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persistent class %iKnow.Stemming.MultiLanguageConfig extends %iKnow.Stemming.Configuration

SQL Table Name: %iKnow_Stemming.MultiLanguageConfig

Configuration settings for a stemmer supporting multiple languages. Each language can be configured separately, or just use the default settings.

Unless you're using custom configurations, using the default configuration ("DEFAULT") will automatically support multiple languages. See also %iKnow.Stemming.DefaultStemmer.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property Languages as %String;
Comma-separated list of languages this stemmer supports, or "*" if it supports all
Property methods: LanguagesDisplayToLogical(), LanguagesGet(), LanguagesGetStored(), LanguagesIsValid(), LanguagesLogicalToDisplay(), LanguagesLogicalToOdbc(), LanguagesNormalize(), LanguagesSet()
property StemmerConfigs as %String;
Comma-separated list of custom configurations to use for each language in Languages. Entries left blank will be instantiated using the default configuration.
Property methods: StemmerConfigsDisplayToLogical(), StemmerConfigsGet(), StemmerConfigsGetStored(), StemmerConfigsIsValid(), StemmerConfigsLogicalToDisplay(), StemmerConfigsLogicalToOdbc(), StemmerConfigsNormalize(), StemmerConfigsSet()


method CreateStemmerObject(Output pStemmer As %iKnow.Stemmer) as %Status
Inherited description: Instantiates a stemmer object based on the current object's configuration. (Does not need to be persisted)

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


Gray indicates storage defined by superclasses.

Storage Model: Storage (%iKnow.Stemming.Configuration)


Storage Model: Storage (%iKnow.Stemming.MultiLanguageConfig)

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