persistent class %SYS.PTools.Stats extends %Library.Persistent, %SYS.PTools.FileCreation
SQL Table Name: %SYS_PTools.Stats
Class: %SYS.PTools.Stats Replaces: N/A Purpose: This class is designed to gather performance statistics for any type of routine or code block. The data for this class is stored in the following optimized global: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S|Z}") By calling pairs of the Start() and Stop() methods we will record GlobalRef, commands executed, TimeSpent, and some additional process info for each code block. You need to manually add the calls to the Start() and Stop() methods to your code. Each method takes 3 parameters: NS - The namespace in which the stats collection is occurring Rou - The routine name for which the stats collection is occurring Mod - The module name for which the stats collection is occurring [DEFAULT: 1] For example, when the following code is executed, the three entries will be recorded into the %SYS_PTools.Stats table, one for each call to Stop().
Test ; new ns set ns=$NAMESPACE if ns'="SAMPLES" new $NAMESPACE set $NAMESPACE="SAMPLES" // Change to 'SAMPLES' NS do ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Start($NAMESPACE,"Test","Full_Module") do ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Start($NAMESPACE,"Test","Populate") do ##class(Sample.Person).Populate(100) do ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Stop($NAMESPACE,"Test","Populate") do ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Start($NAMESPACE,"Test","PrintPersons") do ##class(Sample.Person).PrintPersons() do ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Stop($NAMESPACE,"Test","PrintPersons") do ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Stop($NAMESPACE,"Test","Full_Module") QUIT
Property Inventory
- CommandsExecuted
- Counter
- CursorName
- DiskWait
- ExeName
- GlobalRefs
- IPAddress
- LinesOfCode
- MachineName
- ModuleCount
- ModuleName
- NameSpace
- Pid
- RoutineInfo
- RoutineName
- RowCount
- StartTime
- StatsGroup
- StatsMarker
- TimeSpent
- TimeToFirstRow
- TotalTime
- UserName
Method Inventory
- Report()
- Start()
- Stop()
- TriggerOnDelete()
- clearPToolsError()
- clearStats()
- clearStatsALL()
- clearStatsAllNS()
- clearStatsSQLALL()
- clearStatsSQLIndexALL()
- clearStatsSQLIndexNEW()
- clearStatsSQLIndexOLD()
- clearStatsSQLNEW()
- clearStatsSQLOLD()
- exportStats()
- getPToolsError()
- version()
Method: Report [SQL: Stats_Report]
Replaces: N/A
Method: Start Replaces: N/A Status: Original Functionality Purpose: This method is used to START the PTools statistics collection Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Start(...) SQL: N/A Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Start collecting stats to analyze the class 'Populate' method: do ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Start($NAMESPACE,"Test","Populate") do ##class(Sample.Person).Populate(100) do ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Stop($NAMESPACE,"Test","Populate") Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S|Z}") Parameters: NS - The namespace in which the stats collection is occurring Rou - The routine name for which the stats collection is occurring Mod - The module name for which the stats collection is occurring [DEFAULT: 1] RETURN Value: (NONE)
Method: Stop Replaces: N/A Status: Original Functionality Purpose: This method is used to STOP the PTools statistics collection This method INSERTs the stats information into the %SYS_PTools.Stats table Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Stop(...) SQL: N/A Examples: The following examples shows the use of this method: #1 Stop collecting stats to analyze the class 'Populate' method: do ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Start($NAMESPACE,"Test","Populate") do ##class(Sample.Person).Populate(100) do ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Stop($NAMESPACE,"Test","Populate") Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S|Z}") Parameters: NS - The namespace in which the stats collection is occurring Rou - The routine name for which the stats collection is occurring Mod - The module name for which the stats collection is occurring RETURN Value: (NONE)
Method: clearPToolsError [SQL: PT_clearPToolsError] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method deletes a specific 'PTools' Application Error for the given 'errRowID' or Deletes all errors if no 'errRowID' is provided. Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).clearPToolsError(...) SQL: SELECT %SYS_PTools.PT_clearPToolsError(...) Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","Error",{errRowID}) Parameters: errRowID - The 'PTools' Error RowID to delete; If none specified, then delete all recorded PTools errors RETURN Value: The 'PTools' Error RowID ({errRowID}) deleted, the empty string ("") if {errRowID} invalid, or the word 'all' indicating an array of all errors deleted.
Method: clearStats [SQL: PT_clearStats] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method deletes all of the data stored in the '%SYS.PTools.Stats' class, based on the specified 'ns' and 'rtn' parameters... This method clears statistics which are gathered by the invocation of the following two methods: do ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Start(NS,Rou,Mod) // Start Stats Collection // Invoke the method in which statistics are to be collected do ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Stop(NS,Rou,Mod) // Stop Stats Collection Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).clearStats(...) SQL: CALL %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStats(...) SELECT %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStats(...) NOTE: This 'SqlProc' method can be invoked with either the CALL-interface or the SELECT-interface. Both interfaces execute the method: the CALL-interface does not return any resulting value, while the SELECT-interface does. Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S|Z}") Parameters: ns - The namespace in which to clear Statistics If none provided, use the current namespaces where Stats collected [DEFAULT: Current Namespace] rtn - The routine for which to clear Statistics If none provided, clear all routines in the given 'ns' [OPTIONAL] ph3 - Placeholder Parameter for future extensibility clearErrs - 0 = Don't delete the 'PTools' Application Errors 1 = Delete all of the 'PTools' Application Errors [DEFAULT: 0] returnType - 0 = Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() 1 = Return the number of Stats rows deleted from the following class: %SYS.PTools.Stats [DEFAULT: 0] ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns detailed information to the user in the following format: ptInfo(category,variable)=value OR $LB(val1,...,valn) Where category = { "cnt" | "curr" | "term" | ... } variable = A var corresponding to the given 'category' Example: ptInfo("cnt","clearStats")=The number of rows deleted via this method RETURN Value: Based on the value of the 'returnType' parameter, return one of the following: 0: Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() 1: Return the number of Stats rows deleted from the following class; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred: %SYS.PTools.Stats
C L E A R 'Stats' D A T A --------------------------- The following methods are used to remove all of the 'Stats' data: - clearStatsALL() - clearStats() - clearStatsAllNS() The aforementioned methods remove data stored in the following classes: - %SYS.PTools.Stats (old/new) NOTE: old = Backward-compatible data
Method: clearStatsALL [SQL: PT_clearStatsALL] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method deletes all of the data stored in the Original (backward-compatible) and the Optimal (new) PTools Stats class (%SYS.PTools.Stats), based on the specified parameters... NOTE: Clear ALL PTools Stats data: OLD & NEW (By Default) Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).clearStatsALL(...) ..clearStatsALL(...) SQL: CALL %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStatsALL(...) SELECT %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStatsALL(...) NOTE: This 'SqlProc' method can be invoked with either the CALL-interface or the SELECT-interface. Both interfaces execute the method: the CALL-interface does not return any resulting value, while the SELECT-interface does. Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S|Z}") Parameters: ns - The namespace in which to clear PTools Stats [DEFAULT: $NAMESPACE] rtn - The routine in which to clear PTools SQL Statistics [DEFAULT: ""] If none provided, clear all routines in the given 'ns' ph3 - Placeholder Parameter for future extensibility clearErrs - 0 = Don't delete the 'PTools' Application Errors 1 = Delete all of the 'PTools' Application Errors [DEFAULT] silent - 0 = Display all messages during this method invocation [DEFAULT] 1 = Don't display any messages during this method invocation returnType - 0 = Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() [DEFAULT] 1 = Return the total number of Stats rows deleted ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns detailed information to the user in the following format: ptInfo(category,variable)=value OR $LB(val1,...,valn) Where category = { "cnt" | "curr" | "term" | ... } variable = A var corresponding to the given 'category' Example: ptInfo("cnt","clearStatsALL")=The number of rows deleted via this method RETURN Value: Based on the value of the 'returnType' parameter, return one of the following: 0: Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() 1: Return the total number of Stats rows deleted; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred
Method: clearStatsAllNS [SQL: PT_clearStatsAllNS] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method deletes all of the data stored in the '%SYS.PTools.Stats' class in All Namespaces on a system for which the user has Write privileges (Write infers Read), based on the optional 'rtn' parameter. This method clears statistics in all namespaces which are gathered by the invocation of the following two methods: do ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Start(NS,Rou,Mod) // Start Stats Collection // Invoke the method in which statistics are to be collected do ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Stop(NS,Rou,Mod) // Stop Stats Collection Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).clearStatsAllNS(...) SQL: CALL %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStatsAllNS(...) SELECT %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStatsAllNS(...) NOTE: This 'SqlProc' method can be invoked with either the CALL-interface or the SELECT-interface. Both interfaces execute the method: the CALL-interface does not return any resulting value, while the SELECT-interface does. Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","Stats{C|D|I|S|Z}") Parameters: rtn - The routine in which to clear SQL Statistics If none provided, clear all routines in all appropriate namespaces [OPTIONAL] ph2 - Placeholder Parameter for future extensibility ph3 - Placeholder Parameter for future extensibility clearErrs - 0 = Don't delete the 'PTools' Application Errors 1 = Delete all of the 'PTools' Application Errors [DEFAULT: 0] returnType - 0 = Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() 1 = Return the total number of Stats rows deleted from the following class, for each namespace: %SYS.PTools.Stats [DEFAULT: 0] ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns detailed information to the user in the following format: ptInfo(category,variable)=value OR $LB(val1,...,valn) Where category = { "cnt" | "curr" | "term" | ... } variable = A var corresponding to the given 'category' Example: ptInfo("cnt","clearStatsAllNS")=The number of rows deleted via this method RETURN Value: Based on the value of the 'returnType' parameter, return one of the following: 0: Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() 1: Return the number of Stats rows deleted from the following class; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred: %SYS.PTools.Stats
C L E A R 'SQL Stats' D A T A ------------------------------- The following methods are used to remove all of the 'SQL Stats' data: - clearStatsSQLALL() - clearStatsSQLOLD() - clearSQLStats() %SYS.PTools.SQLStats - clearSQLQuery() %SYS.PTools.SQLQuery - clearSQLBenchMarkQry() %SYS.PTools.SQLBenchMarkQueries - clearSQLBenchMarkRslt() %SYS.PTools.SQLBenchMarkResults - clearStatsSQLNEW() - clearStatsSQL() %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL - clearStatsSQLAllNS() %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL The aforementioned methods remove data stored in the following classes: - %SYS.PTools.SQLStats (old) - %SYS.PTools.SQLQuery (old) - %SYS.PTools.SQLBenchMarkQueries (old) - %SYS.PTools.SQLBenchMarkResults (old) - %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL (new) Optional: - %SYS.PTools.SQLUtilities (old) - %SYS.PTools.SQLUtilResults (old) - %SYS.PTools.UtilSQLStatements (new) - %SYS.PTools.UtilSQLAnalysisDB (new) NOTE: old = Backward-compatible data
Method: clearStatsSQLALL [SQL: PT_clearStatsSQLALL] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method deletes all of the data stored in the Original (backward-compatible) and the Optimal (new) PTools SQL Stats classes, based on the specified parameters... NOTE: Clear ALL PTools SQL Stats data: OLD & NEW (By Default) Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).clearStatsSQLALL(...) ..clearStatsSQLALL(...) SQL: CALL %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStatsSQLALL(...) SELECT %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStatsSQLALL(...) NOTE: This 'SqlProc' method can be invoked with either the CALL-interface or the SELECT-interface. Both interfaces execute the method: the CALL-interface does not return any resulting value, while the SELECT-interface does. Since this method returns a $LIST() of %Status codes, the output can be converted to a comma-delimited string by using the $LISTTOSTRING(...) function on the ObjectScript or SQL result. Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools",...) PARAMETERS: ns - The namespace in which to clear PTools SQL Statistics [DEFAULT: $NAMESPACE] rtn - The routine in which to clear PTools SQL Statistics [DEFAULT: ""] If none provided, clear all routines in the given 'ns' ph3 - Placeholder Parameter for future extensibility clearAll - 0 = Delete all of the data, except the 'INFO' rows, stored in the StatsSQL class: - %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL (new) 1 = Delete all of the data, including the 'INFO' rows, [DEFAULT] stored in the StatsSQL class: - %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL (new) clearSQLQuery - 0 = Don't delete the data stored in the SQLQuery class: - %SYS.PTools.SQLQuery (old) 1 = Delete all of the data stored in the SQLQuery class: [DEFAULT] - %SYS.PTools.SQLQuery (old) clearBench - 0 = Don't delete the data stored in the SQLBenchmark class: - %SYS.PTools.SQLBenchMarkQueries (old) 1 = Delete all of the data stored in the SQLBenchmark class: [DEFAULT] - %SYS.PTools.SQLBenchMarkQueries (old) clearSQLIndex - 0 = Don't delete the data stored in the Utility SQL [DEFAULT] Index/Analysis classes: - %SYS.PTools.SQLUtilities (old) - %SYS.PTools.SQLUtilResults (old) - %SYS.PTools.UtilSQLStatements (new) - %SYS.PTools.UtilSQLAnalysisDB (new) 1 = Delete all of the data stored in the Utility SQL Index/Analysis classes: - %SYS.PTools.SQLUtilities (old) - %SYS.PTools.SQLUtilResults (old) - %SYS.PTools.UtilSQLStatements (new) - %SYS.PTools.UtilSQLAnalysisDB (new) clearErrs - 0 = Don't delete the 'PTools' Application Errors 1 = Delete all of the 'PTools' Application Errors [DEFAULT] purgeCQ - 0 = Don't purge all of the Cached Queries [DEFAULT] 1 = Purge all of the Cached Queries silent - 0 = Display all messages during this method invocation [DEFAULT] 1 = Don't display any messages during this method invocation returnType - 0 = Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() [DEFAULT] 1 = Return the total number of Stats rows deleted ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns detailed information to the user in the following format: ptInfo(category,variable)=value OR $LB(val1,...,valn) Where category = { "cnt" | "curr" | "term" | ... } variable = A var corresponding to the given 'category' Example: ptInfo("cnt","clearStatsSQLALL")=The number of rows deleted via this method NOTE: old = Backward-compatible data RETURN Value: Based on the value of the 'returnType' parameter, return one of the following: 0: Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() 1: Return the total number of Stats rows deleted; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred
C L E A R 'SQL Index Stats' D A T A ------------------------------------- The following methods are used to remove all of the 'SQL Index Stats' data: - clearStatsSQLIndexALL() - clearStatsSQLIndexOLD() - ClearStatements() %SYS.PTools.SQLUtilities - ClearResults() %SYS.PTools.SQLUtilities - clearStatsSQLIndexNEW() - clearSQLStatements() %SYS.PTools.UtilSQLAnalysis - clearSQLAnalysisDB() %SYS.PTools.UtilSQLAnalysis The aforementioned methods remove data stored in the following classes: - %SYS.PTools.SQLUtilities (old) - %SYS.PTools.SQLUtilResults (old) - %SYS.PTools.UtilSQLStatements (new) - %SYS.PTools.UtilSQLAnalysisDB (new) NOTE: old = Backward-compatible data
Method: clearStatsSQLIndexALL [SQL: PT_clearStatsSQLIndexALL] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method deletes all of the data stored in the Original (backward-compatible) and the Optimal (new) PTools Utility SQL Index/Analysis Stats classes, based on the specified parameters... NOTE: Clear ALL PTools Utility SQL Index/Analysis Stats: OLD & NEW (By Default) Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).clearStatsSQLIndexALL(...) ..clearStatsSQLIndexALL(...) SQL: CALL %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStatsSQLIndexALL(...) SELECT %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStatsSQLIndexALL(...) NOTE: This 'SqlProc' method can be invoked with either the CALL-interface or the SELECT-interface. Both interfaces execute the method: the CALL-interface does not return any resulting value, while the SELECT-interface does. Since this method returns a $LIST() of %Status codes, the output can be converted to a comma-delimited string by using the $LISTTOSTRING(...) function on the ObjectScript or SQL result. Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools",...) PARAMETERS: ns - The namespace in which to clear PTools Stats [DEFAULT: $NAMESPACE] clearErrs - 0 = Don't delete the 'PTools' Application Errors 1 = Delete all of the 'PTools' Application Errors [DEFAULT] silent - 0 = Display all messages during this method invocation [DEFAULT] 1 = Don't display any messages during this method invocation returnType - 0 = Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() [DEFAULT] 1 = Return the total number of Stats rows deleted ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns detailed information to the user in the following format: ptInfo(category,variable)=value OR $LB(val1,...,valn) Where category = { "cnt" | "curr" | "term" | ... } variable = A var corresponding to the given 'category' Example: ptInfo("cnt","clearStatsSQLIndexALL")=The number of rows deleted via this method RETURN Value: Based on the value of the 'returnType' parameter, return one of the following: 0: Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() 1: Return the total number of Stats rows deleted; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred
Method: clearStatsSQLIndexNEW [SQL: PT_clearStatsSQLIndexNEW] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method deletes all of the data stored in the Optimal (new) PTools Utility SQL Index/Analysis Stats classes, based on the specified parameters... Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).clearStatsSQLIndexNEW(...) ..clearStatsSQLIndexNEW(...) SQL: CALL %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStatsSQLIndexNEW(...) SELECT %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStatsSQLIndexNEW(...) NOTE: This 'SqlProc' method can be invoked with either the CALL-interface or the SELECT-interface. Both interfaces execute the method: the CALL-interface does not return any resulting value, while the SELECT-interface does. Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools",...) PARAMETERS: ns - The namespace in which to clear PTools Stats [DEFAULT: $NAMESPACE] clearErrs - 0 = Don't delete the 'PTools' Application Errors 1 = Delete all of the 'PTools' Application Errors [DEFAULT] silent - 0 = Display all messages during this method invocation [DEFAULT] 1 = Don't display any messages during this method invocation returnType - 0 = Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() [DEFAULT] 1 = Return the total number of Stats rows deleted ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns detailed information to the user in the following format: ptInfo(category,variable)=value OR $LB(val1,...,valn) Where category = { "cnt" | "curr" | "term" | ... } variable = A var corresponding to the given 'category' Example: ptInfo("cnt","clearStatsSQLIndexNEW")=The number of rows deleted via this method RETURN Value: Based on the value of the 'returnType' parameter, return one of the following: 0: Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() 1: Return the total number of Stats rows deleted; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred
Method: clearStatsSQLIndexOLD [SQL: PT_clearStatsSQLIndexOLD] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method deletes all of the data stored in the Original (backward-compatible) PTools Utility SQL Index/Analysis Stats classes, based on the specified parameters... Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).clearStatsSQLIndexOLD(...) ..clearStatsSQLIndexOLD(...) SQL: CALL %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStatsSQLIndexOLD(...) SELECT %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStatsSQLIndexOLD(...) NOTE: This 'SqlProc' method can be invoked with either the CALL-interface or the SELECT-interface. Both interfaces execute the method: the CALL-interface does not return any resulting value, while the SELECT-interface does. Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools",...) PARAMETERS: ns - The namespace in which to clear PTools Stats [DEFAULT: $NAMESPACE] clearErrs - 0 = Don't delete the 'PTools' Application Errors 1 = Delete all of the 'PTools' Application Errors [DEFAULT] silent - 0 = Display all messages during this method invocation [DEFAULT] 1 = Don't display any messages during this method invocation returnType - 0 = Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() [DEFAULT] 1 = Return the total number of Stats rows deleted ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns detailed information to the user in the following format: ptInfo(category,variable)=value OR $LB(val1,...,valn) Where category = { "cnt" | "curr" | "term" | ... } variable = A var corresponding to the given 'category' Example: ptInfo("cnt","clearStatsSQLIndexOLD")=The number of rows deleted via this method RETURN Value: Based on the value of the 'returnType' parameter, return one of the following: 0: Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() 1: Return the total number of Stats rows deleted; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred
Method: clearStatsSQLNEW [SQL: PT_clearStatsSQLNEW] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method deletes all of the data stored in the Optimal (new) PTools SQL Stats classes, based on the specified parameters... Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).clearStatsSQLNEW(...) ..clearStatsSQLNEW(...) SQL: CALL %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStatsSQLNEW(...) SELECT %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStatsSQLNEW(...) NOTE: This 'SqlProc' method can be invoked with either the CALL-interface or the SELECT-interface. Both interfaces execute the method: the CALL-interface does not return any resulting value, while the SELECT-interface does. Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools",...) PARAMETERS: ns - The namespace in which to clear PTools SQL Statistics [DEFAULT: $NAMESPACE] rtn - The routine in which to clear PTools SQL Statistics [DEFAULT: ""] If none provided, clear all routines in the given 'ns' ph3 - Placeholder Parameter for future extensibility clearAll - 0 = Delete all of the data, except the 'INFO' rows, stored in the StatsSQL class: - %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL (new) 1 = Delete all of the data, including the 'INFO' rows, [DEFAULT] stored in the StatsSQL class: - %SYS.PTools.StatsSQL (new) clearSQLIndex - 0 = Don't delete the data stored in the Utility SQL [DEFAULT] Index/Analysis classes: - %SYS.PTools.UtilSQLStatements (new) - %SYS.PTools.UtilSQLAnalysisDB (new) 1 = Delete all of the data stored in the Utility SQL Index/Analysis classes: - %SYS.PTools.UtilSQLStatements (new) - %SYS.PTools.UtilSQLAnalysisDB (new) clearErrs - 0 = Don't delete the 'PTools' Application Errors 1 = Delete all of the 'PTools' Application Errors [DEFAULT] purgeCQ - 0 = Don't purge all of the Cached Queries [DEFAULT] 1 = Purge all of the Cached Queries silent - 0 = Display all messages during this method invocation [DEFAULT] 1 = Don't display any messages during this method invocation returnType - 0 = Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() [DEFAULT] 1 = Return the total number of Stats rows deleted ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns detailed information to the user in the following format: ptInfo(category,variable)=value OR $LB(val1,...,valn) Where category = { "cnt" | "curr" | "term" | ... } variable = A var corresponding to the given 'category' Example: ptInfo("cnt","clearStatsSQLNEW")=The number of rows deleted via this method RETURN Value: Based on the value of the 'returnType' parameter, return one of the following: 0: Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() 1: Return the total number of Stats rows deleted; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred
Method: clearStatsSQLOLD [SQL: PT_clearStatsSQLOLD] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method deletes all of the data stored in the Original (backward-compatible) PTools SQL Stats classes, based on the specified parameters... Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).clearStatsSQLOLD(...) ..clearStatsSQLOLD(...) SQL: CALL %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStatsSQLOLD(...) SELECT %SYS_PTools.PT_clearStatsSQLOLD(...) NOTE: This 'SqlProc' method can be invoked with either the CALL-interface or the SELECT-interface. Both interfaces execute the method: the CALL-interface does not return any resulting value, while the SELECT-interface does. Data Storage: ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools",...) PARAMETERS: ns - The namespace in which to clear PTools SQL Statistics [DEFAULT: $NAMESPACE] rtn - The routine in which to clear PTools SQL Statistics [DEFAULT: ""] If none provided, clear all routines in the given 'ns' ph3 - Placeholder Parameter for future extensibility clearSQLQuery - 0 = Don't delete the data stored in the SQLQuery class: - %SYS.PTools.SQLQuery (old) 1 = Delete all of the data stored in the SQLQuery class: [DEFAULT] - %SYS.PTools.SQLQuery (old) clearBench - 0 = Don't delete the data stored in the SQLBenchmark class: - %SYS.PTools.SQLBenchMarkQueries (old) 1 = Delete all of the data stored in the SQLBenchmark class: [DEFAULT] - %SYS.PTools.SQLBenchMarkQueries (old) clearSQLIndex - 0 = Don't delete the data stored in the Utility SQL [DEFAULT] Index/Analysis classes: - %SYS.PTools.SQLUtilities (old) - %SYS.PTools.SQLUtilResults (old) 1 = Delete all of the data stored in the Utility SQL Index Analysis classes: - %SYS.PTools.SQLUtilities (old) - %SYS.PTools.SQLUtilResults (old) clearErrs - 0 = Don't delete the 'PTools' Application Errors 1 = Delete all of the 'PTools' Application Errors [DEFAULT] purgeCQ - 0 = Don't purge all of the Cached Queries [DEFAULT] 1 = Purge all of the Cached Queries silent - 0 = Display all messages during this method invocation [DEFAULT] 1 = Don't display any messages during this method invocation returnType - 0 = Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() [DEFAULT] 1 = Return the total number of Stats rows deleted ptInfo - A Pass By Reference information array that returns detailed information to the user in the following format: ptInfo(category,variable)=value OR $LB(val1,...,valn) Where category = { "cnt" | "curr" | "term" | ... } variable = A var corresponding to the given 'category' Example: ptInfo("cnt","clearStatsSQLOLD")=The number of rows deleted via this method RETURN Value: Based on the value of the 'returnType' parameter, return one of the following: 0: Return a %Status code of either $$$OK or $$$ERROR() 1: Return the total number of Stats rows deleted; Otherwise, return an error message if an error occurred
Method: exportStats [SQL: PT_exportStats]
Replaces: Report
G E T / C L E A R 'PToolsError' D A T A ----------------------------------------- The following methods are used to retrieve & remove all of the 'PToolsError' data: - getPToolsError() - clearPToolsError() The aforementioned methods remove data stored in the following global: - ^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","Error",{errRowID}) (old/new) NOTE: old = Backward-compatible data
Method: getPToolsError [SQL: PT_getPToolsError] Replaces: N/A Status: New Functionality Purpose: This method retrieve a specific 'PTools' Application Error for the given 'errRowID' or retrieve all errors if no 'errRowID' is provided. Invocation: This method can be invoked in the following ways: ObjectScript: ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).getPToolsError(...) SQL: SELECT %SYS_PTools.PT_getPToolsError(...) NOTE: 'PTools' Application Errors will be returned in the 'PToolsErr' array as follows: PToolsErr={errRowID} [Counter] PToolsErr({errRowID},0)=$LIST: 1) $HOROLOG [Timestamp Internal] 2) Timestamp External [Timestamp External: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS] 3) $NAMESPACE [Current Namespace] 4) $JOB [Current $JOB] 5) $ZN [Current Routine] 6) $zu(41) [Stack Level] PToolsErr({errRowID},1)=$LIST: 1) {ns} [Error Namespace] 2) {job} [Error $JOB] 3) {rtn} [Error Routine] 4) {curs} [Error SQL Cursor] 5) {mod} [Error SQL Module] 6) {func} [Error Function/Method] 7) {ze} [Error $ZE] 8) {errMsg} [Error Message] --- SQL Errors --- 9) {class} [Error Class] 10) {table} [Error Table] 11) {SQLCODE} [Error SQLCODE] 12) {%msg} [Error SQL Message] PToolsErr({errRowID},2)=errLog(errLogID)=errLogMsg PToolsErr({errRowID},2,{errLogID})={errLogMsg} Parameters: errRowID - The 'PTools' Error RowID to retrieve; If none specified, then retrieve all errors into the 'PToolsErr()' array PToolsErr - An array in which the 'PTools' Application Errors will be returned [PASS BY REFERENCE] RETURN Value: The 'PTools' Error RowID ({errRowID}) retrieved, the empty string ("") if {errRowID} invalid, or the word 'all' indicating an array of all errors returned.
Inherited Members
Inherited Methods
- %%CLASSNAMELogicalToStorage()
- %%CLASSNAMEStorageToLogical()
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %AddToSyncSet()
- %BMEBuilt()
- %BuildIndicesAsync()
- %BuildIndicesAsyncResponse()
- %CheckConstraints()
- %CheckConstraintsForExtent()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ComposeOid()
- %ConstructClone()
- %Delete()
- %DeleteExtent()
- %DeleteId()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %Exists()
- %ExistsId()
- %Extends()
- %GUID()
- %GUIDSet()
- %GetLock()
- %GetParameter()
- %GetSwizzleObject()
- %Id()
- %InitExtentData()
- %InsertBatch()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %IsNull()
- %KillExtent()
- %KillExtentData()
- %LoadFromMemory()
- %LockExtent()
- %LockId()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectIsNull()
- %ObjectModified()
- %Oid()
- %OnBeforeAddToSync()
- %OnDeleteFinally()
- %OnDetermineClass()
- %OnOpenFinally()
- %OnSaveFinally()
- %Open()
- %OpenId()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %PhysicalAddress()
- %PurgeIndices()
- %Reload()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %ResolveConcurrencyConflict()
- %RollBack()
- %Save()
- %SaveDirect()
- %SaveIndices()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %SortBegin()
- %SortEnd()
- %SyncObjectIn()
- %SyncTransport()
- %UnlockExtent()
- %UnlockId()
- %ValidateIndices()
- %ValidateObject()
- %ValidateTable()
- CSVtabHead()
- CSVtabRow()
- DLMtabHead()
- DLMtabRow()
- HTMLtabHead()
- HTMLtabRow()
- TXTtabHead()
- TXTtabRow()
- XMLcolAuto()
- XMLcolWidth()
- XMLrowHeader()
- XMLsheet()
- XMLsort()
- XMLtabRow()
- XMLtable()
- condsMatch()
- createAndOpenFile()
- createOrderByList()
- fileBody()
- fileFooter()
- fileHeader()
- getOutputFile()
- openFileForRead()
Storage Model: Storage (%SYS.PTools.Stats)
^%sqlcq($NAMESPACE,"PTools","db","StatsD")(ID) |