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abstract class %CSP.Stream

The %CSP.Stream class implements a base class for multipart/mime streams sent to the CSP Server.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property CharSet as %String [ Calculated ];
This property is ignored unless ContentType=text/... Sets the Character Set for the content-type header.
Property methods: CharSetDisplayToLogical(), CharSetIsValid(), CharSetLogicalToDisplay(), CharSetLogicalToOdbc(), CharSetNormalize()
property ContentType as %String [ Calculated ];
The MIME content type of the stream
Property methods: ContentTypeDisplayToLogical(), ContentTypeIsValid(), ContentTypeLogicalToDisplay(), ContentTypeLogicalToOdbc(), ContentTypeNormalize()
property Expires as %String [ Calculated ];
If defined this property will set the 'Expires' property of the %response object to allow the stream to be cached.
Property methods: ExpiresDisplayToLogical(), ExpiresIsValid(), ExpiresLogicalToDisplay(), ExpiresLogicalToOdbc(), ExpiresNormalize()
property FileName as %String [ Calculated ];
When a file is uploaded from the browser this is the filename on the users system of this file.
Property methods: FileNameDisplayToLogical(), FileNameIsValid(), FileNameLogicalToDisplay(), FileNameLogicalToOdbc(), FileNameNormalize()
property Headers as %String [ Calculated ];
Full list of the headers associated with this mime section
Property methods: HeadersDisplayToLogical(), HeadersIsValid(), HeadersLogicalToDisplay(), HeadersLogicalToOdbc(), HeadersNormalize()
property MimeSection as %String [ Calculated ];
When a file is uploaded from the browser this is the mime section of this file.
Property methods: MimeSectionDisplayToLogical(), MimeSectionIsValid(), MimeSectionLogicalToDisplay(), MimeSectionLogicalToOdbc(), MimeSectionNormalize()


final method CharSetGet() as %String
Retrieve the value of the CharSet property
final method CharSetSet(value As %String) as %Status
Set the value of the CharSet property
final method ContentTypeGet() as %String
Retrieve the value of the ContentType property
final method ContentTypeSet(value As %String) as %Status
Set the value of the ContentType property
final method ExpiresGet() as %String
Retrieve the value of the Expires property
final method ExpiresSet(value As %String) as %Status
Set the value of the Expires property
final method FileNameGet() as %String
Retrieve the value of the FileName property
final method FileNameSet(value As %String) as %Status
Set the value of the FileName property
final method HeadersGet() as %String
Retrieve the value of the ContentType property
final method HeadersSet(value As %String) as %Status
Set the value of the ContentType property
final method MimeSectionGet() as %String
Retrieve the value of the MimeSection property
final method MimeSectionSet(value As %String) as %Status
Set the value of the MimeSection property


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