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This class is deprecated in favour of the iKnow Architect in the SMP (%iKnow.UI.Architect), which allows GUI-driven interaction with a domain definition class.

This is a sample User Interface grouping some common iKnow loading tasks typically implemented through COS scripts. In the top section, you can add, edit and delete domains and configurations, which can then be used to load data in the three tabs below:

  1. In the first tab, you can load text files from a directory into the selected domain using the selected configuration object.
  2. The second tab shows how you can easily add metadata for sources already added to the domain. First select the CSV file containing the metadata and then click the 'read file' button to be able to select which columns correspond to which field
  3. In the third tab, you can load dictionary information from a CSV file into the current domain to be used for the iKnow Smart Matching components. First select the file and then click the 'read file' button to choose the columns containing the dictionary data.

Method Inventory


parameter PAGENAME = Sample iKnow Loading Portal;
Inherited description: Optional. This is the display name used for this page. If not provided, the class name is used.


method %OnAfterCreatePage() as %Status
Initializes some of the panes and session variables used by this page, fetching domain, source and term variables from the request (if present).
classmethod %OnFinishBackgroundTask(pTaskID As %String)
Inherited description: This server-side callback method is called whenever the client calls to monitor the current background task and the task is complete. Typically a subclass uses this to send back JavaScript to update the page.
classmethod %OnMonitorBackgroundTask(pTaskID As %String, pStatus As %String, pPercentComplete As %Float)
Inherited description: This server-side callback method is called whenever the client calls to monitor the current background task. Typically a subclass uses this to send back JavaScript to update a progress bar.
method CheckFilePath(filenameCol As %Integer, delimiter As %String, localPaths As %Boolean, rootPath As %String) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
method CreateConfig(configName As %String, languages As %String, userDictionary As %String, maxConceptLength As %Integer) as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
method CreateDomain(domainName As %String) as %Integer [ ZenMethod ]
method DeleteConfig(configName As %String) as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
method DeleteDomain() as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
method EmptyDomain() as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
method GetAndEraseServerMessage() as %String [ ZenMethod ]
method GetConfig() as %String [ ZenMethod ]
method GetConfigName(configId) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
method GetInfoPaneText() as %String
Inherited description: Returns the text to be displayed in infoPane. To be overridden by the subclass using it.
classmethod GetMDColumnCount() as %String [ ZenMethod ]
method GetRootPath(metadataFile As %String) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
method MatchAll() as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
method MetadataFieldNameExists(name As %String) as %Boolean [ ZenMethod ]
method RunBackgroundMethod(methodName As %String, methodParams...) as %Status
classmethod SetBackgroundTaskEndMessage(finishMessage As %String) as %Status
classmethod SetBackgroundTaskStartMessage(busyMessage As %String) as %Status
method SubmitLoadData() as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
method SubmitLoadDict() as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
method SubmitLoadMeta(pSubmit As %ZEN.Submit) as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
method UpdateConfig(configName As %String) as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
method UpdateDictionaryFile(dictionaryFile As %String, delimiter As %String, hasHeader As %Boolean = 1) as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
method UpdateMetadataFile(metadataFile As %String, delimiter As %String, hasHeader As %Boolean = 1) as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
clientmethod checkDataType(i) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod checkFieldName(i) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod checkFilePathClient() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod clickLocalPaths() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod createConfigClient() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod createDomainClient() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod deleteConfigClient() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod deleteDomainClient() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod disableDictionaryForm() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod disableMetadataForm() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod emptyDomainClient() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod ignoreColumn(i, leaveName, force) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod onloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: This client event, if present, is fired when the page is loaded.
clientmethod selectDictionaryFileClient() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod selectMetadataFileClient() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod updateConfigClient() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod updateDirectory() [ Language = javascript ]

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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