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persistent class Security.Servers extends %Library.Persistent, %XML.Adaptor, %SYSTEM.Help

SQL Table Name: Security.Servers

Superservers defined for the system.

The table for this class should be manipulated only through object access, the published API's or through the System Management Portal. It should not be updated through direct SQL access.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property BindAddress as Config.Host (MAXLEN = 256, MINLEN = 0) [ Required ];
Property methods: BindAddressDisplayToLogical(), BindAddressGet(), BindAddressGetStored(), BindAddressIsValid(), BindAddressLogicalToDisplay(), BindAddressLogicalToOdbc(), BindAddressNormalize(), BindAddressSet()
property Description as %String (MAXLEN = 256);
Description `of the Server
Property methods: DescriptionDisplayToLogical(), DescriptionGet(), DescriptionGetStored(), DescriptionIsValid(), DescriptionLogicalToDisplay(), DescriptionLogicalToOdbc(), DescriptionNormalize(), DescriptionSet()
property EnableCSP as Security.Datatype.BooleanYN [ InitialExpression = 0 , Required ];
Property methods: EnableCSPDisplayToLogical(), EnableCSPGet(), EnableCSPGetStored(), EnableCSPIsValid(), EnableCSPLogicalToDisplay(), EnableCSPLogicalToOdbc(), EnableCSPLogicalToXSD(), EnableCSPNormalize(), EnableCSPOdbcToLogical(), EnableCSPSet(), EnableCSPXSDToLogical()
property EnableCacheDirect as Security.Datatype.BooleanYN [ InitialExpression = 0 , Required ];
Property methods: EnableCacheDirectDisplayToLogical(), EnableCacheDirectGet(), EnableCacheDirectGetStored(), EnableCacheDirectIsValid(), EnableCacheDirectLogicalToDisplay(), EnableCacheDirectLogicalToOdbc(), EnableCacheDirectLogicalToXSD(), EnableCacheDirectNormalize(), EnableCacheDirectOdbcToLogical(), EnableCacheDirectSet(), EnableCacheDirectXSDToLogical()
property EnableClients as Security.Datatype.BooleanYN [ InitialExpression = 1 , Required ];
Property methods: EnableClientsDisplayToLogical(), EnableClientsGet(), EnableClientsGetStored(), EnableClientsIsValid(), EnableClientsLogicalToDisplay(), EnableClientsLogicalToOdbc(), EnableClientsLogicalToXSD(), EnableClientsNormalize(), EnableClientsOdbcToLogical(), EnableClientsSet(), EnableClientsXSDToLogical()
property EnableDataCheck as Security.Datatype.BooleanYN [ InitialExpression = 0 , Required ];
Property methods: EnableDataCheckDisplayToLogical(), EnableDataCheckGet(), EnableDataCheckGetStored(), EnableDataCheckIsValid(), EnableDataCheckLogicalToDisplay(), EnableDataCheckLogicalToOdbc(), EnableDataCheckLogicalToXSD(), EnableDataCheckNormalize(), EnableDataCheckOdbcToLogical(), EnableDataCheckSet(), EnableDataCheckXSDToLogical()
property EnableECP as Security.Datatype.BooleanYN [ InitialExpression = 0 , Required ];
Property methods: EnableECPDisplayToLogical(), EnableECPGet(), EnableECPGetStored(), EnableECPIsValid(), EnableECPLogicalToDisplay(), EnableECPLogicalToOdbc(), EnableECPLogicalToXSD(), EnableECPNormalize(), EnableECPOdbcToLogical(), EnableECPSet(), EnableECPXSDToLogical()
property EnableMirror as Security.Datatype.BooleanYN [ InitialExpression = 0 , Required ];
Property methods: EnableMirrorDisplayToLogical(), EnableMirrorGet(), EnableMirrorGetStored(), EnableMirrorIsValid(), EnableMirrorLogicalToDisplay(), EnableMirrorLogicalToOdbc(), EnableMirrorLogicalToXSD(), EnableMirrorNormalize(), EnableMirrorOdbcToLogical(), EnableMirrorSet(), EnableMirrorXSDToLogical()
property EnableNodeJS as Security.Datatype.BooleanYN [ InitialExpression = 0 , Required ];
Property methods: EnableNodeJSDisplayToLogical(), EnableNodeJSGet(), EnableNodeJSGetStored(), EnableNodeJSIsValid(), EnableNodeJSLogicalToDisplay(), EnableNodeJSLogicalToOdbc(), EnableNodeJSLogicalToXSD(), EnableNodeJSNormalize(), EnableNodeJSOdbcToLogical(), EnableNodeJSSet(), EnableNodeJSXSDToLogical()
property EnableSNMP as Security.Datatype.BooleanYN [ InitialExpression = 0 , Required ];
Property methods: EnableSNMPDisplayToLogical(), EnableSNMPGet(), EnableSNMPGetStored(), EnableSNMPIsValid(), EnableSNMPLogicalToDisplay(), EnableSNMPLogicalToOdbc(), EnableSNMPLogicalToXSD(), EnableSNMPNormalize(), EnableSNMPOdbcToLogical(), EnableSNMPSet(), EnableSNMPXSDToLogical()
property EnableShadows as Security.Datatype.BooleanYN [ InitialExpression = 0 , Required ];
Property methods: EnableShadowsDisplayToLogical(), EnableShadowsGet(), EnableShadowsGetStored(), EnableShadowsIsValid(), EnableShadowsLogicalToDisplay(), EnableShadowsLogicalToOdbc(), EnableShadowsLogicalToXSD(), EnableShadowsNormalize(), EnableShadowsOdbcToLogical(), EnableShadowsSet(), EnableShadowsXSDToLogical()
property EnableSharding as Security.Datatype.BooleanYN [ InitialExpression = 0 , Required ];
Property methods: EnableShardingDisplayToLogical(), EnableShardingGet(), EnableShardingGetStored(), EnableShardingIsValid(), EnableShardingLogicalToDisplay(), EnableShardingLogicalToOdbc(), EnableShardingLogicalToXSD(), EnableShardingNormalize(), EnableShardingOdbcToLogical(), EnableShardingSet(), EnableShardingXSDToLogical()
Property methods: EnableWebLinkDisplayToLogical(), EnableWebLinkGet(), EnableWebLinkGetStored(), EnableWebLinkIsValid(), EnableWebLinkLogicalToDisplay(), EnableWebLinkLogicalToOdbc(), EnableWebLinkLogicalToXSD(), EnableWebLinkNormalize(), EnableWebLinkOdbcToLogical(), EnableWebLinkSet(), EnableWebLinkXSDToLogical()
property Enabled as Security.Datatype.BooleanYN [ InitialExpression = 1 , Required ];
Server enabled
Property methods: EnabledDisplayToLogical(), EnabledGet(), EnabledGetStored(), EnabledIsValid(), EnabledLogicalToDisplay(), EnabledLogicalToOdbc(), EnabledLogicalToXSD(), EnabledNormalize(), EnabledOdbcToLogical(), EnabledSet(), EnabledXSDToLogical()
property Port as %Integer (MAXVAL = 65535, MINVAL = 100) [ Required ];
Property methods: PortDisplayToLogical(), PortGet(), PortGetStored(), PortIsValid(), PortLogicalToDisplay(), PortNormalize(), PortSet(), PortXSDToLogical()
property SSLConfig as %String (MAXLEN = 64);
SSL configuration used for client connections.
Property methods: SSLConfigDisplayToLogical(), SSLConfigGet(), SSLConfigGetStored(), SSLConfigIsValid(), SSLConfigLogicalToDisplay(), SSLConfigLogicalToOdbc(), SSLConfigNormalize(), SSLConfigSet()
property SSLSupportLevel as %Integer (MAXVAL = 2, MINVAL = 0) [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Use SSL/TLS for Client connections.
0 = None
1 = Accept
2 = Require
Property methods: SSLSupportLevelDisplayToLogical(), SSLSupportLevelGet(), SSLSupportLevelGetStored(), SSLSupportLevelIsValid(), SSLSupportLevelLogicalToDisplay(), SSLSupportLevelNormalize(), SSLSupportLevelSet(), SSLSupportLevelXSDToLogical()
property SystemDefault as Security.Datatype.BooleanYN [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: SystemDefaultDisplayToLogical(), SystemDefaultGet(), SystemDefaultGetStored(), SystemDefaultIsValid(), SystemDefaultLogicalToDisplay(), SystemDefaultLogicalToOdbc(), SystemDefaultLogicalToXSD(), SystemDefaultNormalize(), SystemDefaultOdbcToLogical(), SystemDefaultSet(), SystemDefaultXSDToLogical()


classmethod Create(Port As %Integer, BindAddress As %String = "", Properties As %String) as %Status
Create a superserver.
Port - Port of the Server to modify.
BindAddress - BindAddress of the Server to modify.
classmethod Delete(Port As %String, BindAddress As %String = "") as %Status
Delete a Server.
This method will delete an Server from the security database.
Port - Port of the Server to delete.
BindAddress - BindAddress of the Server to delete.
classmethod Exists(Port As %String, BindAddress As %String = "", ByRef Server As %ObjectHandle, ByRef Status As %Status) as %Boolean
Server exists.
This method checks for the existence of a Server in the security database.
Port - Port of the Server.
BindAddress - BindAddress of the Server.
Return values:
If Value of the method = 0 (Server does not exist, or some error occured)
Server = Null
Status = Server "x" does not exist, or other error message

If Value of the method = 1 (Server exists)
Server = Object handle to Server
Status = $$$OK
classmethod Export(FileName As %String = "ServersExport.xml", ByRef NumExported As %Integer, Ports As %String = "*", BindAddresses As %String = "*") as %Status
This method exports Server records to a file in xml format.
Filename - Output file name
NumExported (byref) - Returns number of records exported.
Servers - Comma separated list of Servers to export, "*" = All
classmethod Get(Port As %String, BindAddress As %String = "", ByRef Properties As %String) as %Status
Get a Server's properties.
Gets a Server's properties from the security database.
Port - Port of the Server.
BindAddress - BindAddress of the Server.
Return values:
Properties - Array of properties
classmethod Import(FileName As %String = "ServersExport.xml", ByRef NumImported As %Integer, Flags As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Import Server records from an xml file.
FileName - Filename to import Server records from
NumImported (byref) - Returns number of records imported
Flags - Control import
Bit 0 - Do not import records, just return count
Note: On failure, no records will be imported
classmethod Modify(Port As %Integer, BindAddress As %String = "", ByRef Properties As %String) as %Status
Modify a Server's properties.
Modifies a Server's properties from the security database.
Port - Port of the Server.
BindAddress - BindAddress of the Server.
Properties - Array of properties to modify.
See the Get() method for a description of the Properties parameter.
If a specific property is not passed in the properties array, the value is not modified. Note that some system defined properties are not changeable.


query Detail(Ports As %String, BindAddresses As %String)
Selects Port As %String, BindAddress As %String, BindAddressDisplay As %String, Enabled As %String, SystemDefault As %String, Description As %String, EnableCacheDirect As %String, EnableClients As %String, EnableCSP As %String, EnableDataCheck As %String, EnableECP As %String, EnableMirror As %String, EnableNodeJS As %String, EnableShadows As %String, EnableSharding As %String, EnableSNMP As %String, EnableWebLink As %String, SSLConfig As %String, SSLSupportLevel As %String
Detail list of Servers.
Ports - Comma separated list of Port numbers, "*" = All
BindAddresses - Comma separated list of BindAddresses, "*" = All
Note: This query may change in future versions
query List(Ports As %String, BindAddresses As %String)
Selects Port As %String, BindAddressDisplay As %String, EnabledDisplay As %String, SystemDefault As %String, SystemDefaultDisplay As %String, BindAddress As %String, Enabled As %Integer
List of Servers.
Ports - Comma separated list of Port numbers, "*" = All
BindAddresses - Comma separated list of BindAddresses, "*" = All
Note: This query may change in future versions


index (PortBindAddressIndex on Port,BindAddress) [IdKey, Type = key, Unique];
Index methods: PortBindAddressIndexCheck(), PortBindAddressIndexDelete(), PortBindAddressIndexExists(), PortBindAddressIndexOpen(), PortBindAddressIndexSQLCheckUnique(), PortBindAddressIndexSQLExists(), PortBindAddressIndexSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), PortBindAddressIndexSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()



Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: Storage (Security.Servers)

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