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class HS.IHE.XDR.Source.Operations extends HS.HC.Util.Trace.Helper, HS.Util.BaseHost, HS.Util.XSLTTransformer, HS.Util.SOAPClient.Operations

Operation used to convert / send direct messages
The operation will accept a XMLMessage with the metadata or an inbound Metadata object HS.Message.IHE.XDSb.Metadata and convert to an HS.Message.XMLMessage and send to the XDR recipient
ServiceName holds the Service registry entry with the XDR recipient endpoint

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = HS;
parameter INVOCATION = Queue;
Inherited description: 2 modes: Queue, InProc
parameter SETTINGS = CustomProcessor:Basic,-TargetName,DocumentsInline,DocumentTransform;
Inherited description: List of properties can be set as settings in the configuration file format is a comma separated list of property names


property DocumentTransform as %String (MAXLEN = 255) [ InitialExpression = "IHE/XDSb/Version1/MetadataObject-to-Message.xsl" ];
XSLT to tranform inbound object to stream
Property methods: DocumentTransformDisplayToLogical(), DocumentTransformGet(), DocumentTransformIsValid(), DocumentTransformLogicalToDisplay(), DocumentTransformLogicalToOdbc(), DocumentTransformNormalize(), DocumentTransformSet()
property DocumentsInline as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Send documents inline instead of as attachments (when processing a Metadata Object) This will move the documents from inline to attachments but will not move attachments into inline
Property methods: DocumentsInlineDisplayToLogical(), DocumentsInlineGet(), DocumentsInlineIsValid(), DocumentsInlineLogicalToDisplay(), DocumentsInlineNormalize(), DocumentsInlineSet()
property Errors as HS.Types.IHE.Errors;
Property methods: ErrorsGet(), ErrorsGetObject(), ErrorsGetObjectId(), ErrorsGetSwizzled(), ErrorsIsEmpty(), ErrorsIsValid(), ErrorsNewObject(), ErrorsSet(), ErrorsSetObject(), ErrorsSetObjectId(), ErrorsUnSwizzle()


method AddDirectHeader(pWebRequest, pRequest) as %Status
Extract data from request and add to the webrequest Looks for data in the pRequest.AdditionalInfo property in Direct:FROM, Direct:TO and Direct:METADATA-LEVEL Will only create a Header record if Direct:FROM and Direct:TO are defined. Optionally define customization class by setting CustomProcessor to class name and define either method Do not update pRequest in either method Tracing in the methods with HSTRACECALLED, HSTRACECALLEDMIN, HSTRACECALLEDERROR OnPreAddDirectHeader(Output pStopProcessing, pWebRequest, pRequest) as %Status if pStopProcessing is true processing will terminate with tSC (either ok or error) OnPostAddDirectHeader(pWebRequest, pRequest) as %Status
method ConvertRequest(pRequest As HS.Message.IHE.XDSb.Metadata, ByRef pUpdatedRequest As HS.Message.XMLMessage) as %Status
Convert Metdata object into outbound Metadata stream
Optionally define customization class by setting CustomProcessor to class name and define either method Tracing in the methods with HSTRACECALLED, HSTRACECALLEDMIN, HSTRACECALLEDERROR OnPreConvertRequest(Output pStopProcessing, pRequest, pUpdatedRequest) as %Status if pStopProcessing is true processing will terminate with tSC (either ok or error) OnPostConvertRequest(pRequest, pUpdatedRequest) as %Status
method OnMessage(pRequest As %Persistent, Output pResponse As HS.Message.XMLMessage) as %Status
Inherited description: This is the default message handler. All request types not declared in the message map are delivered here
method SendRequest(pRequest As HS.Message.XMLMessage, ByRef pResponse As HS.Message.XMLMessage) as %Status
Send Metadata message to target and accept response Uses the ..XDSbRepositoryServiceName for the target endpoint Creates the direct header in the soap message in the AddDirectHeader method Adds any attachments to the message and invokes the web service Optionally define customization class by setting CustomProcessor to class name and define either method Do not update pRequest in either method Tracing in the methods with HSTRACECALLED, HSTRACECALLEDMIN, HSTRACECALLEDERROR OnPreSendRequest(Output pStopProcessing, pRequest, pResponse) as %Status if pStopProcessing is true processing will terminate with tSC (either ok or error) OnPostSendRequest(pRequest, pResponse) as %Status
method UpdateMetadataAssociations(pRequest As HS.Message.IHE.XDSb.Metadata) as %Status
Update the associations related to the submission (if and only if there is just 1 submission set)

Optionally define customization class by setting CustomProcessor to class name and define either method Do not update pRequest in either method Tracing in the methods with HSTRACECALLED, HSTRACECALLEDMIN, HSTRACECALLEDERROR OnPreAddDirectHeader(Output pStopProcessing, pWebRequest, pRequest) as %Status if pStopProcessing is true processing will terminate with tSC (either ok or error) OnPostAddDirectHeader(pWebRequest, pRequest) as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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