deprecated class %ZEN.Report.Display.COSChart.scoreCard extends %ZEN.Report.Display.COSChart.cchart
Property Inventory
- arrowSize
- arrowStyle
- cardHeight
- cardSize
- cellCaptionStyle
- columnHeaderStyle
- columns
- footersVisible
- headersVisible
- lampColor
- lampColorNeg
- lampLabelStyle
- lampSize
- pivotData
- plotBoxHeight
- plotBoxLowerStyle
- plotBoxMidStyle
- plotBoxStyle
- plotBoxValueHeight
- plotBoxValueStyle
- plotBoxValueStyleNeg
- rowHeight
- selectedIndex
- targetLineStyle
- titleAlign
- titleImage
- titleImageStyle
- titleVisible
- trendBarsHeight
- trendBarsStyle
- trendLineHeight
- trendLineStyle
Method Inventory
- FormatNumber()
- Test()
- evaluate()
- getAvgValue()
- getController()
- getMaxValue()
- getMinValue()
- getSumValue()
- hasAxes()
- length()
- lookup()
- renderContents()
- renderScoreCard()
- setupTopLevel()
Default viewBoxHeight of this component.
Default viewBoxWidth of this component.
Turn off for score card.
parameter DOMAIN = %DeepSee;
Localization domain
parameter INCLUDEFILES = dsparser.js;
DeepSee score card component.
This is a subclass of chart as it shares the same data acquisition logic
(and uses many of the same style properties).
property arrowSize as %ZEN.Datatype.float [ InitialExpression = 0.8 ];
Optional. Size (as a percentage between 0 and 1) of an arrow.
Property methods: arrowSizeDisplayToLogical(), arrowSizeGet(), arrowSizeIsValid(), arrowSizeLogicalToDisplay(), arrowSizeLogicalToOdbc(), arrowSizeNormalize(), arrowSizeSet()
property arrowStyle as %ZEN.Datatype.svgStyle;
Optional. Style to indicator arrows in plotBox.
Property methods: arrowStyleDisplayToLogical(), arrowStyleGet(), arrowStyleIsValid(), arrowStyleLogicalToDisplay(), arrowStyleLogicalToOdbc(), arrowStyleNormalize(), arrowStyleSet()
property cardHeight as %ZEN.Datatype.integer (XMLPROJECTION = "none") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Computed height (pixels) of the scorecard.
Property methods: cardHeightDisplayToLogical(), cardHeightGet(), cardHeightIsValid(), cardHeightLogicalToDisplay(), cardHeightLogicalToOdbc(), cardHeightNormalize(), cardHeightSet()
property cardSize as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
How big to show items within this score card.
This can be "big" or "" (regular).
Property methods: cardSizeDisplayToLogical(), cardSizeGet(), cardSizeIsValid(), cardSizeLogicalToDisplay(), cardSizeLogicalToOdbc(), cardSizeNormalize(), cardSizeSet()
property cellCaptionStyle as %ZEN.Datatype.svgStyle;
Optional. Style to apply to cell captions.
Property methods: cellCaptionStyleDisplayToLogical(), cellCaptionStyleGet(), cellCaptionStyleIsValid(), cellCaptionStyleLogicalToDisplay(), cellCaptionStyleLogicalToOdbc(), cellCaptionStyleNormalize(), cellCaptionStyleSet()
property columnHeaderStyle as %ZEN.Datatype.svgStyle;
Optional. Style for column headers in plotBox.
Property methods: columnHeaderStyleDisplayToLogical(), columnHeaderStyleGet(), columnHeaderStyleIsValid(), columnHeaderStyleLogicalToDisplay(), columnHeaderStyleLogicalToOdbc(), columnHeaderStyleNormalize(), columnHeaderStyleSet()
property columns as list of scoreCardColumn (XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT", XMLREF = 1, XMLTYPECONSTRAINT = "CHOICE");
Specification for columns within the scoreCard.
Property methods: columnsBuildValueArray(), columnsCollectionToDisplay(), columnsCollectionToOdbc(), columnsDisplayToCollection(), columnsGet(), columnsGetObject(), columnsGetObjectId(), columnsGetSwizzled(), columnsIsValid(), columnsOdbcToCollection(), columnsSet(), columnsSetObject(), columnsSetObjectId()
Optional: if true, display column footers.
Property methods: footersVisibleDisplayToLogical(), footersVisibleGet(), footersVisibleIsValid(), footersVisibleLogicalToDisplay(), footersVisibleLogicalToOdbc(), footersVisibleLogicalToXSD(), footersVisibleNormalize(), footersVisibleSet(), footersVisibleXSDToLogical()
property headersVisible as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Optional: if true, display column headers.
Property methods: headersVisibleDisplayToLogical(), headersVisibleGet(), headersVisibleIsValid(), headersVisibleLogicalToDisplay(), headersVisibleLogicalToOdbc(), headersVisibleLogicalToXSD(), headersVisibleNormalize(), headersVisibleSet(), headersVisibleXSDToLogical()
property lampColor as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = "#80F080" ];
Optional. Color of indicator lamp.
Property methods: lampColorDisplayToLogical(), lampColorGet(), lampColorIsValid(), lampColorLogicalToDisplay(), lampColorLogicalToOdbc(), lampColorNormalize(), lampColorSet()
property lampColorNeg as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = "#F08080" ];
Optional. Color of negative indicator lamp.
Property methods: lampColorNegDisplayToLogical(), lampColorNegGet(), lampColorNegIsValid(), lampColorNegLogicalToDisplay(), lampColorNegLogicalToOdbc(), lampColorNegNormalize(), lampColorNegSet()
property lampLabelStyle as %ZEN.Datatype.svgStyle;
Optional. Style to apply to labels within lamps.
Property methods: lampLabelStyleDisplayToLogical(), lampLabelStyleGet(), lampLabelStyleIsValid(), lampLabelStyleLogicalToDisplay(), lampLabelStyleLogicalToOdbc(), lampLabelStyleNormalize(), lampLabelStyleSet()
property lampSize as %ZEN.Datatype.float [ InitialExpression = 0.6 ];
Optional. Radius (as a percentage between 0 and 1) of a lamp.
Property methods: lampSizeDisplayToLogical(), lampSizeGet(), lampSizeIsValid(), lampSizeLogicalToDisplay(), lampSizeLogicalToOdbc(), lampSizeNormalize(), lampSizeSet()
property pivotData as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, swap rows and columns within the data source for this scoreCard.
Property methods: pivotDataDisplayToLogical(), pivotDataGet(), pivotDataIsValid(), pivotDataLogicalToDisplay(), pivotDataLogicalToOdbc(), pivotDataLogicalToXSD(), pivotDataNormalize(), pivotDataSet(), pivotDataXSDToLogical()
property plotBoxHeight as %ZEN.Datatype.float [ InitialExpression = 0.8 ];
Optional. Height (as a percentage between 0 and 1) of a plot box.
Property methods: plotBoxHeightDisplayToLogical(), plotBoxHeightGet(), plotBoxHeightIsValid(), plotBoxHeightLogicalToDisplay(), plotBoxHeightLogicalToOdbc(), plotBoxHeightNormalize(), plotBoxHeightSet()
property plotBoxLowerStyle as %ZEN.Datatype.svgStyle;
Optional. Style to apply to lower range rectangle in plotBox.
Property methods: plotBoxLowerStyleDisplayToLogical(), plotBoxLowerStyleGet(), plotBoxLowerStyleIsValid(), plotBoxLowerStyleLogicalToDisplay(), plotBoxLowerStyleLogicalToOdbc(), plotBoxLowerStyleNormalize(), plotBoxLowerStyleSet()
property plotBoxMidStyle as %ZEN.Datatype.svgStyle;
Optional. Style to apply to mid range rectangle in plotBox.
Property methods: plotBoxMidStyleDisplayToLogical(), plotBoxMidStyleGet(), plotBoxMidStyleIsValid(), plotBoxMidStyleLogicalToDisplay(), plotBoxMidStyleLogicalToOdbc(), plotBoxMidStyleNormalize(), plotBoxMidStyleSet()
property plotBoxStyle as %ZEN.Datatype.svgStyle;
Optional. Style to apply to outer rectangle in plotBox.
Property methods: plotBoxStyleDisplayToLogical(), plotBoxStyleGet(), plotBoxStyleIsValid(), plotBoxStyleLogicalToDisplay(), plotBoxStyleLogicalToOdbc(), plotBoxStyleNormalize(), plotBoxStyleSet()
property plotBoxValueHeight as %ZEN.Datatype.float [ InitialExpression = 0.5 ];
Optional. Height (as a percentage between 0 and 1) of the value bar within a plot box.
Property methods: plotBoxValueHeightDisplayToLogical(), plotBoxValueHeightGet(), plotBoxValueHeightIsValid(), plotBoxValueHeightLogicalToDisplay(), plotBoxValueHeightLogicalToOdbc(), plotBoxValueHeightNormalize(), plotBoxValueHeightSet()
property plotBoxValueStyle as %ZEN.Datatype.svgStyle [ InitialExpression = "fill:rgb(47,98,128);" ];
Optional. Style to apply to value bar in plotBox.
Property methods: plotBoxValueStyleDisplayToLogical(), plotBoxValueStyleGet(), plotBoxValueStyleIsValid(), plotBoxValueStyleLogicalToDisplay(), plotBoxValueStyleLogicalToOdbc(), plotBoxValueStyleNormalize(), plotBoxValueStyleSet()
property plotBoxValueStyleNeg as %ZEN.Datatype.svgStyle [ InitialExpression = "fill:rgb(128,47,47);" ];
Optional. Style to apply to negative value bar in plotBox.
Property methods: plotBoxValueStyleNegDisplayToLogical(), plotBoxValueStyleNegGet(), plotBoxValueStyleNegIsValid(), plotBoxValueStyleNegLogicalToDisplay(), plotBoxValueStyleNegLogicalToOdbc(), plotBoxValueStyleNegNormalize(), plotBoxValueStyleNegSet()
property rowHeight as %ZEN.Datatype.integer;
Height (pixels) of rows within the scorecard.
Property methods: rowHeightDisplayToLogical(), rowHeightGet(), rowHeightIsValid(), rowHeightLogicalToDisplay(), rowHeightLogicalToOdbc(), rowHeightNormalize(), rowHeightSet()
property selectedIndex as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = -1 ];
Index of selected row (0-based).
Property methods: selectedIndexDisplayToLogical(), selectedIndexGet(), selectedIndexIsValid(), selectedIndexLogicalToDisplay(), selectedIndexLogicalToOdbc(), selectedIndexNormalize(), selectedIndexSet()
property targetLineStyle as %ZEN.Datatype.svgStyle;
Optional. Style for targetLine in plotBox.
Property methods: targetLineStyleDisplayToLogical(), targetLineStyleGet(), targetLineStyleIsValid(), targetLineStyleLogicalToDisplay(), targetLineStyleLogicalToOdbc(), targetLineStyleNormalize(), targetLineStyleSet()
property titleAlign as %ZEN.Datatype.string (VALUELIST = ",center,left,right") [ InitialExpression = "left" ];
Optional: alignment for title and subtitle.
(Default is left for scorecard).
Property methods: titleAlignDisplayToLogical(), titleAlignGet(), titleAlignIsValid(), titleAlignLogicalToDisplay(), titleAlignLogicalToOdbc(), titleAlignNormalize(), titleAlignSet()
property titleImage as %ZEN.Datatype.uri;
Optional: URL of image to display within the title area.
Property methods: titleImageDisplayToLogical(), titleImageGet(), titleImageIsValid(), titleImageLogicalToDisplay(), titleImageLogicalToOdbc(), titleImageNormalize(), titleImageSet()
property titleImageStyle as %ZEN.Datatype.svgStyle;
Optional. Style for titleImage: left,top,width, and height.
Property methods: titleImageStyleDisplayToLogical(), titleImageStyleGet(), titleImageStyleIsValid(), titleImageStyleLogicalToDisplay(), titleImageStyleLogicalToOdbc(), titleImageStyleNormalize(), titleImageStyleSet()
property titleVisible as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Optional: if true, display the title area.
Property methods: titleVisibleDisplayToLogical(), titleVisibleGet(), titleVisibleIsValid(), titleVisibleLogicalToDisplay(), titleVisibleLogicalToOdbc(), titleVisibleLogicalToXSD(), titleVisibleNormalize(), titleVisibleSet(), titleVisibleXSDToLogical()
property trendBarsHeight as %ZEN.Datatype.float [ InitialExpression = 0.8 ];
Optional. Height (as a percentage between 0 and 1) of a trend bar chart.
Property methods: trendBarsHeightDisplayToLogical(), trendBarsHeightGet(), trendBarsHeightIsValid(), trendBarsHeightLogicalToDisplay(), trendBarsHeightLogicalToOdbc(), trendBarsHeightNormalize(), trendBarsHeightSet()
property trendBarsStyle as %ZEN.Datatype.svgStyle;
Optional. Style for trendBars in plotBox.
Property methods: trendBarsStyleDisplayToLogical(), trendBarsStyleGet(), trendBarsStyleIsValid(), trendBarsStyleLogicalToDisplay(), trendBarsStyleLogicalToOdbc(), trendBarsStyleNormalize(), trendBarsStyleSet()
property trendLineHeight as %ZEN.Datatype.float [ InitialExpression = 0.8 ];
Optional. Height (as a percentage between 0 and 1) of a trend line.
Property methods: trendLineHeightDisplayToLogical(), trendLineHeightGet(), trendLineHeightIsValid(), trendLineHeightLogicalToDisplay(), trendLineHeightLogicalToOdbc(), trendLineHeightNormalize(), trendLineHeightSet()
property trendLineStyle as %ZEN.Datatype.svgStyle;
Optional. Style for trendLine in plotBox.
Property methods: trendLineStyleDisplayToLogical(), trendLineStyleGet(), trendLineStyleIsValid(), trendLineStyleLogicalToDisplay(), trendLineStyleLogicalToOdbc(), trendLineStyleNormalize(), trendLineStyleSet()
method FormatNumber(value, format)
classmethod Test()
method evaluate(expr, ByRef data, r)
Evaluate a value expression.
expr is the expression;
data is an array of data values subscripted by name and row;
r is the row.
method getAvgValue(ByRef args)
Implementation of avg() function within formulae.
Return average of items within current data set.
method getController()
method getMaxValue(ByRef args)
Implementation of max() function within formulae.
Return max value of given property within current data set.
or max of values within a list of items.
method getMinValue(ByRef args)
Implementation of min() function within formulae.
Return min value of given property within current data set.
method getSumValue(ByRef args)
Implementation of sum() function within formulae.
Return sum of items within current data set.
method hasAxes()
No axes for a score card.
classmethod length(ByRef array)
classmethod lookup(key)
Lookup function for formula engine.
method renderContents()
Render the inner SVG contents of this component.
method renderScoreCard()
Render the contents of this component.
method setupTopLevel(scaleX, scaleY)
Inherited Members
Inherited Properties
- %controlBarH
- %dataDrivenSeriesColors
- %dataSeries
- %date1900
- %endUnits
- %firstXLabelWidth
- %hzMaxStep
- %labelBottom
- %labelPad
- %labelPadL
- %labelPadR
- %lastXLabelWidth
- %legendHeight
- %legendRight
- %legendVisible
- %legendWidth
- %majorUnits
- %marginBottom
- %marginLeft
- %marginRight
- %marginTop
- %maxScrollLeft
- %maxXHeight
- %minorUnits
- %offset
- %oldXMax
- %pixPerSec
- %plotBottom
- %plotBottomOut
- %plotHeight
- %plotLeft
- %plotLeftOut
- %plotRight
- %plotRightOut
- %plotTop
- %plotTopOut
- %plotWidth
- %rplotRight
- %rplotRightOut
- %rplotWidth
- %scaleX
- %scaleY
- %seriesColors
- %startUnits
- %timeEvents
- %titleHeight
- %titleImageLeft
- %titleImageTop
- %titleImageWidth
- %xAxisLabelH
- %xAxisTitle
- %xAxisTitleH
- %xBaseValue
- %xGridType
- %xLabelAngle
- %xLabelOnTheBottom
- %xLabelOnTheTop
- %xLabelStyle
- %xLabelUnits
- %xMajorGrid
- %xMajorGridStyle
- %xMajorUnits
- %xMaxValue
- %xMinValue
- %xMinorGrid
- %xMinorGridStyle
- %xMinorUnits
- %xRange
- %yAxisForSeries
- %yAxisTitle
- %yBaseValue
- %yGridType
- %yLabelAngle
- %yLabelOnTheLeft
- %yLabelOnTheRight
- %yLabelStyle
- %yLabelUnits
- %yMajorGrid
- %yMajorGridStyle
- %yMajorUnits
- %yMaxValue
- %yMinValue
- %yMinorGrid
- %yMinorGridStyle
- %yMinorUnits
- %yRange
- FontXScale
- FontYScale
- appearance
- applyLevel
- autoScaleText
- axisLineStyle
- axisTitleStyle
- backgroundStyle
- bandLeft
- bandLeftStyle
- bandLower
- bandLowerStyle
- bandRight
- bandRightStyle
- bandUpper
- bandUpperStyle
- baseLineStyle
- blockContainerProperty
- borderOffset
- borderRadius
- borderStyle
- caption
- chartPivot
- children
- class
- colcount
- colspan
- composite
- controllerId
- crosstabDataGroup
- crosstabFooterDataField
- crosstabFooterFormatNumber
- crosstabFooterGroup
- crosstabHeaderDataField
- crosstabHeaderGroup
- crosstabHeaderGroupLabels
- crosstabHeaderGroupTooLongText
- crosstabHeaderLabelDataField
- crosstabHeaderMatchField
- crosstabRowGroup
- crosstabTruncationHeight
- crosstabTruncationWidth
- currYAxis
- dataDrivenSeriesColors
- dataSeries
- dateFormat
- debugBBox
- endTime
- field
- foblock
- gridStyle
- group
- grouppath
- hasFooter
- hasHeader
- hasZoom
- height
- htmlstyle
- id
- ifexpression
- ifxpath
- includeBlockContainer
- includeColIfExpression
- includeColIfXPath
- includeColUnlessExpression
- includeColUnlessXPath
- indicatorStyle
- indicatorsVisible
- labelStyle
- labelsVisible
- legendHeight
- legendLabelStyle
- legendLabels
- legendPosition
- legendRectStyle
- legendStyle
- legendTitle
- legendVisible
- legendWidth
- legendX
- legendY
- level
- lineStyle
- linefeedTreatment
- marginBottom
- marginLeft
- marginRight
- marginTop
- markerScale
- markerShapes
- markerStyle
- markersVisible
- maxLabelLen
- msgIfNoData
- multipleTitleStyle
- noDataFill
- noDataOpacity
- noDataStroke
- oldLabelCalc
- ongetData
- ongetLabelX
- ongetLabelY
- ongetSeriesName
- ongetTimeEvents
- onrenderData
- passChartObject
- plotAreaStyle
- plotEdgeStyle
- plotStyle
- plotToEdge
- removeEmpty
- rowspan
- scrollButtonStyle
- selectedItem
- selectedItemStyle
- selectedSeries
- selectstylecond
- selectstylelist
- seriesColorScheme
- seriesColors
- seriesColorsOverride
- seriesCount
- seriesNames
- seriesNumber
- seriesSize
- seriesYAxes
- showMultiples
- startTime
- stripeStyle
- stripesVisible
- style
- stylecall
- styleparamNames
- styleparams
- subtitle
- subtitleStyle
- svgGroup
- tag
- template
- textSize
- timeBased
- title
- titleBoxStyle
- titleStyle
- titleX
- titleY
- tooLongText
- topLevel
- truncate
- truncationHeight
- truncationWidth
- unlessexpression
- unselectedItemStyle
- valueBoxStyle
- valueLabelFormat
- valueLabelStyle
- valueLabelsVisible
- viewBoxHeight
- viewBoxWidth
- warnIfNoData
- width
- withinSmallmultiple
- xAxis
- xmlnamespace
- xmlnamespaceprefix
- xpath
- xslfostyle
- yAxis
- yAxisList
- zenMonthShortNames
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ApplyClass()
- %ApplyLevelParameters()
- %BeginGroup()
- %BeginGroupNoInc()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DeclareLevelParameters()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %DrawCellFO()
- %DrawCellFO1()
- %DrawCellToHTML()
- %DrawCellToHTML1()
- %DrawFooterFO()
- %DrawFooterToAnnotatedXML()
- %DrawFooterToHTML()
- %DrawHeaderFO()
- %DrawHeaderToHTML()
- %DrawSort()
- %DrawToAnnotatedXML()
- %DrawToHTML()
- %DrawToXSLFO()
- %EndGroup()
- %EndLevel()
- %Extends()
- %FooterWidth()
- %GetAbsoluteURL()
- %GetParameter()
- %HeaderWidth()
- %IncLevel()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OldWidth()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %QuoteValue()
- %QuoteValueEmbedded()
- %QuoteValueL10N()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %StyleHTML()
- %StyleXSLFO()
- %ValidateObject()
- %Width()
- ApplyClass()
- CSPLinkToFileLink()
- CountSpaces()
- DoDocForHTML()
- GetBBox()
- GetDocForXSLFO()
- HTMLStyle()
- OutputId()
- ParseCSSStyle()
- XMLExport()
- XMLExportToStream()
- XMLExportToString()
- XMLNew()
- XMLSchema()
- XMLSchemaNamespace()
- XMLSchemaType()
- XSLFOStyle()
- adjustChartTitle()
- calcVertex()
- calculateAxisConstraints()
- calculateLegendDimensions()
- calculateViewBox()
- calculateXAxisHeight()
- calculateXAxisTitleHeight()
- computeEffectiveExtents()
- computeScale()
- computeStyle()
- computeXAxisTimeLine()
- computeXFontSize()
- computeYFontSize()
- createMarker()
- createSVGTextNode()
- createXLabelNode()
- embedStyle()
- getCellInfo()
- getChartSubtitle()
- getChartTitle()
- getColorSchemeArray()
- getComputedFontSize()
- getComputedTextLength()
- getCurrYAxis()
- getDataSeriesCount()
- getDataSeriesLength()
- getEndTime()
- getLegendLabels()
- getLegendRectStyle()
- getLegendsCount()
- getMarkerShape()
- getNumericAbbreviation()
- getPelToPixelHRatio()
- getPelToPixelVRatio()
- getPlotX()
- getPlotY()
- getRangeGroupForSeries()
- getSelectedItem()
- getSelectedSeries()
- getSelectedStyle()
- getSeriesColor()
- getSeriesCount()
- getSeriesData()
- getSeriesNames()
- getSeriesNamesSize()
- getSeriesSVGGroup()
- getSeriesSize()
- getSeriesType()
- getStartTime()
- getStyleArray()
- getTextWidth()
- getTimeX()
- getXAxis()
- getXAxisTitle()
- getXAxisType()
- getXLabelText()
- getYAxis()
- getYAxisCount()
- getYAxisTitle()
- getYAxisType()
- getYLabelText()
- hasFooterGet()
- hasHeaderGet()
- hasMultiples()
- hasSelectedItem()
- initializeAxisProperties()
- insertAxis()
- integrateStyleSpec()
- is3D()
- isCSPLink()
- isTimeBased()
- makeId()
- max()
- min()
- myCountSpaces()
- needsURL()
- parent()
- pickVerticalSkips()
- plotLineForSeries()
- prepareAxisGroup()
- processExclamationPoint()
- qualify()
- removeChildNodes()
- renderAxes()
- renderBands()
- renderLegend()
- renderPlotArea()
- renderSeries()
- renderSeriesGroup()
- renderTimeEvents()
- renderTitle()
- renderXAxisTimeLine()
- renderXAxisTitle()
- renderXLabels()
- renderYAxisTitle()
- renderYLabels()
- split()
- stripWhitespace()
- tagGet()
- unrender()
- updateIndicator()
- usePercentForRange()
- useSumForRange()
- xToLogical()
- yToLogical()
- zenGet()