given metadata field (by name) for a given source (by External ID).

Values for fields of type $$$MDDTSTRING are normalized and stripped of whitespace and control characters at the beginning and end of the string.

classmethod SetValueById(domainId As %Integer, fieldId As %Integer, srcId As %Integer, value As %String) as %Status

Sets (or replaces if it exists) the value for a given metadata field (by ID) for a given source (by Source ID).

Values for fields of type $$$MDDTSTRING are normalized and stripped of whitespace and control characters at the beginning and end of the string.

classmethod StartBatch(domainId As %Integer) as %Status

Starts a 'batch' during which metadata values can be set. Some setting operations and index recalculations are optimized for batch processing.

NOTE: It is currently up to the user to make sure no metadata values are read during the batch and no values exist already (as replacing a value involves reading it). Reading metadata field values during a batch is not guaranteed to return correct results.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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