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class EnsLib.ITK.AdapterKit.Operation.SOAPOperation extends EnsLib.ITK.Framework.Operation.SOAPOperationBase

This class is a business operation that supports sending a basic message to an ITK consumer. The message can be a simple fire and forget post, or it can be a synchronous request/response. The message will be signed and/or encrypted in line with the settings in the ITKOperationBase

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter SETTINGS = FromURL,InvocationPattern,PairedBusinessService;
Inherited description: List of properties can be set as settings in the configuration file format is a comma separated list of property names
parameter SrcVer = $Id$;


property FromURL as %String);
The logical url from which the request is being sent request
Property methods: FromURLDisplayToLogical(), FromURLGet(), FromURLIsValid(), FromURLLogicalToDisplay(), FromURLLogicalToOdbc(), FromURLNormalize(), FromURLSet()
property InvocationPattern as %String (VALUELIST = ",Asynchronous,Synchronous") [ InitialExpression = "Asynchronous" ];
Synchronous or Asynchronous invocation
Property methods: InvocationPatternDisplayToLogical(), InvocationPatternGet(), InvocationPatternIsValid(), InvocationPatternLogicalToDisplay(), InvocationPatternLogicalToOdbc(), InvocationPatternNormalize(), InvocationPatternSet()
property PairedBusinessService as %String;
If the Adapter is to receive asynchronous responses then this Buisness Operation must be paired with an ITK Business Service
Property methods: PairedBusinessServiceDisplayToLogical(), PairedBusinessServiceGet(), PairedBusinessServiceIsValid(), PairedBusinessServiceLogicalToDisplay(), PairedBusinessServiceLogicalToOdbc(), PairedBusinessServiceNormalize(), PairedBusinessServiceSet()


method DetermineAddressing(pRequest As EnsLib.ITK.Framework.RequestBase, ByRef fromURL As %String, ByRef relatesTo As %String) as %Status
The method determines the from url to send the request into This must be implemented by the derived class
method DetermineAsyncReplyAddresses(ByRef pReplyTo As %String, ByRef pFaultTo As %String) as %Status
This is called when forming the SOAP header if we have an asynchronous request.
method DetermineInvocationPattern(pRequest As EnsLib.ITK.Framework.RequestBase, ByRef pattern As %String) as %Status
This method determines the invocation pattern for the request. This must be implemented by the derived class
method DetermineLogicalURL(pRequest As EnsLib.ITK.Framework.RequestBase, ByRef url As %String) as %Status
This method determines the logical url to send the request into Note the default endpoint is used if there is one
method DeterminePayload(pRequest As EnsLib.ITK.Framework.RequestData, ByRef payload As %GlobalCharacterStream) as %Status
This method determines the payload. This is either as per the request or if the request status is not OK then it forms a fault payload.
method DeterminePhysicalURL(pRequest As EnsLib.ITK.Framework.RequestBase, ByRef url As %String) as %Status
The method determines the physical url to send the request into
method GenerateResponse(pRequest As EnsLib.ITK.Framework.RequestBase, pResponseInvocationPattern As %String, pBehaviourType As %String, sourceApplication As %String) as EnsLib.ITK.Framework.ResponseBase
This method builds a response message and populates it with specifics relevant to the context This method must be implemented by the derived class

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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