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class HS.HC.Util.Installer

Method Inventory


deprecated classmethod ActivateConfiguration(pDummy, pNS=$namespace)
DEPRECATED. Use method with same name in HS.HC.SystemConfig.API instead.
Export and Activate a configuration first argument is no longer used
deprecated classmethod AddClassMappings(pDummy, pNamespace As %String, pAddList As %String, pFrom As %String) as %Status
DEPRECATED. Use method with same name in HS.HC.SystemConfig.API instead.
Add a list of class/package mappings Adds them to the current configuration, but does not activate pNamespace is the current namespace being configured, where the classes are to be used pAddList is a comma-list of package specs, like "HS*,web*,..." pFrom is the database containing the package The mappings are assumed to not exist, use DeleteClassMappings to remove them first (to get correct order!) The first argument is no longer used
deprecated classmethod AddGlobalMappings(pDummy, pNamespace As %String, pAddList As %String, pFrom As %String, pSetCollation As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
DEPRECATED. Use method with same name in HS.HC.SystemConfig.API instead.
Add a list of global mappings of specified type Adds them to the current configuration, but does not activate pNamespace is the current namespace being configured, where the globals are to be used pAddList is a comma-list of global specs, like "A,B:(""sub"")",C" pFrom is the database containing the globals The mappings are assumed to not exist, use DeleteGlobalMappings to remove them first The first argument is no longer used pSetCollation is set to force Collation of the mapping to use the new global collation for the pFrom database This is needed for some SLM (Subscript Level Mapping) cases, such as ^OBJ.DSTIME
deprecated classmethod AddRoutineMappings(pDummy, pNamespace As %String, pAddList As %String, pType As %String = "ALL", pFrom As %String) as %Status
DEPRECATED. Use method with same name in HS.HC.SystemConfig.API instead.
Add a list of routine mappings of specified type ("ALL", "INC", etc) Adds them to the current configuration, but does not activate pNamespace is the current namespace being configured, where the routines are to be used pAddList is a comma-list of routine specs, like "A*,BA*,..." pType is the type to map, "ALL" or "INC" pFrom is the database containing the routines The mappings are assumed to not exist, use DeleteRoutineMappings to remove them first The first argument is no longer used
classmethod ApplySettings(pTargetNS As %String, pProductionName As %String, ByRef pSettings, ByRef pResults)
Apply a bag of Settings to the production
classmethod CheckGetKey() as %Integer
classmethod CompileXMLExtensions(pNamespace As %String = $namespace, Output pClassList, pExcludeEns As %Boolean = 1, pExcludeZen As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Build a list of classes in HSLIB which need to populate ^oddXML instead of ^oddCOM due to ^oddCOM being read-only for some classes, then change to the specified namespace and recompile those classes to ensure that they are correctly listed as extensions in ^oddXML in the target namespace.
classmethod CopyClass(pNamespace As %String, pSrc As %String, pTarget As %String) as %Integer
Copy a class and Compile it Return 1 if copied/replaced, 0 if not
deprecated classmethod CreateDataDirectory(pNamespace As %String, pProduction As %String, pComponent As %String, pDirectory As %String) as %Integer
If any item in pComponent exists in pProduction in pNamespace then create pDirectory, if not already there Returns 1 if created, -1 if already there, 0 if failed, -2 if not needed Deprecated. Use ##class(HS.Util.Installer.HealthShareType).CreateDataDirectory() for HealthShare instances.
deprecated classmethod CreateDataDirectoryNew(pNamespace As %String, pProduction As %String, pComponent As %String, pDirectory As %String) as %Status
If any item in pComponent exists in pProduction in pNamespace then create pDirectory, if not already there pDirectory is relative to the system installation directory Deprecated. Use ##class(HS.Util.Installer.HealthShareType).CreateDataDirectory() for HealthShare instances.
deprecated classmethod DeleteClassMappings(pDummy, pNamespace As %String, pDeleteList As %String = "") as %Status
DEPRECATED. Use method with same name in HS.HC.SystemConfig.API instead.
Remove a list of class/package mappings for the selected Namespace The first argument is no longer used
deprecated classmethod DeleteGlobalMappings(pDummy, pNamespace As %String, pDeleteList As %String = "") as %Status
DEPRECATED. Use method with same name in HS.HC.SystemConfig.API instead.
Remove a list of global mappings The first argument is no longer used
classmethod DeleteResource(pResource, pDatabase As %String = "%") as %Status
Delete a resource if it exists
deprecated classmethod DeleteRoutineMappings(pDummy, pNamespace As %String, pDeleteList As %String = "", pType As %String = "ALL") as %Status
DEPRECATED. Use method with same name in HS.HC.SystemConfig.API instead.
Remove a list of routine mappings of specified type ("ALL", "INC", etc) The first argument is no longer used
classmethod DeleteTasks(pNamespace) as %Status
Delete all Tasks for the namespace
classmethod EnableEnsemble(pDummy, pNamespace As %String, pDummy2, pEnsPortalSuffix As %String = "ensemble", pEnsPortalPrefix As %String = "healthshare", pCookiePath As %String = "/csp/healthshare", pAuthMethods As %Integer = 36, ByRef pLogFile As %String)
Ensemble enable a namespace the first and third arguments are no longer used
classmethod GetConfigObject() as %RegisteredObject
Open and read the current config file and set up a Config.Configuration object (2208) Just return "" (2009+)
classmethod Import(pNamespace As %String, pTarget As %String, pWildCards As %String = "*.*", pFlags As %String = "", pIgnoreErrors As %Integer = 0)
Import a file (or directory)
classmethod LoadPage(pNamespace As %String, pName As %String, pDir As %String, pFlags As %String)
Load CSR rules then CSP pages
classmethod MapHSCUSTOMForNamespace(pNS As %String, pActivate As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
classmethod MapHSSYSForNamespace(pNS As %String, pActivate As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
classmethod MergeConfigItems(pNamespace As %String, pFromName As %String, pToName As %String) as %Status
Add configuration items from one production into an existing production, and save the new production
deprecated classmethod NamespaceExists(pNamespace) as %Boolean
DEPRECATED. Use Exists method of %SYS.Namespace as it doesn't require namespace switching.
classmethod SetCredential(pNamespace As %String, pName As %String, pUsername As %String, pPassword As %String, pOverwrite As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Classmethod to create a new credential This code is copied from %EnsembleMgr.SetCredentials and Ens.Config.Credentials and modified to not return an error if the Credential exists and pOverwrite is not set
classmethod SetupPermissions(pNamespace As %String = $namespace, pRole As %String) as %Status
Setup permissions ...
classmethod StandardGlobalMapping() as %String
Return a comma-delimited string of global and global subscript mappings that can be used by the System API methods for adding global mappings. These are mappings that should be added for installations/activations of all non-LIB namespaces in IRIS for Health.
classmethod StartProduction(pNamespace As %String, pProductionName, ByRef pState As %Integer) as %Status
Try to start pProduction in pNamespace (if it is stopped) Result can be: failure, returns %Status success, returns pState=1 ($$$eProductionStateRunning) pState=2 ($$$eProductionStateStopped) pState=3 ($$$eProductionStateSuspended) pState=4 ($$$eProductionStateTroubled) pState=5 ($$$eProductionStateNetworkStopped)
classmethod StopProduction(pNamespace As %String, pTimeout As %Numeric = 30, ByRef pInitialState As %Integer, ByRef pState As %Integer, pForce As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Try to stop the Production in pNamespace (if not already stopped) (we assume only one Production per namespace !) Result can be: failure, returns %Status success, returns pState=1 ($$$eProductionStateRunning) pState=2 ($$$eProductionStateStopped) pState=3 ($$$eProductionStateSuspended) pState=4 ($$$eProductionStateTroubled) pState=5 ($$$eProductionStateNetworkStopped)
classmethod findHSLib() as %String
deprecated - leftover from ancient history - we have only ever supported HSLIB as the library namespace


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