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Client class to support the WS-Management standard. The client side is mostly for building WS-Management requests to test our Web Services, and also to send Notifications. So, currently, there's no necessary user-interfaces here and this is set Hidden.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter ARGUMENTSTYLE = message;
Use unwrapped style messages
parameter NAMESPACE =;
This is the namespace used by the Service
parameter SERVICENAME = CacheWSManService;
This is the name of the Service
parameter SOAPVERSION = 1.2;
Inherited description: The SOAPVERSION parameter specified the version of SOAP which is supported. Possible values for the version are 1.1 and 1.2. The default value "" specifies that both SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 are supported.
Inherited description: WSADDRESSING parameter controls automatic generation of WS-Addressing headers.


property Identifier as %String);
Set to Subscription Identifier
Property methods: IdentifierDisplayToLogical(), IdentifierGet(), IdentifierIsValid(), IdentifierLogicalToDisplay(), IdentifierLogicalToOdbc(), IdentifierNormalize(), IdentifierSet()
property ReferenceProperties as %XML.String);
ReferenceProperties (from the Subscribe) for a Notification
Property methods: ReferencePropertiesDisplayToLogical(), ReferencePropertiesGet(), ReferencePropertiesIsValid(), ReferencePropertiesLogicalToDisplay(), ReferencePropertiesLogicalToOdbc(), ReferencePropertiesNormalize(), ReferencePropertiesSet()
property RequestTotalItemsCountEstimate as %Boolean;
Set this to "1" to request an item count with Enumeration
Property methods: RequestTotalItemsCountEstimateDisplayToLogical(), RequestTotalItemsCountEstimateGet(), RequestTotalItemsCountEstimateIsValid(), RequestTotalItemsCountEstimateLogicalToDisplay(), RequestTotalItemsCountEstimateNormalize(), RequestTotalItemsCountEstimateSet()
property Resource as %String;
Set this to the ResourceURI before calling client
Property methods: ResourceDisplayToLogical(), ResourceGet(), ResourceIsValid(), ResourceLogicalToDisplay(), ResourceLogicalToOdbc(), ResourceNormalize(), ResourceSet()
property Selector as array of %String;
Set this to the SelectorSet before calling client
Property methods: SelectorBuildValueArray(), SelectorCollectionToDisplay(), SelectorCollectionToOdbc(), SelectorDisplayToCollection(), SelectorDisplayToLogical(), SelectorGet(), SelectorGetObject(), SelectorGetObjectId(), SelectorGetSwizzled(), SelectorIsValid(), SelectorLogicalToDisplay(), SelectorLogicalToOdbc(), SelectorNormalize(), SelectorOdbcToCollection(), SelectorSet(), SelectorSetObject(), SelectorSetObjectId()


final method Enumerate(Enumerate As SYS.WSMon.wsen.Enumerate) as SYS.WSMon.wsen.EnumerateResponse [ WebMethod ]
Send a WS-Enumeration Enumerate request
final method Notification(Event As SYS.WSMon.wsEvent) as %SOAP.OneWay [ WebMethod ]
Send a WS-Eventing Notification
final method Pull(Pull As SYS.WSMon.wsen.Pull) as SYS.WSMon.wsen.PullResponse [ WebMethod ]
Send a WS-Enumeration Pull request
final method Release(Release As SYS.WSMon.wsen.Release) [ WebMethod ]
Send a WS-Enumeration Release request
final method Renew(Renew As SYS.WSMon.wse.Renew) as SYS.WSMon.wse.RenewResponse [ WebMethod ]
Send a WS-Eventing Renew request
final method Subscribe(Subscribe As SYS.WSMon.wse.Subscribe) as SYS.WSMon.wse.SubscribeResponse [ WebMethod ]
Send a WS-Eventing Subscribe request
final method TransferGet() as SYS.WSMon.wsResource [ WebMethod ]
Client method to test WS-Management Transfer:Get Web service

The following example shows how you might use this Web Client method:
  s system=$zu(110),port=8080
  s client=##class(SYS.WSMon.wsman.Client).%New()
  s client.Location="http://"_system_":"_port_"/csp/sys/SYS.WSMon.wsman.Service.cls"
  s client.Timeout=10
  s client.Resource=""
  d client.Selector.SetAt(1,"ID")
  s ref=client.TransferGet()
  d $System.OBJ.Dump(ref)
final method Unsubscribe(Unsubscribe As SYS.WSMon.wse.Unsubscribe) as SYS.WSMon.wse.UnsubscribeResponse [ WebMethod ]
Send a WS-Eventing Unsubscribe request

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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