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abstract class %SYS.Monitor.AbstractSubscriber extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Abstract class for a Subscriber

User classes inherit from this class to become a Subscriber for System Monitor.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property Notifications [ MultiDimensional ];
Property methods: NotificationsDisplayToLogical(), NotificationsGet(), NotificationsIsValid(), NotificationsLogicalToDisplay(), NotificationsLogicalToOdbc(), NotificationsNormalize(), NotificationsSet()
property SensorName [ MultiDimensional ];
Sensor subscription lists. If Subscription(type)=1 OR Subscription(name)=1 Subscription()= 1
Property methods: SensorNameDisplayToLogical(), SensorNameGet(), SensorNameIsValid(), SensorNameLogicalToDisplay(), SensorNameLogicalToOdbc(), SensorNameNormalize(), SensorNameSet()
property SensorReading [ MultiDimensional ];
Sensor readings passed from Sensor classes Sensor(, ) = value
Property methods: SensorReadingDisplayToLogical(), SensorReadingGet(), SensorReadingIsValid(), SensorReadingLogicalToDisplay(), SensorReadingLogicalToOdbc(), SensorReadingNormalize(), SensorReadingSet()
property State as %String [ InitialExpression = " " ];
Runtime state
Property methods: StateDisplayToLogical(), StateGet(), StateIsValid(), StateLogicalToDisplay(), StateLogicalToOdbc(), StateNormalize(), StateSet()


final method ClearNotifications() as %Integer
USER DOES NOT IMPLEMENT THIS METHOD This method is called to clear notifications for the SYS.Monitor Controller
final method ClearSensors() as %Integer
USER DOES NOT IMPLEMENT THIS METHOD This method is called to clear sensor readings for the SYS.Monitor Controller
final method GetAllSensors(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, ByRef Sensor As %String, ByRef Qualifier As %String, ByRef Value As %String) as %Integer
Query method to traverse the SensorReading property. Starting from a null Sensor, returns Sensor, Qualifier, Value, and Sensor Name.
Returns 0 when there are no more sensor readings.
final method GetNextSensor(Sensor As %String, ByRef qHandle As %Binary, ByRef Qualifier As %String, ByRef Value As %String) as %Integer
USER DOES NOT IMPLEMENT THIS METHOD This method is called to get sensor readings. For a given sensor / qualifier pair, returns the next qualifier and the associated value.
Returns 1 if value, 0 if no more values, -1 if invalid Sensor.
final method GetNextSensorName(ByRef Sensor As %String = "") as %Status
USER DOES NOT IMPLEMENT THIS METHOD This method is called to get sensor names. For a given sensor, returns the next sensor.
Returns sensor name or "" if no more sensors.
final method GetSensor(Sensor As %String, Qualifier As %String = "", ByRef Value As %String = "") as %Integer
USER DOES NOT IMPLEMENT THIS METHOD This method is called to get sensor readings. For a given sensor / qualifier pair, returns the value.
Returns 1 if value, 0 if no value, -1 if invalid Sensor.
final method LogCon(Msg As %String = "", Severity As %Integer = 0) as %Status
method LogMsg(msg As %String = "") as %Status
final method Notify(Sensor As %String, Severity As %Integer, Msg As %String) as %Integer
USER DOES NOT IMPLEMENT THIS METHOD This method is called to post a notification
final method OpenLog() as %Status
abstract method Receive() as %Status
USER MUST IMPLEMENT THIS METHOD This method is called when the sensor array is filled.
method Start() as %Status
USER MAY IMPLEMENT THIS METHOD This method is called when the subscriber class is created.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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