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persistent class %DeepSee.UserPortal.Data.User extends %Library.Persistent, %XML.Adaptor

SQL Table Name: %DeepSee_UserPortal_Data.UserName

Each instance of this class represents a user within the DeepSee User Portal. Each DeepSee user is assumed be a valid system user. This table is used to track additional information about the user within the current namespace.

Property Inventory


property alertsEnabled as %Boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
If true, alerts are enabled for this user-- other users can send alerts to this user.
Property methods: alertsEnabledDisplayToLogical(), alertsEnabledGet(), alertsEnabledGetStored(), alertsEnabledIsValid(), alertsEnabledLogicalToDisplay(), alertsEnabledLogicalToXSD(), alertsEnabledNormalize(), alertsEnabledSet(), alertsEnabledXSDToLogical()
property email as %String (MAXLEN = 500, XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
User's email address, if any.
Property methods: emailDisplayToLogical(), emailGet(), emailGetStored(), emailIsValid(), emailLogicalToDisplay(), emailLogicalToOdbc(), emailNormalize(), emailSet()
property fullName as %String (MAXLEN = 128);
Full name of the user.
Property methods: fullNameDisplayToLogical(), fullNameGet(), fullNameGetStored(), fullNameIsValid(), fullNameLogicalToDisplay(), fullNameLogicalToOdbc(), fullNameNormalize(), fullNameSet()
property userId as %String (MAXLEN = 200, XMLPROJECTION = "attribute") [ Required ];
User ID ($UserName value).
Property methods: userIdDisplayToLogical(), userIdGet(), userIdGetStored(), userIdIsValid(), userIdLogicalToDisplay(), userIdLogicalToOdbc(), userIdNormalize(), userIdSet()


index (fullName on fullName);
Index methods: fullNameDisplayToLogical(), fullNameExists(), fullNameGet(), fullNameGetStored(), fullNameIsValid(), fullNameLogicalToDisplay(), fullNameLogicalToOdbc(), fullNameNormalize(), fullNameSet()
index (userId on userId) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: userIdCheck(), userIdDelete(), userIdDisplayToLogical(), userIdExists(), userIdGet(), userIdGetStored(), userIdIsValid(), userIdLogicalToDisplay(), userIdLogicalToOdbc(), userIdNormalize(), userIdOpen(), userIdSQLCheckUnique(), userIdSQLExists(), userIdSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), userIdSQLFindRowIDByConstraint(), userIdSet()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: Storage (%DeepSee.UserPortal.Data.User)

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