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abstract class Backup.ShardedCluster extends %SYSTEM.Help

This class provides APIs to coordinate backups and journal checkpoints, to enable restoring a sharded cluster to a logical moment in time.

All methods of this class operate in a coordinated manner on all data-storing members of a sharded cluster, which include the master data server and all shard data servers. In the current discussion, the term "data servers" refers to these data-storing members.

This class facilitates three overall approaches to ensuring that all data servers of a sharded cluster can be restored to a logical moment in time. This means restoring them so that ordering is preserved such that if update A on data server S1 was committed before update B on S2, then after a restore that leaves B visible, A will be visible as well.

All three approaches require having backups available for all data servers of the sharded cluster, but differ in whether the backups or the journals are coordinated, and in how they are coordinated. The three approaches are:

1) Take uncoordinated backups of all data servers in the sharded cluster, and create a known, coordinated journal checkpoint. In event of failure, restore from those backups, then recover up to the known journal checkpoint.

This approach uses JournalCheckpoint() to create a known, coordinated journal checkpoint. With this approach, the backups do not need to be taken at the same time or coordinated to a logical moment in time. It is only required that the journal checkpoint is created after all of the backups have been taken, and that, when recovering after a failure, every data server in the sharded cluster has a complete set of journals from the time of its backup up to the time of the coordinated journal checkpoint.

2) Take coordinated backups of all data servers in the sharded cluster. In the event of failure, restore from those backups, without recovering from any journal files other than those present in the restored backup images.

This approach uses Quiesce() to block all activity on all data servers of the sharded cluster, waiting until all pending writes have been flushed to disk, so that a set of backups can be taken representing a logical moment in time. Resume() is used to un-block activity on all data servers, once the backups have been taken. Alternatively, all data servers can be shut down, and a set of cold backups can be taken. Either way, this approach does require a window of time, long enough to take backups of all sharded cluster data servers, when it is acceptable to block all activity.

With this approach, it is critical to ensure that before starting up a restored server, the only journal files present are those in the restored image from the time of the backup. At startup, journals will be automatically recovered and any transactions that were open at the time of backup will be rolled back. If journal data later than the time of the backup exists at startup, it could get replayed and cause the data server not to be consistent with the others.

3) Take a set of backups that includes within the backup images journals that are coordinated to a known checkpoint. In the event of failure, restore from those backups, then recover up to the known journal checkpoint.

This approach uses ExternalFreeze() to freeze all data servers of the sharded cluster, and create a known coordinated journal checkpoint. Unlike Quiesce(), ExternalFreeze() continues to allow processes to write updates to the journal files and the global buffer pools, but suspends the write daemon from writing to the databases, allowing backups to be taken without requiring a window of down time. ExternalThaw() is used to resume writing to the databases, once the backups have been taken.

This approach is similar to the first approach above, but has the advantage of ensuring that all journal files needed to recover up to the coordinated journal checkpoint are included in the backup images. It does require that backups of all data servers of the sharded cluster be taken in the window of time after ExternalFreeze() returns, and before ExternalThaw() is called.

API Usage

All methods of this class have a ShardMasterNamespace argument, which identifies the sharded cluster on whose data servers the method operates. This argument must identify a namespace on the InterSystems IRIS instance on which the method is invoked, which may be the master namespace on the shard master data server, or a namespace on a shard master application server whose default database is mapped to the default database of the master namespace on the shard master data server. See %SYSTEM.Sharding for the definitions of master namespace and shard master application server.

Methods of this class may be invoked on any InterSystems IRIS instance which is a member of the sharded cluster, but they only affect data-storing members.

Method Inventory


classmethod ExternalFreeze(ShardMasterNamespace As %String = "", ExternalFreezeTimeout As %Integer = 0, ByRef CheckpointInfo) as %Status
ExternalFreeze is used to freeze all data servers of a sharded cluster, before starting an operation which will produce a valid full backup of a set of databases using technology external to InterSystems IRIS such as disk mirroring or snapshots.

WARNING: This entry point should only be used if you are journaling all of your database updates. If databases are not being journalled, and the system should happen to crash while the write daemon is suspended, then all updates to non-journalled databases will be lost from the point in time the write daemon was suspended.

On each data server, the write daemon is suspended from writing to the database. Processes will continue to run with updates only being written to the journal file and to the global buffer pool. Updates will not be written to the databases. When the ExternalThaw() method is called, the write daemon will resume and write the updated buffers to the databases. During the period of time that the write daemon is suspended, processes may themselves be suspended when trying to update the database if one of the following occurs:

1) The system runs out of global buffers for processes to write to.

2) The length of the suspension is longer than the system default (currently 600 seconds/10 minutes).

Note that the behavior of #2 can be modified by specifying the ExternalFreezeTimeout argument to extend the amount of time user processes can continue to update the database on the system before they are suspended.

Before returning, this method creates a coordinated journal checkpoint, switching each data server to a new journal file and returning the checkpoint number and the names of the previous journal files in the CheckpointInfo argument. The name of the journal file ending at this checkpoint for a given data server is also logged, along with the checkpoint number, in each data server's messages.log. Because the journal files are switched before this method returns, the journal files which end at the journal checkpoint can be included in backups taken after calling this method, ensuring that the backups include a coordinated set of journals for the entire sharded cluster, representing a logical moment in time.

Restoring the backup:

Restore the database files on each data server using your external restore mechanism. Once the databases are restored and mounted on a data server, you will need to restore the journal file on that server which ended at the journal checkpoint.

Note: Because this method calls JournalCheckpoint() internally, which in turn calls Quiesce() and Resume(), the following messages from those methods appear in messages.log on each data server of this sharded cluster:

  • Backup.ShardedCluster.Quiesce: Quiescing system
  • Backup.ShardedCluster.Quiesce: System quiesced
  • Backup.ShardedCluster.Resume: Resuming system
  • Backup.ShardedCluster.Resume: System resumed
This is normal, and does not mean that the system is no longer frozen, only that it is no longer quiesced. The system remains frozen until ExternalThaw() is called, which logs the messages:
  • Backup.General.ExternalThaw: Resuming system
  • Backup.General.ExternalThaw: System resumed
When ExternalThaw logs the message "System resumed", this confirms that the system was frozen up to that point, because otherwise it logs the message "Backup.General.ExternalThaw: Already resumed".

ShardMasterNamespace Master namespace of the sharded cluster on which this method operates.

ExternalFreezeTimeout Optional argument which specifies the number of seconds which the write daemon can be suspended on each data server before the system blocks processes which are updating the database. The default of 0 should be sufficient for most environments and means that each data server will wait for 600 seconds (10 minutes) before suspending processes which are updating the database. Some environments may find that their disk snapshots take more than 10 minutes and that processes are getting suspended. In those situations, an explicit value can be passed. For example, to increase this time to 15 minutes, pass 900 for this parameter. This assumes that there is sufficient buffer space to support the activity for the period. If the buffers become full processes may start to be blocked. NOTE: If a data server should crash while the write daemon is suspended, a subsequent startup of that server may take an extended period of time while the databases are updated with information from the journal.

CheckpointInfo (Output) This argument is set to the checkpoint number which is generated for the coordinated journal checkpoint created by this method call. Nodes of this argument are set to the name of the journal file that ends at this checkpoint, for each data server of this sharded cluster, subscripted by the hostname and Super Server port number of the data server.

Returns: On error a descriptive message is included as part of the return code. If an error occurs on any data server, none of the data servers are frozen when this method returns.

classmethod ExternalThaw(ShardMasterNamespace As %String = "") as %Status
ExternalThaw is used to resume all data servers of a sharded cluster after ExternalFreeze().

Note: This method writes the following log messages to messages.log on each data server of this sharded cluster:

  • Backup.General.ExternalThaw: Resuming system
  • Backup.General.ExternalThaw: System resumed
The second message confirms that the system was frozen up to that point, because if it was not, the second message would instead be:
  • Backup.General.ExternalThaw: Already resumed
ShardMasterNamespace Master namespace of the sharded cluster on which this method operates.

Returns: On error a descriptive message is included as part of the return code. If an error occurs, one or more data servers may still be suspended.
classmethod JournalCheckpoint(ShardMasterNamespace As %String = "", ByRef CheckpointInfo) as %Status
JournalCheckpoint creates a coordinated journal checkpoint, switching each data server to a new journal file and returning the checkpoint number and the names of the previous journal files in the CheckpointInfo argument. The name of the journal file ending at this checkpoint for a given data server is also logged, along with the checkpoint number, in each data server's messages.log.

Internally, this method quiesces all data servers of the sharded cluster before switching journal files, ensuring that the files prior to the switch all end at the same logical moment in time. Only sets and kills are blocked, which should happen quickly, but the sharded cluster may experience a very brief pause during execution of this method.

Note: Because this method calls Quiesce() and Resume() internally, the following messages from those methods appear in messages.log on each data server of this sharded cluster:

  • Backup.ShardedCluster.Quiesce: Quiescing system
  • Backup.ShardedCluster.Quiesce: System quiesced
  • Backup.ShardedCluster.Resume: Resuming system
  • Backup.ShardedCluster.Resume: System resumed
ShardMasterNamespace Master namespace of the sharded cluster on which this method operates.

CheckpointInfo (Output) This argument is set to the checkpoint number which is generated for the coordinated journal checkpoint created by this method call. Nodes of this argument are set to the name of the journal file that ends at this checkpoint, for each data server of this sharded cluster, subscripted by the hostname and Super Server port number of the data server.

Returns: On error a descriptive message is included as part of the return code.

classmethod Quiesce(ShardMasterNamespace As %String = "", TimeOut As %Integer = 60) as %Status
Quiesce blocks all activity on all data servers of the sharded cluster, and waits until all pending writes have been flushed to disk. Upon successful return, the on-disk image of all data servers represents a logical moment in time across the sharded cluster. This method sets up each shard server to be backed up such that the backup alone is consistent across all of the data servers.

By default, Quiesce blocks all activity including reading of databases on data servers of the sharded cluster. A sharded cluster can be configured to allow reads during Quiesce by setting the option QuiesceAllowReads (see documentation of the SetOption method in %SYSTEM.Sharding for details).

Upon return, partial transactions may exist in the database files, which would need to be either completed or rolled back at restore time using journal files. Care must be taken to allow this to happen on each data server without disturbing this cross-server consistency. It is critical to ensure that before starting up a restored server, the only journal files present are those in the restored image from the time of the backup. At startup, journals will be automatically recovered and any transactions that were open at the time of backup will be rolled back. If journal data later than the time of the backup exists at startup, it could get replayed and cause the data server not to be consistent with the others.

Upon successful return, all data servers of the sharded cluster remain quiesced until Resume() is called.

Important note: Resume() must be called within the same job that called Quiesce.

ShardMasterNamespace Master namespace of the sharded cluster on which this method operates.

Timeout Time, in seconds, to wait for a data server to quiesce before failing. Defaults to 60 seconds.

Returns: On error a descriptive message is included as part of the return code, which may include one or more specific types of activity which had not quiesced when the timeout was reached. This information is also logged to messages.log on data servers where timeout occurs. If an error occurs, none of the data servers are quiesced when this method returns.

classmethod Resume(ShardMasterNamespace As %String = "") as %Status
Resumes all data servers of the sharded cluster, after they have been quiesced by calling Quiesce().

Important note: Resume must be called within the same job that called Quiesce().

ShardMasterNamespace Master namespace of the sharded cluster on which this method operates.

Returns: On error a descriptive message is included as part of the return code. If an error is returned, the backups may not be valid, since this may indicate that one or more data servers were not quiesced.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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