class EnsLib.EDI.XML.Schema extends %Library.RegisteredObject
VDoc Schema classmethods and queries also instance of local parser stateData structure built in $$$vaSchemaGbl(category) for schema associatedc with category.
Source documents for this schema and imported/inlcuded schemas. $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,"src")=srcCount $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,"src",srcIndex)=[[ source schema document path ]] Namespace defined by this schema and its inported and inlcuded schemas. $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,"ns","targ")=targetNamespace $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,"ns","index",namespaceURI)=nsIndex $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,"ns","list",nsIndex,"AttributeQualified")=attributeFormDefault $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,"ns","list",nsIndex,"ElementQualified")=elementFormDefault $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,"ns","list",nsIndex,"Package")=packageName $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,"ns","list",nsIndex,"Prefix")=prefix $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,"ns","list",nsIndex,"uri")=namespaceURI Document Property Structure by type used to show content array $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,"p","Element:Structure)=# of children $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,"p","Element:Structure,1..n,"name")=Name of child $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,"p","Element:Structure,1..n,"type")=Type (Element:Structure) of child Documentation nodes contained in top level annotation node. $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,"desc")=elIndex,... (may have multiple documentation nodes. Raw schema document elements. $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,elIndex,...) describes an element from the schema document. $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,elIndex,"ch")=childElIndex ; element index of each child element $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,elIndex,"chars")=text associated with node If the schema element $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,elIndex)=$lb("schema") An element node of the schema $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,elIndex,"local")=element ("element", "attribute", etc) $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,elIndex,"src")=srcIndex (see source list above) $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,elIndex,"attrs",attrName)=value (for each attribute of the schema element.) General information for top level schema elements elType="DS": element (DocType) elType="CT": complexType elType="ST": simpleType or attribute elType="CG": group or attributeGroup $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,elIndex,"")=elIndex,... (multiple elIndex allowed (e.g. for elewment and complexType) $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,elIndex," ",elIndex)=elType $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,elIndex,elType,name)=elIndex $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,elIndex,elType,name,"ns")=nsIndex if name appears in more than one namespace, then name$nsIndex $$$vaSchemaGbl(category,elIndex,elType,name,"meta",... for meta information "ns")=$$$vaSchemaGbl(category,elIndex,elType,name,"ns")
Property Inventory
- Base
- BaseNSIndex
- Category
- CurrNode
- Default
- IsQual
- ItemType
- LocalType
- LocalVal
- Max
- MemberTypes
- Min
- MinLen
- Mixed
- Name
- NameNSIndex
- OriginalName
- RefNo
- Rep
- Req
- StructNode
- Type
- TypeNSIndex
- Use
- doNode
- doVerbose
- doXType
- elno
- n0
- x0
Method Inventory
- %OnNew()
- DocStructuresClose()
- DocStructuresExecute()
- DocStructuresFetch()
- ElementExists()
- GetAlias()
- GetContentArray()
- GetDescription()
- ResolveSchemaTypeToDocType()
- TypeCategoriesClose()
- TypeCategoriesExecute()
- TypeCategoriesFetch()
- findTypeNode()
- getTypeRef()
- isXSDatatype()
- mergeArray()
If this method returns an error then the object will not be created.
It is passed the arguments provided in the %New call. When customizing this method, override the arguments with whatever variables and types you expect to receive from %New(). For example, if you're going to call %New, passing 2 arguments, %OnNew's signature could be:
Method %OnNew(dob as %Date = "", name as %Name = "") as %Status If instead of returning a %Status code this returns an oref and this oref is a subclass of the current class then this oref will be the one returned to the caller of %New method.
The DocType is returned as the first column in the result set.
The Category parameter can be used to restrict the list.
If Category is:
0 - return only DocTypes in standard categories
+ - return only DocTypes in user-defined categories
empty - return DocTypes from all categories
a category name - return only DocTypes in the named category
a partial name suffixed with '%' - return only DocTypes in categories matching the partial category name
other - return nothing
If IncludeBase is:
0 - return only DocTypes defined in the current schema category itself
1 - return all DocTypes in the current schema category's base category in addition to those defined in the current category itself
Inherited Members
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %Extends()
- %GetParameter()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %ValidateObject()