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Query Syntax and Keywords

This reference describes the syntax and keywords that apply to a class query. Keywords (also known as class attributes) generally affect the compiler.

See Query Definitions for links to general information on defining queries.

See the Table of Contents for a complete list of structures and keywords that apply to specific class members.

  • Syntax of Queries in Class Definitions – Describes the structure of a query definition. See Query Definitions for links to general information on defining queries.
  • ClientName – An alias used by client projections of this query.
  • Final – Specifies whether this query is final (cannot be overridden in subclasses).
  • Internal – Specifies whether this query definition is internal (not displayed in the class documentation).
  • Private – Specifies whether the query is private.
  • Requires – Specifies a list of privileges a user or process must have to call this query.
  • SoapBindingStyle – Specifies the binding style or SOAP invocation mechanism used by this query, when it is used as a web method. Applies only in a class that is defined as a web service or web client.
  • SoapBodyUse – Specifies the encoding used by the inputs and outputs of this query, when it is used as a web method. Applies only in a class that is defined as a web service or web client.
  • SoapNameSpace – Specifies the namespace at the binding operation level in the WSDL. Applies only in a class that is defined as a web service or web client.
  • SqlName – Overrides the default name of the projected SQL stored procedure. Applies only if this query is projected as an SQL stored procedure.
  • SqlProc – Specifies whether the query can be invoked as an SQL stored procedure.
  • SqlView – Specifies whether to project this query as an SQL view.
  • SqlViewName – Overrides the default name of the projected SQL view. Applies only if this query is projected as an SQL view.
  • WebMethod – Specifies whether this class query is a web method. Applies only in a class that is defined as a web service or web client.
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