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class %SQL.Migration.Util extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Utilities for Sql Migration

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter RTNPREFIX = SQLImport;
Prefix for Generated Routines


property Debug as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Debugging ?
Property methods: DebugDisplayToLogical(), DebugGet(), DebugIsValid(), DebugLogicalToDisplay(), DebugNormalize(), DebugSet()
property DebugOutFile as %String [ InitialExpression = "Migration.sql" ];
OutputFile for Sql Statements executed (to Debug)
Property methods: DebugOutFileDisplayToLogical(), DebugOutFileGet(), DebugOutFileIsValid(), DebugOutFileLogicalToDisplay(), DebugOutFileLogicalToOdbc(), DebugOutFileNormalize(), DebugOutFileSet()
property DeferIndices as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
If true, generate indices after importing data.
Property methods: DeferIndicesDisplayToLogical(), DeferIndicesGet(), DeferIndicesIsValid(), DeferIndicesLogicalToDisplay(), DeferIndicesNormalize(), DeferIndicesSet()
property DeleteExistingData as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Delete Exiting Data from table before importing
Property methods: DeleteExistingDataDisplayToLogical(), DeleteExistingDataGet(), DeleteExistingDataIsValid(), DeleteExistingDataLogicalToDisplay(), DeleteExistingDataNormalize(), DeleteExistingDataSet()
property GTWUnicode as %String;
Does the Gateway support Wide Calls?
Property methods: GTWUnicodeDisplayToLogical(), GTWUnicodeGet(), GTWUnicodeIsValid(), GTWUnicodeLogicalToDisplay(), GTWUnicodeLogicalToOdbc(), GTWUnicodeNormalize(), GTWUnicodeSet()
property MaxErrors as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 30 ];
maximum number of Data Import Errors to report per table when Copying Data 0=All
Property methods: MaxErrorsDisplayToLogical(), MaxErrorsGet(), MaxErrorsIsValid(), MaxErrorsLogicalToDisplay(), MaxErrorsNormalize(), MaxErrorsSet()
property NoCheck as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
If true, import will insert with %NOCHECK.
Property methods: NoCheckDisplayToLogical(), NoCheckGet(), NoCheckIsValid(), NoCheckLogicalToDisplay(), NoCheckNormalize(), NoCheckSet()
property NoJournal as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, import will run without journaling enabled.
Property methods: NoJournalDisplayToLogical(), NoJournalGet(), NoJournalIsValid(), NoJournalLogicalToDisplay(), NoJournalNormalize(), NoJournalSet()
property NoTrigger as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, import will insert with %NOTRIGGER.
Property methods: NoTriggerDisplayToLogical(), NoTriggerGet(), NoTriggerIsValid(), NoTriggerLogicalToDisplay(), NoTriggerNormalize(), NoTriggerSet()
property PreservePKName as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Preserve Primary Key Constraint Name when importing table
Property methods: PreservePKNameDisplayToLogical(), PreservePKNameGet(), PreservePKNameIsValid(), PreservePKNameLogicalToDisplay(), PreservePKNameNormalize(), PreservePKNameSet()


method AccessGetPKey(hstmt As %String, TbName As %String) as %String
method AddOwnerMap(SourceOwner As %String, DestOwner As %String)
Add 1 Mapping of Source schema to destination schema
method ClearError()
classmethod ClearErrors()
Clears the Migration Error Log for this instance
method ClearOwnerMap()
Deletes all the content of the OwnerMap
classmethod ClearStatusMsg()
Clear the Migration status message list
method CopyOneView(VOwner As %String, VName As %String, hstmt As %String)
Copy one view Definition from the remote DB to InterSystems IRIS
method CopyOneViewJ(VOwner As %String, VName As %String)
Copy one view Definition from the remote DB to InterSystems IRIS
classmethod DSNClose(QHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod DSNExecute(ByRef QHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod DSNFetch(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer) as %Status
method DatatypeName(DType As %String, Precision As %Integer, Length As %Integer, Scale As %Integer, DtName As %String, %msg As %String) as %String
Returns Name of InterSystems IRIS Datatype for given column
method DropForeignKeys(TbOwner As %String, TbName As %String, verbose As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Given a table, drop any foreign keys constraint defined on that table
method DropTable(TbOwner As %String, TbName As %String, verbose As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Drops one table on destination. Drops Foreign keys pointing to that table.
method DropView(VOwner As %String, VName As %String, verbose As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Drops one View on destination
classmethod ErrorLogClose(QHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod ErrorLogExecute(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, hdbc As %String, TbQualifier As %String, TbOwner As %String, TbName As %String, TbType As %String) as %Status
classmethod ErrorLogFetch(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer) as %Status
method ExecSql(stsql As %String) as %Status
Executes an Sql Statement in the current namespace as localUser
method FindIdentity(TbOwner As %String, TbName As %String, hstmt As %String) as %String
Returns a $list of Columns Names which are AutoIncrement/Identity in source Database
method FindIdentityJ(TbOwner As %String, TbName As %String) as %String
Returns a $list of Columns Names which are AutoIncrement/Identity in source Database
method FindViewDeps(VOwner As %String, VName As %String, hstmt As %String) as %String
Get List of Dependencies for a View
method FindViewDepsJ(VOwner As %String, VName As %String) as %String
classmethod GetCGateHandle() as %String
Initializes before using the SqlGateWay Calls Tries to load odbcgateway and return a handle for $ZF(-5)
classmethod GetLastErrorMsg() as %String
Returns last Error of Migration process
classmethod GetLastStatusMsg() as %String
Returns current Status of Migration process
method GetOwnerMap(SourceOwner As %String) as %String
method GetPKeyStr(hstmt As %String, TbQualifier As %String, TbOwner As %String, TbName As %String, Did As %String) as %String
method GetPKeyStrJ(TbQualifier As %String, TbOwner As %String, TbName As %String, Did As %String, ByRef collist As %String) as %String
method IFXFindNotNull(TbOwner As %String, TbName As %String, hstmt As %String) as %String
Informix:Returns a $list of Column Names which are Not NULL is source DB
method InitDLL() as %Status
classmethod LogError(FuncName As %String, errno As %Integer, errdesc As %String, TbOwner As %String, TbName As %String, sql As %String)
Logs an Error into the Migration Error Log
classmethod LogStatusMsg(msg As %String)
Logs Status message
method OraDefault(TbOwner As %String, TbName As %String, ColName As %String) as %String
Oracle: returns Column Default from ALL_TAB_COLUMNS
classmethod ShowAllErrors()
Displays all Errors for current Migration process on current device
classmethod ShowAllStatusMsg()
classmethod SqlTablesClose(QHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod SqlTablesExecute(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, hdbc As %String, TbQualifier As %String, TbOwner As %String, TbName As %String, TbType As %String) as %Status
classmethod SqlTablesFetch(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer) as %Status
method isaView(TbOwner As %String, TbName As %String, hstmt As %String) as %Integer
Finds out if the given Table is a Table (0) or a View (1)
method isaViewJ(TbOwner As %String, TbName As %String) as %Integer
Finds out if the given Table is a Table (0) or a View (1)


query DSN()
Selects DSNNAME As %String, DESCRIPTION As %String
query ErrorLog()
Selects OPERATION As %String, SQLCODE As %Integer, NATIVE_ERRORMSG As %String, SCHEMA_NAME As %String, TABLE_NAME As %String, DESCRIPTION As %String
query SqlTables(hdbc As %String, TbQualifier As %String, TbOwner As %String, TbName As %String, TbType As %String)
Selects CATALOG_NAME As %String, SCHEMA_NAME As %String, TABLE_NAME As %String, TABLE_TYPE As %String, REMARKS As %String
Returns results of SQLTables against remote database in hdbc

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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