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Implements the Dashboard collector class for the base Dashboard.

This class is used internally by InterSystems. You should not make direct use of it within your applications. There is no guarantee made about either the behavior or future operation of this class. These Sensors are also collected by the SAM.Sensors class.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property ElapsedSec as %Integer;
Elapsed seconds since LastReading at the start of GetSensors
Property methods: ElapsedSecDisplayToLogical(), ElapsedSecGet(), ElapsedSecIsValid(), ElapsedSecLogicalToDisplay(), ElapsedSecNormalize(), ElapsedSecSet()
property LastReading as %Integer;
$ZH time of last reading
Property methods: LastReadingDisplayToLogical(), LastReadingGet(), LastReadingIsValid(), LastReadingLogicalToDisplay(), LastReadingNormalize(), LastReadingSet()
property PrevValue [ MultiDimensional ];
Local array of previous values for calculating PerSec values: PrevValue(Sensor,Item)=Value
Property methods: PrevValueDisplayToLogical(), PrevValueGet(), PrevValueIsValid(), PrevValueLogicalToDisplay(), PrevValueLogicalToOdbc(), PrevValueNormalize(), PrevValueSet()


classmethod CSPTest() as %Status
classmethod CreateWebApp() as %Status
Create CSP Web App necessary for the Dashboard page. This should be called if the SYS.Monitor.DashboardSensors class gets registered
method GetCPU() as %Status
CPU Utilization for ECP and daemons
method GetCSPGateway() as %Status
CSPGateway sensors have the qualifier: :. For example, "".
method GetDBStats() as %Status
Latency and Reads/Writes
method GetJournal() as %Status
Get journal growth rate and number of journal files per minute.
method GetLicense() as %Status
method GetMemory() as %Status
method GetMirrors() as %Status
method GetPerformance()
Set Sensors for performance metrics (mostly per second numbers)
method GetProcessCount() as %Status
method GetSensors() as %Status
Fetch readings for all basic Dashboard Sensors. Note that there's quite a bit of overlap with the SystemSensor class here. But we decided to keep these separate because SystemSensor does not collect all Sensors at each sample interval.
method GetShadows() as %Status
method GetSharedMemory() as %Status
method GetTrans() as %Status
Get transaction info Return number of open transactions, average time open, average size as statistics,

Return all size > 100MB and longer than 12 hours as metrics.

method GetWriteDemon() as %Status
Get Write Demon sensors
method SetPerSec(Sensor As %String, Value As %String, Item As %String) as %Integer
Set calulated per second value for a Sensor. Uses the ElapsedSec property and PrevValue array. Appends "PerSec" to the Sensor name when calling SetSensor().
method Start() as %Status
Initialize all basic Dashboard Sensors

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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