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class CSPX.EnsMsgTablePaneEx extends CSPX.EnsMsgTablePane

Specialized pane for displaying a list of messages.

Method Inventory


method CreateResultSet(ByRef pID As %String, ByRef pRS As %ResultSet) as %Status
Inherited description: This method creates the %ResultSet object that is used for the table pane.
A subclass can override this to customize the table displayed by this pane.
pID is array of page variables...
classmethod EnumerateDupsClose(ByRef qHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod EnumerateDupsExecute(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, pFilterObj As CSPX.EnsMsgFilterForm, pNextId As %String = "", pPaneObj As EnsMsgTablePaneEx = $$$NULLOREF) as %Status
classmethod EnumerateDupsFetch(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) as %Status
classmethod EnumerateGapsClose(ByRef qHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod EnumerateGapsExecute(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, pFilterObj As CSPX.EnsMsgFilterForm, pNextId As %String = "", pPaneObj As EnsMsgTablePaneEx = $$$NULLOREF) as %Status
classmethod EnumerateGapsFetch(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) as %Status
classmethod EnumerateLatesClose(ByRef qHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod EnumerateLatesExecute(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, pFilterObj As CSPX.EnsMsgFilterForm, pNextId As %String = "", pPaneObj As EnsMsgTablePaneEx = $$$NULLOREF) as %Status
classmethod EnumerateLatesFetch(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) as %Status


query EnumerateDups(FilterObj As CSPX.EnsMsgFilterForm, NextId As %String = "", PaneObj As EnsMsgTablePane = $$$NULLOREF)
Selects ID, TimeCreated, Session, Status, Error, Source, BodyID, BodyControlID, DupBodyIDs
query EnumerateGaps(FilterObj As CSPX.EnsMsgFilterForm, NextId As %String = "", PaneObj As EnsMsgTablePaneEx = $$$NULLOREF)
Selects ID, TimeCreated, Session, Status, Error, Source, Seq, TargetSeq
This one does not currently return objects, only the sequence number of the message that should have arrived, and the higher sequence number of the one that already arrived
query EnumerateLates(FilterObj As CSPX.EnsMsgFilterForm, NextId As %String = "", PaneObj As EnsMsgTablePaneEx = $$$NULLOREF)
Selects ID, TimeCreated, Session, Status, Error, Source, BodyID, Seq, NextSeq

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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