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class %SYS.OAuth2.Registration extends %Library.RegisteredObject

The %SYS.OAuth2.Registration class contains the client side methods to support OpenID Connect Discovery and Dynamic Client Registration.

Method Inventory


classmethod DeleteClientRegistration(applicationName As %String) as %Status
The DeleteClientRegistration method uses the Dynamic Client Registration protocol (RFC 7592) to delete the client metadata of a dynamically registered client. The local OAuth2.Client instance is unchanged.
classmethod Discover(issuerEndpoint As %String, sslConfiguration As %String, Output server As OAuth2.ServerDefinition) as %Status
The Discover method uses the OpenID Connect Discovery protocol to obtain the server metadata for a client. The Discover method saves the server metadata in an existing or new OAuth2.ServerDefinition instance for the specified issuerEndpoint.
classmethod ReadClient(applicationName As %String) as %Status
The ReadClient method uses the OpenID Connect Dynamic Registration protocol to read the client metadata of a dynamically registered client. The ReadClient method saves the response properties and response client metadata in the OAuth2.Client instance.
classmethod RegisterClient(applicationName As %String) as %Status
The RegisterClient method uses the OpenID Connect Dynamic Registration protocol to register the client specified by applicationName. The RegisterClient method saves the response properties and response client metadata in the OAuth2.Client instance.
classmethod UpdateClient(applicationName As %String) as %Status
The UpdateClient method uses the Dynamic Client Registration protocol (RFC 7592) to uptate the client metadata of a dynamically registered client on the server. The UpdateClient method saves the updated response properties and response client metadata in the OAuth2.Client instance.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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