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This class provide persistence interface for sets.

Method Inventory


classmethod CreateSet(set As %DeepSee.Sets.ISet, name As %String = "", ByRef status As %Status) as %RawString
Creates a new set. Throws an error if a set with the same name exists
classmethod DeleteById(id As %RawString) as %Status
classmethod DeleteByName(name As %String) as %Status
classmethod GetById(id As %RawString) as %DeepSee.Sets.ISet
classmethod GetByName(name As %String) as %DeepSee.Sets.ISet
classmethod GetFilteredNames(key As %String, predicate As %String, ByRef status As %Status) as %DeepSee.Sets.ISet
This method returns a set of all the names satisfying the filter condition
classmethod GetIdSet(name As %String) as %DeepSee.Sets.ISet
This method returns a set consisting of all the IDs of saved sets
classmethod GetNames(name As %String) as %DeepSee.Sets.ISet
This method returns a set consisting of all the names of saved sets
classmethod IdExists(id As %RawString) as %Boolean
classmethod NameExists(name As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod SaveSet(set As %DeepSee.Sets.ISet, name As %String = "") as %RawString
Saves a set with a given name. If necessary creates a new set. If a set with the same name exists then the existing set is deleted and a new created. This is functionaly equivalent to update.

This method returns an id for a saved set, if name is specified it should be unique. Empty names are covenient for automatically created sets, they should be retrived bi ids.

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