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class %SOAP.WST.RequestSecurityToken extends %SOAP.RequestMessage

RequestSecurityToken as used for request body in WS-Trust 1.3.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


Inherited description: ELEMENTQUALIFIED controls the format of exported XML. The ELEMENTQUALIFIED specification should be based on the elementFormDefault attribute of the schema that defines the type. To maintain compatibility, ELEMENTQUALIFIED will default to 1 (true) for literal format export and will default to 0 (false) for encoded or encoded12 format export. These were the values always previously assumed for the elementFormDefault attribute.

NOTE: Direct use of XMLExport method does not support the ELEMENTQUALIFIED. The export must be done using %XML.Writer or SOAP support.

parameter NAMESPACE =;
Inherited description: NAMESPACE specifies the XML namespace to be used when projecting the class to XML. If NAMESPACE = "", the default namespace is used for the XML schema is used as the namespace for his class.
parameter XMLFORMAT = literal;
Inherited description: The XMLFORMAT parameter controls the generation of the XMLExport and XMLImport methods for XML enabled classes to include code for only literal or only encoded format. This allows the generated routines to be significantly smaller since usually both formats are not needed.

If XMLFORMAT="Literal", then only support for literal format import and export is generated.

If XMLFORMAT="Encoded", then only support for SOAP encoded format import and export is generated.

The default is to generate support for both literal and encoded format.

Inherited description: The XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG parameter allows the programmer to control handling of unexpected elements in the XML input. The XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG parameter will only take affect if XMLSEQUENCE = 0 (the default). By default (XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG = 0), will treat an unexpected element as an error. If XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG is set = 1 and XMLSEQUENCE = 0, then unexpected elements will be ignored.
parameter XMLPREFIX = wst;
Inherited description: The XMLPREFIX parameter controls the prefix to be used for the XML namespace that is given by the NAMESPACE parameter.
parameter XMLSEQUENCE = 0;
Inherited description: If the XMLSEQUENCE = 1, then the order of the XML elements must match the order of the class properties. This allows us to deal with XML where the same field appears multiple times and is distinguished by the order.


property AllowPostdating as %String;
Property methods: AllowPostdatingDisplayToLogical(), AllowPostdatingGet(), AllowPostdatingIsValid(), AllowPostdatingLogicalToDisplay(), AllowPostdatingLogicalToOdbc(), AllowPostdatingNormalize(), AllowPostdatingSet()
property AppliesTo as %XML.String (REFNAMESPACE = "", XMLREF = 1);
Property methods: AppliesToDisplayToLogical(), AppliesToGet(), AppliesToIsValid(), AppliesToLogicalToDisplay(), AppliesToLogicalToOdbc(), AppliesToNormalize(), AppliesToSet()
property AuthenticationType as %xsd.anyURI;
Property methods: AuthenticationTypeDisplayToLogical(), AuthenticationTypeGet(), AuthenticationTypeIsValid(), AuthenticationTypeLogicalToDisplay(), AuthenticationTypeLogicalToOdbc(), AuthenticationTypeNormalize(), AuthenticationTypeSet()
property CancelTarget as %SOAP.WST.Target;
Property methods: CancelTargetGet(), CancelTargetGetSwizzled(), CancelTargetIsValid(), CancelTargetNewObject(), CancelTargetSet()
property CanonicalizationAlgorithm as %xsd.anyURI;
Property methods: CanonicalizationAlgorithmDisplayToLogical(), CanonicalizationAlgorithmGet(), CanonicalizationAlgorithmIsValid(), CanonicalizationAlgorithmLogicalToDisplay(), CanonicalizationAlgorithmLogicalToOdbc(), CanonicalizationAlgorithmNormalize(), CanonicalizationAlgorithmSet()
property Claims as %SOAP.WST.Claims;
Property methods: ClaimsGet(), ClaimsGetSwizzled(), ClaimsIsValid(), ClaimsNewObject(), ClaimsSet()
property ComputedKeyAlgorithm as %xsd.anyURI;
Property methods: ComputedKeyAlgorithmDisplayToLogical(), ComputedKeyAlgorithmGet(), ComputedKeyAlgorithmIsValid(), ComputedKeyAlgorithmLogicalToDisplay(), ComputedKeyAlgorithmLogicalToOdbc(), ComputedKeyAlgorithmNormalize(), ComputedKeyAlgorithmSet()
property ComputedKeySize as %Integer (XMLPROJECTION = "none");
ComputedKeySize specifies the size in bytes of the computed key which will be established. ComputedKeySize is meaningful only if client and server entropy are both specified for a computed key. Default is $$$SOAPWSSCDEFAULTKEYSIZE.
Property methods: ComputedKeySizeDisplayToLogical(), ComputedKeySizeGet(), ComputedKeySizeIsValid(), ComputedKeySizeLogicalToDisplay(), ComputedKeySizeNormalize(), ComputedKeySizeSet(), ComputedKeySizeXSDToLogical()
property Context as %xsd.anyURI (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
Property methods: ContextDisplayToLogical(), ContextGet(), ContextIsValid(), ContextLogicalToDisplay(), ContextLogicalToOdbc(), ContextNormalize(), ContextSet()
property Delegatable as %Boolean;
Property methods: DelegatableDisplayToLogical(), DelegatableGet(), DelegatableIsValid(), DelegatableLogicalToDisplay(), DelegatableLogicalToXSD(), DelegatableNormalize(), DelegatableSet(), DelegatableXSDToLogical()
property DelegateTo as %SOAP.WST.Target;
Property methods: DelegateToGet(), DelegateToGetSwizzled(), DelegateToIsValid(), DelegateToNewObject(), DelegateToSet()
property EncryptWith as %xsd.anyURI;
Property methods: EncryptWithDisplayToLogical(), EncryptWithGet(), EncryptWithIsValid(), EncryptWithLogicalToDisplay(), EncryptWithLogicalToOdbc(), EncryptWithNormalize(), EncryptWithSet()
property Encryption as %XML.String;
Property methods: EncryptionDisplayToLogical(), EncryptionGet(), EncryptionIsValid(), EncryptionLogicalToDisplay(), EncryptionLogicalToOdbc(), EncryptionNormalize(), EncryptionSet()
property EncryptionAlgorithm as %xsd.anyURI;
Property methods: EncryptionAlgorithmDisplayToLogical(), EncryptionAlgorithmGet(), EncryptionAlgorithmIsValid(), EncryptionAlgorithmLogicalToDisplay(), EncryptionAlgorithmLogicalToOdbc(), EncryptionAlgorithmNormalize(), EncryptionAlgorithmSet()
property Entropy as %SOAP.WST.Entropy;
Property methods: EntropyGet(), EntropyGetSwizzled(), EntropyIsValid(), EntropyNewObject(), EntropySet()
property Forwardable as %Boolean;
Property methods: ForwardableDisplayToLogical(), ForwardableGet(), ForwardableIsValid(), ForwardableLogicalToDisplay(), ForwardableLogicalToXSD(), ForwardableNormalize(), ForwardableSet(), ForwardableXSDToLogical()
property Issuer as %SOAP.Addressing.EndpointReference (REFNAMESPACE = "", XMLREF = 1);
Property methods: IssuerGet(), IssuerGetSwizzled(), IssuerIsValid(), IssuerNewObject(), IssuerSet()
property KeySize as %xsd.unsignedInt;
Property methods: KeySizeDisplayToLogical(), KeySizeGet(), KeySizeIsValid(), KeySizeLogicalToDisplay(), KeySizeNormalize(), KeySizeSet(), KeySizeXSDToLogical()
property KeyType as %xsd.anyURI;
Property methods: KeyTypeDisplayToLogical(), KeyTypeGet(), KeyTypeIsValid(), KeyTypeLogicalToDisplay(), KeyTypeLogicalToOdbc(), KeyTypeNormalize(), KeyTypeSet()
property KeyWrapAlgorithm as %xsd.anyURI;
Property methods: KeyWrapAlgorithmDisplayToLogical(), KeyWrapAlgorithmGet(), KeyWrapAlgorithmIsValid(), KeyWrapAlgorithmLogicalToDisplay(), KeyWrapAlgorithmLogicalToOdbc(), KeyWrapAlgorithmNormalize(), KeyWrapAlgorithmSet()
property Lifetime as %SOAP.WST.Lifetime;
Property methods: LifetimeGet(), LifetimeGetSwizzled(), LifetimeIsValid(), LifetimeNewObject(), LifetimeSet()
property OnBehalfOf as %SOAP.WST.Target;
Property methods: OnBehalfOfGet(), OnBehalfOfGetSwizzled(), OnBehalfOfIsValid(), OnBehalfOfNewObject(), OnBehalfOfSet()
property Participants as %SOAP.WST.Participants;
Property methods: ParticipantsGet(), ParticipantsGetSwizzled(), ParticipantsIsValid(), ParticipantsNewObject(), ParticipantsSet()
property Policy as %SOAP.Policy (REFNAMESPACE = "", XMLREF = 1);
Property methods: PolicyGet(), PolicyGetSwizzled(), PolicyIsValid(), PolicyNewObject(), PolicySet()
property PolicyReference as %SOAP.PolicyReference (REFNAMESPACE = "", XMLREF = 1);
Property methods: PolicyReferenceGet(), PolicyReferenceGetSwizzled(), PolicyReferenceIsValid(), PolicyReferenceNewObject(), PolicyReferenceSet()
property ProofEncryption as %SOAP.WST.Target;
Property methods: ProofEncryptionGet(), ProofEncryptionGetSwizzled(), ProofEncryptionIsValid(), ProofEncryptionNewObject(), ProofEncryptionSet()
property RenewTarget as %SOAP.WST.Target;
Property methods: RenewTargetGet(), RenewTargetGetSwizzled(), RenewTargetIsValid(), RenewTargetNewObject(), RenewTargetSet()
property Renewing as %SOAP.WST.Renewing;
Property methods: RenewingGet(), RenewingGetSwizzled(), RenewingIsValid(), RenewingNewObject(), RenewingSet()
property RequestType as %xsd.anyURI (XMLREF = 1) [ Required ];
Property methods: RequestTypeDisplayToLogical(), RequestTypeGet(), RequestTypeIsValid(), RequestTypeLogicalToDisplay(), RequestTypeLogicalToOdbc(), RequestTypeNormalize(), RequestTypeSet()
property SignWith as %xsd.anyURI;
Property methods: SignWithDisplayToLogical(), SignWithGet(), SignWithIsValid(), SignWithLogicalToDisplay(), SignWithLogicalToOdbc(), SignWithNormalize(), SignWithSet()
property SignatureAlgorithm as %xsd.anyURI;
Property methods: SignatureAlgorithmDisplayToLogical(), SignatureAlgorithmGet(), SignatureAlgorithmIsValid(), SignatureAlgorithmLogicalToDisplay(), SignatureAlgorithmLogicalToOdbc(), SignatureAlgorithmNormalize(), SignatureAlgorithmSet()
property TokenType as %xsd.anyURI (XMLREF = 1);
Property methods: TokenTypeDisplayToLogical(), TokenTypeGet(), TokenTypeIsValid(), TokenTypeLogicalToDisplay(), TokenTypeLogicalToOdbc(), TokenTypeNormalize(), TokenTypeSet()
property UseKey as %SOAP.WST.Target;
Property methods: UseKeyGet(), UseKeyGetSwizzled(), UseKeyIsValid(), UseKeyNewObject(), UseKeySet()


method CreateCancelResponse(soapClass As %SOAP.WebService, Output error As %String) as %SOAP.WST.RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection
Create and return an Cancel response for this Cancel request.
  • soapClass is the web service to which the request was sent.
  • error contained the returned error string. "" if successful. Otherwise, fault code from section 11 of WS-Trust 1.3 specification.
classmethod CreateIssueRequest(interval As %Integer = 300, clientEntropy As %SOAP.WST.Entropy = "", requireServerEntropy As %Boolean) as %SOAP.WST.RequestSecurityToken
Create an Issue request for WS-SecureConversation SecurityContextToken.
If ComputedKeySize is not pre-agreed or specified by a WS-Policy then the ComputedKeySize property should be set to indicate the desired KeySize in bytes before calling StartSecureConversation.
  • interval is lifetime of the requested token. To include no Lifetime element pass interval as "". The default interval is 300 seconds.
  • clientEntropy is the client entropy to be included in the request which is created using ##class(%SOAP.WST.Entropy).Create(....
  • requireServerEntropy is a %Boolean argument which specifies if server entropy must be supplied. Default is false.
method CreateIssueResponse(soapClass As %SOAP.WebService, keysize As %Integer, requireClientEntropy As %Boolean, serverEntropy As %SOAP.WST.Entropy = "", Output error As %String, lifetime As %Integer) as %SOAP.WST.RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection
Create and return an Issue response for this request with WS-SecureConversation SecurityContextToken.
  • soapClass is the web service to which the request was sent.
  • keysize is the size of the desired key in bytes. This argument is used only when key is computed based on both client and server entropy. Default is the smaller of length of client entropy and server entropy.
  • requireClientEntropy is true if the request must include client entropy. requireClientEntropy is false if the request must not include client entropy.
  • serverEntropy is %SOAP.WST.Entropy with server entropy or "" if no server entropy.
  • error contained the returned error string. "" if successful. Otherwise, fault code from section 11 of WS-Trust 1.3 specification.
  • lifetime is the required duration of the lifetime token in seconds. If not specifed, the client requested lifetime is used or 300 secondss if no client requested lifetime

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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