class HS.FHIRServer.Storage.Json.RepoManager extends HS.FHIRServer.API.RepoManager
Method Inventory
- CreateService()
- DecommissionService()
- DeleteService()
- GetGlobalRoot()
- GetGlobalTempRoot()
- GetIndexType()
- GetResourceClassName()
- GetResourceTableName()
- GetResourceVersionClassName()
- GetResourceVersionTableName()
- GetSearchClassName()
- GetSearchColumnName()
- GetSearchTableName()
- UpdateService()
parameter IsSingleServiceStrategy = 0;
Inherited description: True if the Repo Strategy is limited to only 1 service per repo
parameter StrategyClass = HS.FHIRServer.Storage.Json.InteractionsStrategy;
parameter StrategyDesc = All Resources stored in a single table as Json text;
parameter StrategyKey = Json;
method CreateService(serviceId As %String, ByRef options)
@API Create the service. This method initializes a service for an endpoint
including generating any classes or schemas required and registering the configuration for
later modification or deletion
method DecommissionService(serviceId As %String, ByRef options)
@API Decommission the service. This method detaches a service from any REST endpoints, making it inaccessiable for
client operations. The Json strategy deletes the search tables, but preserves all resources and versions.
method DeleteService(serviceId As %String, ByRef options)
@API Delete the service. This method removes a service. This includes and FHIR data and
associated schema classes as well as registration data. A decommissioned service cannot be removed.
Delete the schema (was ResetFHIRData)
options("deleteDataOnly") = 0/1
options("verbose") = 0/1
Inherited description: @API Returns a $Name for a Global Root node that can be used by the
specified service instance
Inherited description: @API Returns a $Name for a Temporary Global Root node that can be used by the
specified service instance
Returns the index type for the specified resource type and parameter code
Returns the classname of the persistent object used store resources for the specified type
method GetResourceTableName(serviceId As %String, resourceType As %String, shortName As %Boolean = 0) as %String
Returns the table name that stores resources for the specified type
Returns the classname of the persistent object used store older resource versions for the specified type
method GetResourceVersionTableName(serviceId As %String, resourceType As %String, shortName As %Boolean = 0) as %String
Returns the SQL Table name for older resource versions for the specified type
Returns the classname of the persistent object used to index the specified type. Note, it may be the
same as the ResourceClass
abstract method GetSearchColumnName(serviceId As %String, resourceType As %String, paramCode As %String) as %String
Returns the classname of the persistent object used to index the specified type. Note, it may be the
same as the ResourceClass
method GetSearchTableName(serviceId As %String, resourceType As %String, pChildName As %String, shortName As %Boolean = 0) as %String
Returns the table name used to index the specified type. Note, it may be the
same as the ResourceTable
method UpdateService(serviceId As %String, ByRef options)
@API Update the schema. This method applies changes to an already configured schema (if possible)
For example, to add a search parameter including ensuring that the new field is indexed.
Handle changes to the schema structure
options("packagesToAdd") = $LB(packageId, ...)
options("verbose") = 0/1
Inherited Members
Inherited Properties
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %Extends()
- %GetParameter()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %ValidateObject()
- AddService()
- CreateRepo()
- CreateStrategy()
- GetQuantityStorageGlobalPrefix()
- GetStorageGlobalPrefix()
- GetStrategyList()
- MakeStoragePackageDefinition()
- getInstance()
- repoGet()