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This ranker implementation refines %iFind.Rank.TFIDF by taking into account the dominance values of any entities matching the search string at a leaf node. If there are such entities, the harmonic mean of the best local dominance score (which' max value is 1) with that node's TFIDF score will be returned. Otherwise, the regular TFIDF score will be used.

Note: this ranker can only be used with a %iFind.Index.Analytic index.

Property Inventory


property LeafEntities [ MultiDimensional ];
LeafEntities([node],[leaf],[WordId]) = "" Populated as part of OnInitialize().
Property methods: LeafEntitiesDisplayToLogical(), LeafEntitiesGet(), LeafEntitiesIsValid(), LeafEntitiesLogicalToDisplay(), LeafEntitiesLogicalToOdbc(), LeafEntitiesNormalize(), LeafEntitiesSet()
property RecordEntityWeights [ MultiDimensional ];
RecordEntityWeights([EntityId]) = [local dominance score] Populated as part of OnBeforeGetRecordScore().
Property methods: RecordEntityWeightsDisplayToLogical(), RecordEntityWeightsGet(), RecordEntityWeightsIsValid(), RecordEntityWeightsLogicalToDisplay(), RecordEntityWeightsLogicalToOdbc(), RecordEntityWeightsNormalize(), RecordEntityWeightsSet()

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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